The Union Republican from Winston-Salem, North Carolina (2024)

via vet MMMMMMMM I to J. A. Stales! of TH. 1 1 1 i-i. i i i -I.

-mmm Revenue Officer Davis and TDeputy I I NEIGHBORHOOD TOPICS. CONFEDERATE VETERANS. Notice to "Republicans. The Republican Executive, Commit-tee offForsvth County is called to The bride is the sister of Mc damca T. J.

Glenn andW. A. Stan ford ot this place. Mr Scales is a well known citizen of Stokes county and a brother of Major Scales of Winston-Salem. DIED.

Near Mountain View, Stokes county, recently Mr. S. L. Kiser. At N.

June 20th, Oreea Binkley, aged 82 'years. Nqar Ramseur, t. i gently Mrs'. Myrce wife of LTi Oil Iing, lt F. ltokes couh-ty, Marrctt.

'Near Coolecmee, -N. recen.tlj, Mrs. Sarah Ann lecher, ageI 87 years. Near (iermanton, N. C.

June 22nd, Mrs. Gideon Westmoreland, aged 80 years. ja this city; June 26th, Martha, in- lant uauguier oi tir. ana airs. i.

Simpson. Near Hanes Mill, June 22nd Julia May, 2 1-2 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Chandler.

In this city, June 20th, infant son of Mi-; and Mrs. W. F. Fulp. The remains were buried at Marvin Chap el.

At Southside, June 22nd Mrs. Ma ria Phillips, aged' 73! years. The re mains were taken to Sharon Church some 10 miles west of the city for burial. Near Southside, June '21st, Mr. Frank L.

Freeman, aged i fifty-odd years, after a protracted illness. A Wife and two children survive, "tor some 12 years the deceased has been employed by the county, overseeing stone work and other good road work by the convicts. He was a good citizen and highly respected by a large acquaintance. The remains were bur ied at Piuey Grave. Cbfirch.

Rev. Frank Robertson conducting the services. In Salem, June 21st fter a protracted illness, Miss Lamirah Vest, sgedcabout 60 years, "She was a daughter of the late Vest and Lucy Ann Vest and is survived by the following sisters: Misses Margaret, Ca'rrie, and Sarah of this city and Mrs. Amelia Flynt, near Kerners-ville, this county and one "brother, Mr. J.

Vest, of Galena, Kansas. The deceased was a consistent member of the Home Moravian Church. Some 7 miles south west of the city, June 2-lth, Mrs.Katie Robbins, at an advanced age. The, deceased Jial stariM to see a sick' neighbor, when taken suddenly ill with heart trouble and stopped at the; home of Mr. rrnanuel Reid, where a short time later she died.

She was the 'widow of the late J. P. I'obbin and leaves two sons, Messrs. 'M. E.

and C. O. The remains were buried at n.i:i tom rrem l.ailllr I'VUUlj IJIULI VO1UV0, holding the servieies. la this city, June 22nd Mr. Giles Ilutehcns, aged 89 yehrs.

Seventeen years ago he removed from Yadkin county to this city. He is survived by his wife and 7 children, viz: Mrs. S. S. Phillips, of this city, P.

Carter of Yadkin county, Mrs. Mary IJeavis and Emile Reavis, -of Wood-house. 111. Messrs. Sam A.

Hutchens and Chas. S. Hutchens, of this city and J. B. Hutchens, of Davie County.

At Dobson, N. C. recently, Mr. Eu-geng Riggs, aged 29 years, of consumption. Six 1 weeks ago he was-a student at the University of North Carolina and would, have graduated this term but he became sick and 'was sent to Bex hospital, at Raleigh, for an operation.

The operation did not bring relief and two weeks ago he was brought home lo die. lie was the eldest son of the late J. B. Riggs snd bis mother was Miss-Ida Folger before her marriasre and she, together with one sister, Mrs. Reid, and three brothers, Frank, Robert and Milton, survive him.

Registered Duroc Jereey Hogs for sale, all sizes, at Holton's Farm, Winston-Salem, N. C. DEAN A. REYNOLDS 8XTSTETOB8 ASD CXYZL EKOIKXEKS. StirrtTlnf rurma 8plmltr.

Oflled 601 WtchovU Bank BnUdlas. t(1inc PhoD 679. WZNSTOK-SAXEM. H. O.

tThe Ideal Photograph Studio is the place to have all your Pictures made. Near Postof ice, Winst6n-5alem, N. C. W7r f- Beautiful Tost Ct5t riKHflL Withrety Views of Flowers. iPrinted in maiy colors, very attractive, send for free sample Post Card Dealer, Baskerville, Va, inrirto i nA I rid vl Nance Salmons Attorneya-at-Law.

230 1-2 Mairf Stn-vt Ut-eU, itort-n(t a and "Wilii CHretoIljr pro pared. Collections Specialty. KODAK FILMS Developed 10c e-vch Prints each, All work, seut post pnid. us vour films. IDEAL, PIIOTOGij A PlI Dept.

K. 4 VNyii-stou-SttlenijiN. C. E. H.

ioSXS HAS REMOVED ins BcarTAX. orncE to) his QUASTESS XT 1A ilBEXTY STBXET (0VEB KESCHAjrTS' KA-TIONAI. BAKS). Horse Killed by Lightning. Mr.

II. G. Chatham lost' a $250 horse June 18th on his farm in this county. A. M.

Golen was driving two horses to a mowing machine when lightning struck a-wire as the horses were passing near and one of the animals was kUledTVutright. Mr, Golen was knocked down from the machine and badly shocked." Primitive Baptist Gathering. The Primitive Baptists of the Lin-ville Union will hold a meeting at theKBroad Street Baptist Church, thfe-citi7. Saturday and 5th Sunday in" Jipie.l The gathering is what is krliiwn as a Unioii meeting anflvBiany eome from a There are lid business but preaching and social 'Greetings at these he local tobacco ware house wll be lell open lor the accommodation of stock and conveyances. After 45 Years Mrs.

Emma Shaw and daughter Miss Grace, and granddaughter, Miss Grace of Indianapolis, arrived here the on a visit tji-elatives. The party are now the guests Mrs. Shaw's brother Mr. F. M.

Foltz, iu the Friedburg neighborhood. They wilj spend, some time iu Salem," the guests of Mrs. Shaw's nephew, Mr. O. Foltz, before returning to the west.

This is the tirst visit of Mrs. Shaw tt her native home in forty-live years. Barn and Horse Burned. The feed bar of MrJ. II.

Mickey near Dolfson, totrether witfi a lot of feed, one horse some fertilizer and farming tools were completely destroyed by fire a few days ago. It is stated that some children were playing in the barn and found some matches and struck one, when the flame ignited some hay. In trying. to get the horse out of the bam Messrs. Mickey an 3 O.

Matthews came very near being burned to death. Mr. Mickey is suffering from some severe burns. i Death of Mr. James H.

Morton. Mr-l Jarifes II. Morton died at Jack sonville, 21st. the de ceased leaves a wife. Mrs.

Georgia Morton, two sisters, Mrs. F. H. Vog-ler, of Winston-Salem, X. C.

and Mrs. William Lewis, of St. Louis, Mo. and one brother, Mr. Frank 'Morton, of Winston-Salem.

An aunt, Mrs. M. A. Edwards, lives in lleigh. Before removing to' Florida, fourteen years ago, Mr.

and -Mrs. Morton resided, in Greensboro and frequently visited the Twin-City where he had many friends Yadkin Farmers Discussing a Tobac co PooL At a recent meeting of the Yadkin County Farmers'. I'niou, plans were inaugurated for the establishment of a dry prizery 1n that county. A corn mittce was apHintcd to go to Siokes countv aim inveStirate the one there and the methods employed in running it. and report to the Lnion.

Messrs. II. Fletcher, I). Bowman and A. S.

pease' compose this committee. Another point of investigation and a very, important one is whether or not it pays the farmers to pool their to- bacco and upon this, possibly depends the establishment of a dry piizery Yadkin countv. The Daily Journal Doubly Blessed. Blessings, it-is said -not come singly bit in battnllions." It looks that way at the office of the Daily Journal, this city. Editor! Gunter quite recently, went the way of the world, and got married land now Mr.

E. H. traveling agent for the Journal, follows suit. June he was happily married at Rural Hall and pretty Miss Kthel Tucker of this city was his. bride.

Rev. G. tut-ton filiated and 4he wan lierfornied at the Kural Hall Inn. The Republican extended congratulations to Editor Gunter and does the same to Mr. Petrep and his bride, wishing long life and.

happiness to tlie couple and continued success to the paper he i A Lady Struck by Lightning. Mrs-. Warden, of Soulhside was severely shocked by lightning one day the past week. Mrs. Warden was in the back yard when the flash of lightning came.

She walked into the back porch before she succumbed to the shock. Her niece was iu the hall and was the first to discover her aunt lving on the floor in a helpless condition. Investigation' revealed the fact that much of Mrs. Warden's hair at the back of her head was burned aul the combs in her hair were either meltd or torn to pieces. Some of the weatheilwording oiV the back part of the; dwelling- 'was and torn tnT, "'while a screen d'xir was badly damaged.

Happily Mrs. Warden is recovering from the effects of her shock. Improvement Association. The citizens ofEast "ston are progressive. At a meeting a tew nights ago in Grace M.

E. Church East -Winston Citizens' Im prove m. A ssoci a i oh was formed, ereT elwt S. J. Mr.

J. II. Scott, vie chairman Mr. A. R.

Lewis, treasurer "and W. D. Jackson, secretary. Enthusiastic talks were made by Messrs. S.

J. Bennett, R. II. Uenrv Jnatin, Charles Cain and F. They were'of the opinion' that the hew association can accomplish splendid results the eastern section of the citl and they that, similar associations will be organ zeoT irt rthr Sections.

At least our East fellow citizens have set other parts of the city a most commendable example, the object beiug to. improve and beau-tffy;side of ha -city. "Officers were elected as follows: Mr. Sheriff Harbin made ft raid in---- the northern part of the county near Dr. Cain's plantation, the other morning.

They destroyed a 120 jtallon still, together with about 100 gallons of beer fermenters ctcj the having' removed the capiX(f aresta were made as no one was in sight when the officers arrived on the. scene. Asheboro Bulletin. Dr. C.

Hubbard, of Farmer, a few days since, crossed Buck Creek in CLaiJie. Kearn's plantaiion and af- tor tnaking a snort can on tue otnen 'f I.l. iJ 'iL'. i a I sine came--naeK ana ouou my wn-r. oftly a littleh andibe started across.

Ylien about Hie Iio)'ho began to shrink frbprt the force of (jic water and the buggjr caught on a "rock just below the ford. The hqrso jvas. unable to pult iit. oyei. Jind the force of the current carried both liorse ana ouggy aown stream, nr.

Hubbard sprang out and tried get thb outfit to the bank, but" there was njdeep hole just below. atd the, buggy was turned over tripping! up the horse which was pushed under a iootlog and Dr. Hubbard swam, a short distance and readied the" bank in safety. The buggy ejjught against the footlog and was.afterward recovered, as well a -the harficss. laprobe.

overcoat, and one satchel ot surgical instruments. The total loss by the a'ecident, including the horse, damage done to the buggy, and two satchels containing medicines am surgical in- strumcnts, about $2oQ, Plenty of Candidates. While there are some, seven candi dates for the nomination of-Treasur- by Democrats in tbis county, the other offices will not go begging, so xar as nominaiiou is coneernea. xnc term of Cledk of Superior Court does expire this year so there is no scramble for this job, It is conceded that Sheriff Flynt, will le renominated by tho Democrats while for Register of Deeds Messrs, O. O.

Tesh, J. M. Lentz Kaughn are and Mc- For the Leg- islature Mr. James A Gray, is advocated bv some of his friends. For the Senate Mr.

E-tEGray, who. by the way, declines the' honor, and Hon. A. II. EHer are mentioned.

For County Commissioners jwe hear the names of Messrs. M. I. Bailey, W. M.

Poindexter, Edward T. Mickey, Mr. horton and others are spoken of. The 'convention "meets next month' and other suggestions vfor above' offices ''H doubtless "follow. While' Democrats may iot loye office, there are always plenty to be found who are ready to nil them Attempted Suicide.

Don R. Shelton, a former and well known citizen of this city but now residing at Copeland in this county, attempted is sijiaiai by stab bing himself in the lefl breast nilh a knife and it remains to be seen, how near he same to self destruction. He was boarding. at the home of William Doss and retired to his room about 10 o'clock, as usualbut about half an hour later his moans brought the members of the household to his room where they found bun bleeding freely from a self-mnicted wound. Dr.

Woltz, of Dobsou, was quickly summoned and readied i him about midnight to find a deep knife wonnd in half an inch of his heart and the patient very weak from loSiTof blood. It was thought at first that he would die but this morning his condition is more' favorable and his chances for recovery greatly improved No reason is given for the rash-act and he was about the last wan that would have been, supposed to have attempted suicide. He has a wife and three children who make their home in Winston-Salem and they have been notified of his rash Mt. Airv Leader. Mr.

Shelton for a immber of years resided in this city, friends here who hear lie has many with regret the above, for Don Shelton is a man of unquestioned good character and sta bility and to temporary mental aber ation, possibly induced by ill health is attributed his attempt at self-destruc tion. MARRIED. At Madison, N. CJ recently. Miss Lucy Horsford to Brown Baker, Rev.

A. F. Surratfe officiating. In this city, June 19th Rev. J.

S. Hiatt, Miss Augusta Hughes of this city, to Walter W. Ross, of Laurel Branch. N. C.

At the Methodist parsonage, N. recently, Miss Grace Eggle- son to George Barts, by Rev. C. Jordan. At Southside; Jnne 25th by Rev.

J. Kenneth J'fohl, Miss Naomi reschke of Southside, Robert Walker of In this city, June 9th, bv Bishop Edward Rondthaler. Miss Stella E. Hartman, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Vesley Hartman' to Edgar Ben nett, bdih of this Near North Wilkesboro recently. Miss Maggie ronnell, daughter of Mr. Pennli; to W. MaR Meadows of Poor 's Kaob. N.

Rav. A. T. Bell officiating, ffc In thist city, R. Faw, Miss Nettie Hedrick- of this city to Prof.

R. Wadeuef Cyrene, Gf he couple will their Jhoma at where the" groom is secretary of one of the largest Baptist Colleges in the. Souths '1 vt--' At Barber, N. CL-the jpast week. Miss 'Bessie rAnnstrongto 4 Buck Pinkston, of this The' groom is a fireman on a freighf train" between this city and Charlotte.

The. bride is the; daughter of Mr4- RoMrt- Arm strong, who conducts a hotel at Bar ber. I At Roanoke, Va irecently. Miss Daisy Shelton, of Martinsville, i THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1912. LOCAL NEWS.

The Forsyth Riflemen will camp tins' year at Morehead City, July 16- -The M. P. Sunday Schools of this atv -will picnic at Maple Springs July rlt Is Roy-Butner oll start apapefr-jshortly at: Rural Ilall? this c6unty.pfi -A Lawn PartysSwill be Md at Crews' of the the second Saturday evening in July. There will be a Lawn Party at Pfafftown, this county, Saturday night for the benefit of the Christian Church. --Concert next Saturday night at Salem Square by Salem Band.

The Lend-a-Hand Circle will furnish refreshments. Mr. W. L. Teague, of the Smith Phillips Lumber fell from pile of lumber Tuesday andis thoaghtvto be injured internally.

-Mrs. E. D. Davis of this city, received intelligence June 19th of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Winstoji Fulton, at Pilot Mountain, N.

C. Walter Cleveland was arrested in this city the past week. He was serv ing a ternv on the roads at Greenville, S. for 'an affray, and escaped. Mr.

R. W. New so near King, Stokes countv, got his hands caught in a binder while Jiarvestingj June 2Q and the member was badly lacerated. The remains of Mrs. Hattie Mil ler, who died at High Point, June 23rd were taken to Rural Hall, this county, for burial.

Her age was 8G hook up the notice of Wbitsett Institute in this issue. This is one of the State's "leading schools, and you will do well to send for the beautiful catalogue. Attorney E. E. Gray, of this city declines to allow his name tcf be pre sented to tne rorsytu i.ounty uemo- eratic Convention as a candidate for State Senator.

Mr. J. M. Simmons, of Elkin. X.

buys the Snipe and I'egram farm of 79 acres, near the old Fair Grounds just north of the city, paying $9,847 for he same, i -The Centenary M. E. Sunday School this city has pnfet'ioned its excursion to Raleigh from June 27th to July lUIi or 11th, owing to tlje inability to get a train on the first date named. The remains of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs.

W. F. Blair, who livi in Greensboro were taken to Wilkesboro their former home for burial June 20. Mrs. Blair, the mother is sriously ill, not byond hOe fn recovery.

Blum's Almanac says that June 21 was the longest day. Other authorities in such things give June 22nd. "While it makes very little difference either way, we pin our faith in Blum's It has been here too long to go wrong at this late day. John AiXewsom. the auctioneer who has be'en' with Brown's Warehouse of Wyiston for many years has accepted a position with the Pinnix Ware-house of -Reidsville.

X. (V and will take charge of the warehouse as auctioneer August 1st. Rev. Ej A. Shenk, pastor of the Lutheran Church, this city, decides to remain in this city.

He recently received a call to Knoxville, Tenn. Both his congregation and the community are pleased at his decision to continue his efficient work in this city. The IV S. Association will meet at Old Point Comfort Julv 31 and 4th. Col.

E. Webb of this and editor of the Southern Tobacco Journal has. beeu ijiyitc to make an address oh "How to get iif Tobacco Reports and Their Bearing on the Trade, Dr. J. Nicholson, who has been practicing his profession in return to this city and opens an office over Thompson's Drug Store Dr.

Nicholson has just taken a special course in stomach troubles. The Republican bids him a hearty welcome as a resident of the Twin-City again. The high water some months ago damaged bridges to the amount of $20,000 as estimated by county Engineer Simoon. Tlie bridges over Muddy Creek and also South Fork Creek, have been replaced, which the travelingpublic will pleased to hear for Washing ntrnv fnncoil in convenience. Elder J.

E. Atkinson, of Surry county preached at the Primitive Baptist church, this city, Sunday uis-ht. Mr. Atkinson is 8.0 years old, and although 'wounded twice in the Civil War, and advanced in years, 'lie' en-1 joys good health. He was the guest of Elder J.

A. Ashburn while in the city. Death of Mrs. M. P.

Williams. News is received jn this city of tlia death of Mrs. 3d. F. Williams, molher of -Mrs.

M. A. Walker, of this city, end Mrs. S.t E. Williams of I.exing tonr The end came in a Philadelphia hospital the past week, following an operation-, nine weeks ago.

Bottij daughters were with the mother when.1 the summons came. The deceased was a daughter of the late Col W. B-March, one of the leading citizens of Davie. County. She resided near Advance until the death of her husband a number of years ago.

Her asrrf was 68 years. The past-few years Mrs. Williams had made her home wither daughter in Lexington. She possessed a beautiful Christian character and her death is mourned -b'v. a large -off' friend." The remains were brought to Lexington, N.

where the funeral service was Preparations Under yVay for Their Annual Ke-Union in wis wxy i in AugustCommittees i I 'Appointed. The Confederate" iVelerans v'will hold their annual reunion in this city in August. The Twin-t'ity gave thetri a hospitable reception some years ago and propose to do so again, for in the course ot events, i no veter ans will never meet in this city again, 1. py Hie nine it ueconies fiyn-Salein's tnrn entertn again, there will be ew'i'f any Veterans' left to gather and celebrate' In order to do justice to the occasion the loiiowing rcommittees Jiave been appointed to i 1 Executive Committee. Col.

II Fries, chairman; Maj. NorfleetjF Liipfert, Vernay, Norfleet, Ludlow rinance Committee. Dunn, 6 'If anion, Jas A Gray, Frank Morris, Crouse Franklin. it Fletcher, Smoak. Jno Simpson, Bahnson, II Vogler, Clement Manly, Maslih, II It Starbuck, A Hanes.

II Shaffner, Gor rell. A Wilkinson, II Mcmtague, Follin. Watson, Gej C'oan, Pnwll Gilmer. li Uraliam. 1' 11 Hanes.

Ogburn. Mar ler II Hastings, Geo Hodgin, Womble. Dr. 0 Crutchfield. A Moses, Cicero Og- burn, Horn.

A Butner, I) Jackson. Griffith', McCreary, Galloway, A jforrell, A Jenkins, Kearns, GE Johnson, Barbee, II Maslhi. A Coleman, Br. A Lockett. Dr.

Watkins, O'Brien, Moir, I) Rich, Norman, Sterling Smith. A II Galhv wav. Norman Stockton, Chas. Taylor, Nading, Wilson. Active Reception Committee.

Smoak, chairman; PH Hanes Ogburn, O'Hanlon. I) Crulchfield. Dunii. Follin, Galloway, Horton, Laugenour, Wptson, Shaff- ner. II Blair, Carter, A (iorrell, Jas A Gray, Jr Geou Hodgin, Wj Ieak.

Honorary Reception Committee. Rogers, II planes. Dr. II Bahnson. Jas.

A Gray, Watson, Young. It 'fa- lord. I VU son, WillianiHoii.l A Whitaker, Webb. Vogler, I Dalton, II Vf.gler. I) Vhiighn, A Vance, I A Thompson.

A Sams, Scales, II Sliaffner, AiUmly. Fries, Shiplev, Brown, Glenn II It Starbuck, MID Stoekton, 1 Taylor. Ogbui'nj Reynolds. 'lament Manlv, I-Vank Miller, Nissen, Ilitntlev, Dr. II Jones, A Hanes, 0,0 Burton Craig, II Fletcher.

Taylor. Og burn, Patterson. HI A Pfohl. Reynolds. Rigins, Gilmer.

"II Montajnie. (ieo. Nissen Huske, Griffith, Hill. Hinshaw, RobtJ Critx. A Follin.

Alexander. A Blair, Geo. Brown, Chatham, Samuel II Smith. Geo PelU Bailey. Hdiannon, (Jeo.

Wheeler, Henry Roan. I 1 Transportation Hinshaw, chairman; II ft Fries Badge Committee. 0 Xorflcet. cl(airnian; Ma lin. Dr.

A Blum. Commissary Committee. Cromer, chairman; Ver nay, assistant chairman; J.Sheiv rard, Young. SJ Jv Xorfleet, E. Arwlerson.

Hanco*ck, Clark Taylor, Crawford. Quartermaster and Bedding. Dr. A Blum, Ir-hairman; Jas Mil ler. A 'Ogburn.

Geo Brown. Chas Noi-flcet. Crouse, Reynolds, II Marler, II A Nading. Music Committeev Pfohl, chaiKraaji; Julius Line-back, Walter Cronse, Peter Decoration' Committee. Wilson, WatkiiifS, liannson, I.

Parade CommitteeT To be appointed. i Bureau of Information. Oirburn, chairman; A Jenkins O'Brien. I Entertainment Committee. II Willis, chairman; II Hast ingsDr.

Apple, Gorrell. Committee on Program. Clement Manlv, chairman; Jas A (Jray, Maj. Brown, Gilmer. i Committee on Registration.

TransiHi. Bvnum, Brown. Wheeler. Bvnum, lieverly Mras, ft laipfert, Clarence Cromer. I Committee on Conveyances.

McCreary, 'chairman II Rig- gins, Oscar Fisher. II Hanes, Jones, liinville, Jas Allen, Pow ell (iiltner, Thomas, Moa-taguc. Remove Orphanage to High Point. At a recent meeting of the committee of the Methodist P. Church, com posed of J- M.

Milhkan, of Grcens- fxiiro, Ross, of Ashebfro and A IV, Ranken, of High, Point, it was dv cided to remove the Orphanage of that church' from Denton to High Point. The site is a o0-acre farm three miles east of High Point the Greensboro road; The farm, which consists of woodland and acres under tillage, has been purchased. The committee have received pledges for $2,000 for the building -fund from three High Point citizens and a canvass will be made: at once in that town to increase this gift to $5,000. A $10,000 building will be erected. The orphanage established by this church was the first of its kind in the church.

It was organized two years and tem porarily established at Denton. Tli Dream of tit 4a Gleaned Prom Onr Exchange! 1a Ad jacent Counties. Elkin Times. We are requested to announce that there wilt bo a birthday dinner given in bior of MrsSarah Rose at her lomoion the 7th day July next. Ly-.

erybudy is cordially invited r. to be therei. North Wilkesboro Hustler. Mrl'R. L.

Proffit. of Goshen, will address the Wilkes county jllnion on the first Monday in July, i Let all farmers come out and hear Mr. i'rof-fit. 1 Mr, A. B.

Carson was in town Thursday and was telling ps of. cutting rye on Mr. Milton Foreman's placet that Was 7 1-2 feet high. rWflkes Thte Wilkes. Cornet Band will make music at a big picnic at ML Pleas ant School House on the E.

Rail road July The Jr. O. LV Ai M. will also have a nag Two- Sunday School conventions will jmeet Julv 29th and 30th. The Brushy Mountain Association "will meet at Pleasant Home church and the Brier Creek Association will meet a.

Fishing Creek Arbor. Jefferson Rec6rder. Doll Rose and his wife, of the! Long Branch were placed in jail Monday evening for infanticide pend ing trial at the coming, term of the suiHTior court. Their little child which was about eight weeks old died some time ago, and the coroners inquest disclosed the fact that it had died! from wounds, and upon the; evidence committed its parents to 'jail to answer for its death. Danbnry Reporter.

he Stokes County Farmers Union Willi meet at Danbnry, Saturday, July 6th. President R. L. Nirnn states thai Uie money is about raised for the Union Bank. Stokes County Republican Con vention will meet at Danbury, Julv 27tl, at 11 a', for the purpjse of nominating a candidate for the Gen erall Asembly and candidates for the various county offices.

Stoneville News. r. J. II. Joyce left the past week for Lake City, S.

where he will lm engaged in the warehouse business this season, buying tobacco with Glenn, Joyce Co. Messrs. II. L. Glenn and T.

L. Lewis lieft the past week for Lake; City, S. where they are employed dur ing; the, summer months as bookkeep ers! lor tne htar and uienn ware houses, both of which will be operat ed bv Stoneville citizens. Asheboro Courier. 'Miss Elizabeth Bunch has 1 been elected a teacher in the Burlington gratled schools for the coming year Miss Bunch is an intelligent an wpll educated young lady and will no doubt make a success in the school room.

Farmer Note: Concord Sunday Scliocd expects to have Old People's Day exercises on the third Sunday in July, but the program has not been tully prepared yet. Mr. Airy News, Mr. Jeff Cook, a prominent farmer whose home is near Brim and who is now in Richmond fori treatment iun-deif Dr. McGuire, is improving rapid ly and expects to be able to return to hisi home in short time.

News has reached us of the marriage of two very popular and promi nemt young people which took place at the home of Magistrate Smith near Francisco, a few days ago. The contracting parties were Miss Daisy Dearmanvof Westfield, and Mr. Tom Smith who resides near' Francisco, invitations nave- been received in this city to the marriage of Mr. Ivan Charles Moore to Miss Nettie Gilliam of Halifax, the marriage to take place June Zotb. 1 hey will be at home at the residence of Mr.

Moore parents, on street aftler July 1st. -o I Madison Herald. Our young townsman, Mr. Cabal Lindsay, was last week sworn in be foire Judge Daniels and is now a full- fledged lawyer. D.

P. Tate a former Methodist min ister from Madison, was Wednesday convicted on a charge of grand lar ceny and sentenced by a jury in the corporation court in Danville to fourteen months in the irginia peni tentiary. Tate was tried for' getting money in real estate trades under false pretense. There are a number of iother cases against him. Leakesville-Spray News.

Mr. Hopkins, of North Spray was khocked by" lightning a few days ago Whale lowering a window. The house of jWm. Patterson, just beyond Smith Kiyer was struck by lightning recent ly and Mr. Patterson'fand some of his family were" shocked.

No' serious re-; sults in either case. The electric engine at the Rhode Island Mills was also put out of commission by lightning. I-- Dayie Recbrd. The school committee of the Mocks- ville Graded School met a few days ago and elected Prof. Thomas A.

Hol-ton, of xWinston-Salem superintendent of the: local school for the com ing year. Jfrof. Holton has had several years experience and comes to recommended. met in this citv next Saturday, June 29th, at the office of the Secretary II. j.

Dapp, over-IIUIUIJSUU wt, A date will be set for the Convention to nominate a Legislature and County ticket and other matters discussed for the good of: the party. A full attendance is desired; of the committee and all Rpublieans jho may have time to attend will be welcome. Socialist State Convention. The Socialists off North Carolina will hold their Convention at the Court House an Winston-Salem, N. 0., on July 4th.

Candidates fori Slate oir.ces will be nominaieti. Ad dresses will be delivered by visiting and it is expected that a national organizer iof national reputa tion will be present to make an ad dress. The Socialists Uie county will, on the same idate, give a basket picnic at Leader Warehouse, and the delegates to the convention, and all Socialists, will aitena me pic nic for dinner. Dwelling Struck-By Lightning, i The dwelling of Robertson; near Piedmont Springs, N. was almost demolished by a stroke of lightning a few days There were seventeen people; in the nouso and several were shocked, but only one seriously injured.

Mr. Ogburn Nel son, who had gathered at the Robert son home with number, of other voung people or, the lieignnoruood, was shocked about the shoulder, and the iniury extended down the side, severely burningi one oi "is ieei. i o- Two Weddings To-day at Souihside, Mr. Hugh Me Curran, of Ias Banor, rlnnppine Islands and Elma Pfohl be happily marriedj "Also at the borne of Mr. and Mrs.

Harvey Giersch, just across he street sMr, O. E. Scott of Columbia, ttud Miss Maude Giersch will be married. The Eepub-can extends congratulations. One by one our fair daughters leavers to crrace homes at utstant points mm while parting with them reluctantly, the best wishes of Tie Republican always accompany them.

Death of Mr. Ransom Walker. Mr. Ransom Walker, an nged am' resnicted citizen; and farmer, died at i r.t iUia city, June. 18thi after 4 protractcfi Ill-llltS ,1111 til I Jl.

illness. He is survived five sons ami two ilaugniers. inree. oi tne sons reside in Winston-Salem, these being Mr. W.

SrWalkcjvwho is with Messrs. Frank Vogler Sons, fu neral directors. iMesrs. I). A.

and X. Walker. The slaughters are Mrs, W. J. Marshal, jjtlToilives about eight miles north of the eityi and Miss Ann E.

Walker, who resided with her father. One A. Walker, also resided with his father. The oth er son. Mr.

Phillio J. Walker, lives about four miles north of the city The deceased is! also survived by one sister, who is ai twin sister, Mrs, Lu-cinda Ingram, residing abont five miles north of heyitv. remains wrre buried Jit K(pv Hope. Rev. J.

SL Iliatt conducting jne 1 9 Re-Union of Edgerton Family. A re-union of the Edgerton family is held at Lcwisyille, this county, this week, at the home of Dr. J. D. Williams.

There no detailed program but the gathering of a large and interesting famil and such matters as may come up fronf day to day. There are in the family 14 brothers and sis ters, "who reside in widely scattered Iortiois of the! country. All will be present at the reunion, which is to last for a weekfor more. There are more than 40 and these will also be present. The tota number in all, jwith the children and grandchildren, i will probably reach (K).

The following is a partial list of the children and their wives and husbands with theijr children who will be present: Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Edgerton and family of Laurinburg, Mr.

and Mrs. A. Couch-f eLxington, Mr, and. Mrs. L.

H.l EdCrton of Guilford ollege, Mr. and r.4 opelaml of Kinston. Miss' LoWine Edgerton of Florida, Mri and Mrs. J. T.

Lash- ley of Goldsbot-o, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Poindexter of Winston-SaIem7 Mrs. Hauser Awarded $8,000 A jury in thejlj. S.

Court at-Greens-boro, June 20th -awarded Mrs. Cora E. Hauser, of Winston-Salem, a ver dict of against tlie Norfolk and Western Railway, the verdict edming at the end of a four day trial, every detail of which; was closely contested by the able attorneys, of the plaintiff and defendant, Mrs. Hauser asked for $10,000 damages for the death of her husband in! an accident near Co lumbus, Ohio, while at his post of du ty as an engineer of the -defendant railway company. Mr.

Hauser. was running as engineer of the second engine to a double header freight train and itwas claimed that the defendant company was negligent in allowing the smaller engine, upon which was Mr. Hauser, to j-ro next rather than before the larger Under such circ*mstances it was alleged the accident would not have caused a fatality. To the verdict of $8,000 which the jury awarded the widow the defendant company entered an appeal to the circuit court kppeals. Messrs.

Jones and Patterson the plaintiff in the! while Messrs. Watson and Bqxton appared for the defendant company. Dysentery is always serious and often a disetae, but it can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Bemedr has cured it even when malignant and epidemic, For sale bv.

The Union Republican from Winston-Salem, North Carolina (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.