The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)

pff i'W wwwi j1- pup PAGE TWO MADISONVILLE MESSENGER TUESDAY. JUNE 6, 1961 REV. K. A. LOT HERE- Youth Beaten In N.C.

Race Riot 2 Cars Damaged In Crash Here Methodist Ministers Take New Posts Saturn-Launch Site Dedicated Two cars were damaged here Monday night, an estimated toU, The new minister of Madison-vilie First Methodist church, the Rev. K. A. Loy held his first service here Sunday morning, taking his text from Luke and speaking on "The Master's Interpretation of Life." CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla.

(API -Construction lias been completed on the launching site from i which early Saturn space vehicles jJK vsS? Hal Three Cornell University students. ail white, broke their hunger strike Monday night. The three. Charles A. Haynie.

25, Douglaston. Queens. N.Y.; Paul Green, 22. New York City: and Joe H. Griffith.

26. Corpus Chris-ti, had fasted since May 31. Their decision lo resume eating left five white and three Negro prisoners still refusing food. One of the 13 convicted Monday was the Rev. Richard Gleason.

24. a white Baptist minister from the Bible Witness Mission in Chicago. He announced he had broken connections with the Freedom Riders because they included atheists, persons with police records and some who talked of of $450 when the brakes on failed at a stoplight, causing it to crash the rear of the other. Madisonville city police report that Bertie Ann Crowe, 21, Manitou. driving a 1955 Chevrolet, attempted to stop at tiie traffic light at the intersection of West Noel avenue and Murray street.

The brakes on her car failed, causing het to crash the rear of a 1954 Cadillac being driven by Marvin M. Porter, 32-year-old Dawson Springs resjj1'' dent. Both cars were damaged. The accident occurred at 11:20 .4 Using the occasion of Jesus' sermon at Nazareth as a setting for his message, the Rev. Loy called attention to the emphasis the Lord placed upon the spiritual, asked his hearers to underline the fact that Jesus interpreted His life from the highest possible level, and reminded all that the Master stood in an awareness of His relationship to the world's need.

A highlight of the morning worship hour came when the Rev. Loy presented to the congregation the church's ministerial staff and their familiesincluding the Rev. and Mrs. Loy. the Rev.

Ted Nicholas, associate minister, and Mrs. Nicholas; Dr. G. W. Hummel, pastor emeritus, and Mrs.

Hummel; the will be fired. The super rocket, which will generate la million pounds of thrust on liftoff, is America's best hope of overtaking the Soviet lead in the space race. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration dedicated the Jill-million facility Monday, accepting it front the Army Corps of Engineers in a brief ceremony. Engineers supervised the two-year building program for the massive 45-acre complex, whose centerpiece is a service tower which is as tall as a 30-story building. Scientists and technicians now p.m.

communism. PROVIDENCE FUNERAL FOR MRS. LEET, 85 wi Survivors Of Nazi Murders Tell Horrors 1 IB RK ZSStft (Continued From Page One) and in the central Plains and the northwestern states. It will be cooler in the lower Lakes area and die north Atlantic states: warmer in the Great Basin area. (AP Wirephoto Map Funeral services for Mrs.

Annie Elizabeth Leet. 85. Providence route 2, who died Saturday night in Towery Rest Home at Shady Grove were conducted at 2 p.m. today at Tradewater Valley Baptist churAv near Providence. Officiating was the Rev.

Raymond Davis, assisted ythe Rev. W. E. Siria. Burial was in Shady Grove cemetery.

Surviving are four sons. Archie Lee. Evansville; Jesse Leet, Piedmont. South Carolina; Roy Leet. Chelsea.

Michigan; Carlos iLeet. Providence: fourteen grandchildren and fifteen great-grand-! children. WEATHER FORECAST-Scat-tered showers and thunderstorms are expected tonight in the Virginias. Maryland and Delaware Rev. Cyrus B.

Hutcherson, confer-1 "iU prepare the ground support ence evangelist, and Mrs. Hutcher- ami launch control equipment for son: and the Rev Boyd L. Rudd. first experimental Saturn fir-retired elder of the Methodist sel fr next fall-church. and Mrs.

Rudd. Dr. Hum-; I-1' Kurt Debus, head ol mel gave the prayer of dedication. NASA launch operations direc- torate. called die complex "the Adair County Native first launch point for the world's The Rev Loy, 47, is a native of greatest known rocket.

Water Project Boost Asked By Kentuckians In Congress Adair county. He attended Lindsey Moon In Few Years Wilson Junior College and Western Saturn." he said, "will be the Kentucky State Teachers College. workhorse booster for many extaking training as a teacher in the citing space experiments planned elementary school system of Ken- jn nexl decade tucky. He graduated from Asbury The main application of the College in Wilmore. in 1937.

Saturn launch vehicle will be man tions subcommittee asked for in-1 foot level to the McAlptne Locks 37' months dWwld'wa'? i astronauts will be ifc TRINITY. N.C. tAPt Robert Parris, 20, employe of a grill who had been missing all nighl after a race riot, walked into his home today. He had welts on his back and arms from what he said was a beating by Negroes wielding leather belts. Parris told officers he had fled from a fight Monday nighl involving about 40 Negroes and a dozen whites and hid under a house.

He said he lost consciousnesss and did not revive until daylight. Monday morning. Parris said, three Negro youths came into the grill, got drinks and started out. A group of white youths said something to the Negroes. John McPherson, owner ot (lie grill, told the Negroes to leave before trouble started and as they were leaving, Parris said, one told him "I'll be seeing you An intensive search for Parris had been made after the fight.

There were no arrests. Trinity is a community of about 1.000 persons with whites outnumbering Negroes. It is in central North Carolina. New Moves In Mississippi Seven more Freedom Riders" headed for Jackson. by bus today and others planned new moves by air to test Mississippi segregation laws despite threats of stiffer punishment.

Five white persons and two Negroes left New Orleans by bus at 6:25 a.m. today and were due in Jackson about noon. Newell Weber of East Orange. N.J.. spokesman for the group, said they expected to be arrested in Jackson and would serve out their fines in the city or county jail.

The first fly-in to check on- segregation at the Jackson airport was expected to arrive from St. Louis. Wednesday. Plans were announced for students from a half-dozen cities to leave Louisville. early next week for Freedom Rides to several southern cities.

Thirteen more riders were convicted in Jackson Monday raising the total to 65 since the first wave arrived May 24. None has been charged with violating segregation laws. All were fined $200 and given 60-day suspended sentences on breach of peace charges. The maximum lenalty on that charge is a $200 fine and four months in jail. City Attqmey Jack Travis said he would demand ienalties for future riders and added that other charges might be filed against them.

Talk Of Communism "The city and state have done all they can to uphold the laws since these so-called riders have come to Mississippi." Travis said. It appears that a conspiracy, plan or plot exists to completely break down the laws of the state. Most riders have elected to stay in jail to work out their fines at $3 a day. Some have started hunger strikes to emphasize their protests over segregation. Attorney General Gideon Haus-ner said Adoif Eichmannon trial as director of the Nazi extermination of six million Jews was responsible for the Jews being sent to such death camps and therefore is responsible for what happened to them there." Srebnik said all the Jews forced into the oerational work of the death camp were chained night and day.

In 1945, just before the Russians overran that area of Poland, the SS liquidated the camp. The "staff of 78 Jews was ordered shot. Srebnik said his bullet hit him in the back of the neck and came out his mouth. The SS executioner. checking bodies and where necessary finishing the job with his pistol, apparently was convinced the boy was dead.

But Srebnik said he managed to crawl away and found refuge with a Polish gentile who hid him in a stable. WOMAN BITTEN BY SNAKE IMPROVES HERE Mrs. Sam Clark, 68-year-old resident of Ky-112 just out of Earling-lon. who was bitten by a snake in her garden early last Friday morning, was reported to be in fair condition at Hopkins County Hospital today. The snake was thought to have, been a poisonous one as Mrs.

Clark' had an instant reaction to the bite, with extensive swelling of the ankle where the bite occurred. The snake was not found. amounts. Morton said $500,000 more should be provided, in addition to the budget recommendation of $279,000, to start construction on the Cannelton Locks and Dam on the Ohio River. Hawesvilte Dam Included The total project involves a proposed $72 million high level dam near Hawesville.

to replace three obsolete locks and dams. "It will provide modern river transportation facilities within the Bp NEIL GILBRIDE WASHINGTON (AP Kentuckys congressional delegation today plumped for more money to develop the state's water resources. Republican Sen. Thurston B. Morton said "Kentuckians are tremendously pleased with the rate of development of their water resources in recent years.

and agree generally with President Kennedy's budget recommendation of $79.4 million for Kentucky projects in the year starting July X. But both he and Democratic Rep. William H. Natcher in statements prepared for a House appropria- H. then attended the Louisville blazing toward an orbit about the Presbyterian Seminary, receiving moon atop the mighty Saturn.

the Bachelor of Div inity degree in The early Saturn Cl vehicle will 1951, after which he did graduate be fired from this launch pad. A study tow ard the Doctor of Philos-1 second stage will be added later ophy degree. After leav ing Louis-: giving the rocket capability of ville in 1951. the Rev. Loy was placing 10-ton payloads into earth minister at the Bennett Memorial orbit.

church in Henderson, and was: A second Saturn launch com-j which $119,000 has been budgeted. chaplain of the Methodist Hospital plcx will tie built here to handle Natcher said all but 8 of Ken-j there. In 1954 he went to Camp- the advanced C2 vehicle, which tucky 's 120 counties are in the bellsville as minister of a large will hav considerably more pov-flood danger zone and urged congregation for five years, then er and twice ihe payload development of our vva- i was at Christ Methodist Church in hility. ter resources" to prevent flood Louisville for two years before re-: This nation's present largest hi Trie Vtriptc'h the damage, soil erosion and a short-! ceiving the Madisonville appoint- space booster is the Atlas, which OWo RiveTandTcomirns nine 1 ae of water in cities and towns, has 360.000 pounds of thrust. Es- IHe asked $15,000 for the The Re' and Mrs Loy have timated thrust of the Soviet space Augusta local protection project three children- Edw ard.

22. a 1960 rockets ranges from 800.000 to one in Bracken County; $28,000 for graduate of the University of million pounds. the Humphrey Creek project in Kentucky and now a lieutenant in 'Ballard. Carlisle and Hickman the US Air Force and a jet pilot i 1 An4-i r'lrv Arin' counties: $65,000 for the Salt a' Reese Air Base in Lubbock, I r2cl u1' v'rvri River and tributaries: and Get Chance To SPECIAL OFFER LAURELVILLE. Ohio (AP) -Barber's sign: Haircut While You 1 Wait.

Mrs. Davis, 61, Dies Early Today RECITAL USED PIANO Try Leslie Irvin 000 for the Laurel River. Natcher said these are all new requests and were not included in Ihe budget. (Continued From Page One) NORTONVILLE Mrs. Eller Belle Davis.

61, formerly of Nor-tonville. died at 7:30 a.m. today in her home in Hopkinsville of a heart attack. She had lived in Hopkinsville for the past three years. Survivors include the husband.

W. H. "Hob" Davis, Hopkinsville; a daughter, Mrs. Wanda Gomer, Nortonville: two grandchildren; a brother, George Crick, Nortonville route one; three sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Oates and Mrs.

Girlean Gillard, both of Nortonville. and Mrs. Maude Nance. Henderson; and a half-brother, Elmer Crick, Charleston. Ind.

Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Thursday at New Salem Baptist church with burial in the church cemetery. The body is at Bandy Funeral Home where it will remain until the funeral hour. Board Talks Bids, Names More Teachers (Continued From Page One) For information call TERMINIX OF MADISONVILLE Phone TA 1-5181 of ihe Supreme Court's ruling: "He was tried fairly and squarely under the laws as they exist in the state of Indiana. The judge, the prosecuting attorney and the office of the attorney general could in no way be responsible for tiie widespread publicity this case received upon which Die Su-1 preme Court apparently based its I decision." Arthur Campbell, chairman ot the State Board of Correction, expressed surprise at "the action taken by the Supreme Court after a period of more than five years has Judge A.

Dale Eby. who presided at tiie trial, said at Princeton: "I thought he got a fair and impartial trial and 1 still think so. "You cant govern what the newspapers, radio and television Btldwfa More hirm than Big Cars? cm lift YES REV. K. A.

LOY Succeeds Dr. James er. halftime at Anton and halftime music at Anton and Hanson: Orange Franklin, band director at Rosenwald High School; Iola Gordon. Lowell Stearsman. Ruth Williams.

David Roberts. Ruth Helen Tucker, and Barbara Noel Wood, teachers in the countys music department. with Dean Dowdy as county director of the music department, and Sue Jent as super visor of music on the elementary level. Adams, McNeil Reelected John Adams and Patrick McNeil were reelected assistant superintendents for terms of one year each. Eunice Brown was reelected director of pupil personnel: Louise Whitfield was reelected supervisor of elementary education in tne county: and Olah Ray Murphey was reelected supervisor of mmor high education UP TO 30 DISCOUNT On Many Models! SEIBERT'S MUSIC MART Texas: Betty.

21. a graduate ot the University of Louisville, now finishing her first semester as a SIR ANP I CAN PROVE IT FOR $212 LESS? teacher at Durren High School in ale Koing lo say Jefferson county: and Linda. 19. now a sophom*ore at UL. Edward Phone TA 1-5226 10 W.

Center RAMBLER CLASSIC HAS MORE ROOM RAY BOOKS WHERE IT COSTS LESS Entnnce Room (inches tram top of Iront is married and lias one child. The Rev. Loy lias succeeded Dr. William E. James, pastor ol die Madisonvilie church for six years.

Dr. James was assigned last week to the Elizabethtown church. The Rev. Ted Nicholas, who Headroom Rambler (inches) Sim You THE SMITHS VISIT DIFFERENT SHOWROOMS IN THE OLD "LOW-PRICED' REU door to ground) Front Rear Rambler 51.2 Wj.V In the county's school mamten has been in chart ol the educa- tEM $211 $217 33.3 33.5 33.5 33.9 "If people cant read, write or hear, they certainly aren't qualified to sit on a jury." Irvin heard tiie news by radio his cell in the death house at the Indiana State Prison, but there was no word of his reaction Warden Ward Lane said Irvin will be notified when word of the decision comes through official channels and probably will be moved then to a safekeeping" cell in the maximum security building. Prosecutor Roberts said Irvin probably will lie returned to the Vanderburgh County jail.

"Whether we agree or disagree with the decision, it shows that under our Constitution a man has to Savoy 48.8 Ford Fairlane 50.1 Chevrolet Biscayne 50.4 ance department, the following were elected: Frank Hill. Grant Melton. J. H. Reynolds and Ernest Barber.

34.5 34.0 $211 AND LOAM ASSOCIATION 1 N. MAIN MADISONVILLE, KY. Free Car X-Ray Books At Any Rambler Dealer Price comparisons based on manufacturers' suggested factory delis erti prices, lowest-priced 4-door sedans. lion and music ministry at First Methodist church, will continue iiis work in that capacity here The Rev. R.

R. Guthrie aiso assumed his pastorate of the Park-view Methodist church Sunday. He came here from Robards. Kentucky. and the Rev.

Russel! K. Taylor, former pastor of Park-view-. was assigned to tne Robards Methodist church, where he i iuui i i enuren wnere ne Council Holds Brief Meeting Sove Where Thousands Save Millions Get Rambler WOULD YOU BELIEVE the Rambler Classic. Americas only middle-sized cm, has more front-seat headroom than any "Big 3 make, including the costliest? Car X-Ray Books prove it all in illustrated side-by-side comparisons. Excellence Madisonville City Council Held a brief and routine session in the preaehed his Sumiay.

municipal building Monday night. I The Rev Robert Lew is former fr i Ted Lockyear of Evansville, one The council gave authority to pastor of the Trinity Methodist of Irvin-fi attorneys decined to the U. S. Army to construct a church in Princeton has assumed on the colJr)-s decision sanitary force mam sewer near his duties as circun pastor of the IInd he recejves the site of the new U. S.

Army Madisonville circuit which is Killed In Thievery Reserve Center on US-41 South, made up of a I smaller i The six kilings charged lo Irvin The council accepted a deed jn rls area- all involving petty thievery or a street known as Hibbs Court, i he bianley Vm fnt at small holdups, occurred within 'Rnmbler Clastic has big-car ruont Jar a compact price! SAVE by mail. SAFETY Each account insured up to by an agency of the Federal Government. YOUR MONEY Available when you need it. SAVE Any amount anytime. CHRISTMAS Club.

RETIREMENT Plans. MONEY Orders. Hanson, the Rev. J. Morrow at four months in the winter of 1954- Seminary Street school, and re- Darlington, and tiie Rev.

A. L. 55 named the property Hibbs Drive. Fraser. Dmvson Springs, were re- The victims were Kerr.

Mrs. 1 tamed in their present positions, Holland. Mrs. Wilhelmina Sailer. The Rev.

Wallace Parker for-j 47 Mount Vernon, and three mer pastor of the Sacramento members of a farm family near Methodist church, has assumed his Henderson, Ky. duties as pastor ot the Nortonville Justice Tom Clark delivered the Methodist church, succeeding the Supreme Court's unanimous opin-Rev. J. A. Lawhom.

who was as-1 j0n. signed to Harned, Keniucky. I "The buildup of prejudice is The Rev. Truman Hardison, for- clear and convincing." Clark said, merly of Frogue. Kentucky, has noting newspaper, radio and tele- assumed his duties as pastor of vision publicity during the trial.

Claims against the city were approved and ordered paid. Patrolmen Troy Smith and Maurice Wooten and fireman Kenneth Powers were placed on the civil service list. ARTHRITIS RHEUMATISM PAINS Methodist the White Plains church. Rambler Classic, 6 or V.f only compact with roam for six 6-footers Prky Tablets is a doctors nula; formula, designed to give vou FHA Title Home improvement loans. FHA Home loans.

FIRST MORTGAGE loans. PASS BOOK loans. He said also that eight of the 12 jurors said in preliminary questioning they had decided Irvin was guilty. Irvin has spent more than five years in death row at the Indiana State Prison. He was within a few-hours of execution in the electric chair July 8.

1957. but was granted an indefinite stay in an appeal to the 7th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago. Ask Your Neighbor About His Rambler Classic relief from arthritis rheuma tism stiff joints muscular pains This tablet dees not contain aspirin.

This formula has ten tried and proven by an Illinois doctor over period of twenty years Start tbe use of Parkay Tablets today. You will be glad vou did. MOST HEADROOM, QUIETER with exclusive cushioned acoustical ceiling of molded fiber glass. PROVEO LONS -time ECONOMY unmatched for lowest maintenance and highest resale value. MRS.

PRESTON RECUPERATING FROM FALL LAST THURSDAY Mrs. Homer Preston. 213 East Arch street, is confined to her home suffering from pulled ligaments and a cracked bone just above the knee in one of her legs, incurred in a fall in Baker and Hickman's last Thursday. Mrs. Preston slipped but caught herself before she completed the fall, which occurred on the balcony of the store.

She is reported to be making a fine recovery at her home following X-rays and emergency treatment at tbe hospital. No cast was required for the leg. TOP PERFORMANCE with most power-per-pound of any standard 6-cylinder U.S. car. World Standard of Compact Car Excallenca I JOHN k.

MITCHELL DINNER MEETING OF ROTARY ANNS THURSDAY The Rotary Anns will meet Thurs day evening at 6:30 at tbe Parish home for a dinner meeting, it was announced today. All members are urged to be present. FATE MUG STOKE I Main St Madisonville, Ky. PURDY MOTORS 820 EAST CENTER PHONE TA 1-50A0 .1 I oaf; MsbiBkA!.

The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.