THE SUNDAY RECORD CALL, NOVEMBER 24, 1063 11-D Iff EMPLOYMENT I tV IMPLCYMEKT Iff I IV EMPIOYMLKT IY EKPLOYMEKT IY EMPICYKEKT nf wimm in immm IY EMPICYKEKT Wintti-tee 321 Vst-Mee 321 Wanted-, eiafc 321 Wanted feisals 32; Kelp Wasted-, exale 32 i F.e!g Wasted-. ts.g 32, KeSp WacteMkle 33 Wt.led-4.a!e 33; Help 33 icCSc 1 Ak 1 o'tice "si tc? en! OA'tM hO cC SSAk 2-1 ML: RtLCCAfiNG TO f.EVV Orreo. ftoi eiaar.t-a. ca aw rora iw t. SaCO i wt D.
Ko (fo a a v-'Jv' -c frn pf r4. ri-31 ra5 FANNING Pr pipit DUMrrv Laan. 797-33ad. AUTO FOLiShER SECRETARIES A.N0 TYPISTS x. Hit c.
a s. xtl Ks s'ena. loi for tcr comuia kc mta tow, worid E-ever Trvis 341SS lnrt Pwtontm ACTivEOiXt.y-PCwen iNe MJULriJ rihil hi rkrt.HJLI $9C Ii3 CeOar Laoe, Terc. jai TYPiST tr a 3 f-e aM used cas V'f I -r r.a core vs, ace Sart-raj is cr's cffice Scv-Tal Fri. aad Gtf, res 05 ACTIVE DXO tVPUoen iijes true r.rv 514 Hrkmnmrk ACCWJfAVT Jr.
S'-'O Si.FS TSEE ENC-9, CcfV'ucrion 5 A EVT-9'SS A a kn trn ESC.8 EST VTAS Tre lrrrr. HsDrvAs AJTO Sf'yca Mar i- S. IA8. Ten V.M5E Wan to leS' Vcl POSTER F-'P 1-t ti S3 a'r, "csc 'a ja.on, tnsjranca. if n-j -it mc cai.
5 oy ee Vut rt' -es license. oe' ced Award Vanning Agency 3S3 Va'n St. HacVsnsach a a a CAr A0 MGMT SfliFTS 51.93 TO START Increases. bnf's and woHc ina tono. Paraus f-a: 261-3565 rr As Bar Bn, SECV BKKPR For imi'l tm txn'cry ReceptionistSwitchboard Smell nwilflr board oasihr teemed Scurh FAIR LA.iN, $100.
Maintenance Foreman CCA CHiVSOLiil Crurt 4 n-way and 3Cttt St. ABC. AGCV 1 VAIN STHACJf I SECTV STENO TYPIST RECEPT1CMST lor chiir5 rg ooiitioo. Fair Lwn 7'-3900 WOMEN t-m. CJ'tS'- coc-y a man AjTD POtSER new a-4 SE AING Wi FFE PA'D 0 KE3.
..1 rn atvui. incmtf Tn wa.t nn tahe reneo a'eer'v, office. AOOtv INDUSTRIAL CfWICFS. HI Ri.e, Ra oatr, Mus S'oW RECEPTlONIST-Piush effaces make r'S fun toe KevieM board end en ott.ce 6t.ft 't an that a nnled. mc ben.
l)4. Call now U( Cared J43 J5SS S-M mn Pt'iwl Sys. JO Banta PI. Heck. Ta wua'i voo aaoHl ba tcKKM ar feuttne icnooi araaj-a'f.
at'- to tvoa at ifi'j 50 on. Sac rf ar mtisf fan a atk worn afor tftand. Pravous tus-aaoarianca arrarrad ar4 vou mutt ea aart and aoKk to taarn. Our oo ra a m. to a 45 a m.
trva hava a ittwai em-ovaa benefits program, and a art iocTr4 tttit off Rta. 17. o-racthf at ma na Paramut Fish-on Cantar na'a vou'K find convenient Ivncnttma 5ooo'na and browsirtt tn noted Fitm Ava-iKa anaoa. For an Interview. Call Mist J.
karoo at or 2i2-275. nou.og acily. tra n. Fwii ad wm -of -net. HKk.en$cn Cil J4j-2577 usd car ceos- Vust be rtiiaaa, nve r-.
war's license Va i rra; bn Apt tn oervn 9 C0wL'F9 a SADLER tsC 12t S. Broad SU GENEVA AGENCY 'irr 'i irad car. Rences. Vaca-on. p.
EjCr'fiLFER I 5VALL CFFlCE I. SOUTH HACK: I. SACK Mj.tMi-wiu 1 cooi. ww. Biaatoooa irrnnKTivT AjTO salesmen SPCRTiVEAR DEPT.
KANAGtR SKI TENN'S GOLF MON. ANO.tAEO. UNTIL SECRETARIES $125 rd Little In-I CO hit lust set loci! VP it toeing meture-thirirs mi. Fee $115 World Wide Ad. impiign i nn bv In coP.
mM, fcci i obi in dvrt1siPt ft irift "9. Tn. cnt tootd be Ft rt. I trial J'mo.
CTitHTMi nuiu'r paramus. AM-HAW. FINANCIAL PLANNING ha. -a usi a "run-C-'ne-mi'!" te-iina ia WOMEN woman iae cnaBe, tvd, sroi' company, banalitt. Sa ary open.
Cail 3S5-1M1. RECEPTIONIST Ambitious route gal neeoed tor nt employ-meet agency. ZENITH AGCY itOVtin Hackensack RECEPTIONIST-SWITCHBOARD Mooern Ck. excellent S4'arV. tor tn a-xl Dhon vn.rff.
Aoly jn OMO-tu''y earn too income. KetJubix Car Cc. aw A. Rettll emr'ince. f5hiofi erienta'wl.
TYPIST ELECTRIC MACHINE No exprinee. Earn uo 1o J3. tr. MiniE wnn Irarn. Chanc for ari.
eer ovy to frr. h- lr.d NYC. Saiarr commensuraie wifh eDeri- ro'-t Sales rranaoer. enc. Libarai Co.
bwfits. Emcic. Vust oualified. Fair Lawn loc-! vancemenl. Foil or oarl flmt, dayj $11 CCD FEE PAID Some ind'f brQd.
Corp hdirs CALL BOS FiNLEt 77S-55CD SUPERIOR ASSISTANT SnilS ITT befits. Ami In person. MALCOLM KONNER 0 scount. HbKVAN a vuklu tton. I only.
You name your noufs. mac SPORTiNGGOODS. Garden Sta'e ypiT wrrTatiia nardrJ for ier- DONALD S. Far Lan. Cail, ak tor Call KDUSTRIAL CIRCUIT CfV AM or ULL CHARGE SALES ni firm office.
SrV I AM I Accir Personnel Dent. Wllv w.lm pv-a pm. 21 Kulicl Rata NJ i ELECTRONIC DEViC'S. TEChsi- Dealer FEDERAL ELECTRIC CORPORATION $115 Be i Show-off RFCFPTIONIST TYPIST 'CAL BACGROjSD FCEFErcStT Ro orm RouIe i PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS CPPCRT'JMTY FOR papavuS CO 1-7'0O WOV.EN full time to work to 4:30. DiStnbu'or-s and oacxert.
STENO TYPISTS 063 TffKXH AVC rA13M'i VAN'tVCM. i-- 'ccVf ViTn ceo', dcd nnn fhe. your ttrp ynu i iii ltd no Mrs to 5 rv ooen- C'-idr Cr We a'e teekina en individual ftr idual tor a rrr mm A Pltnt or PfOQ'i S'ALL, BUT PAPiDwY r.U I vLiVI. IlLI UJUUUU ALCU'Jrt I AN I iq-. i-- Eaull Opportunity EmpiorerJMT) rjivernfied portion at our local rh'u vUj GRAND-WAY I DIVISION OF GRAND UNION E.
51 Mid and Ave. Paramus 2ol-t200 'ANS'SG LISTED COVPASY. Wa-. s. u.rk S43-703I TRCPOLITAN NCTHERN N.
J. wwiii tomiiurr jicins. orire oeomner neeoeo tot UUOI VE o-os'ami rxrirnTmuiCTP lent aaiary penrnis. i(jen cHice. Loc, piusn Co.
Hurry! A'iTn $83-90 Co ii ona ot Beracn tmasl. r.Lbr iiu.iijij est 'AEA. BSX Th REC- standard 4-5 VS P. in SECRETARIES 3M COMPANY Ka rt. CALL MARIE SCOTT 261-1576 Manage Dept.
for this m0'um zeo fCrjOTfiiT Weet and Greet Ms eo nec. 5 Immediate Openinos. ZENITH IBOVa.n Macnenteck Degree not mandaiory. S1Q, nuumin ii 700 G'nd Rirjgefte'd 43-6700 fee paid lmmHItft nnnlro for fnrfiwiduati An touai opporfuni ry cmywer VPLOYVENT CENTER RECPPT TYPE "Va-ura' orf'd. jwith good nano and tvoino skills.
103 Broadav East Pa'erson 796-4C: If I Were Look'rg rr a lob ttvi one wrxi'd In-1e'af CO is or'td timouv Tf'tif arcxJ'jct is ou icve to on Tfa pos-f-ort- pia.riQ and impitmentina cos PuMtc STORE MANAGER FULL PERSONNEL DEPT. $116 STENOGRAPHER wuit rava at (east years cencai experience. Anooern Peasant Hforkirvs ACCOUNTANT JR. i PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS 474 Winters Avenue, Paramu OPEN WED. 'TIL 7 P.M.
A1C. AGCV J41 MAIN ST. SERVICE WRITER eer ence prerred. too tat ary cos incest iver hosottsiizat Kn. rra-icr pension cian, paid va ca'ion, cer benefits.
App! RAT'iER OLDS Passaic S'. Hackensadc HU VU AUTOMOBILE SERVICE-WRITERS cut- idn.i- tu i.WWiu.ftrj Jim'tu iri computer program. NCR. exo. new t-iauc- s'cre re a' cn proa'aT.
Biand nc RECFPT iCFPT Major oil company. New office building. Engiewood Cliffs. IBVs electric. 35 hr.
week. Diversified duties. Good i.iarv. Many benefit pro X-RAY TECH i R.T.-EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Rapidly epandina depart-ment in mooern voluntary hospttal needs ambitious person to contribute to cur oe-veiooment. For further information Contact Mis Hill Personnel.
664-4000 PASCACK VALLEY HOSPITAL 0L 0H OOK D. WE STWOOD, NJ X-RAY TECHNICIAN PRIVATF r-aa re. helpful. Excellent groh. 13 Oooty new Pal Co.
"GLAMOUR $35. WAITRESS, HEAD tv. iVouna Hospital Montciair yu' i -Mj grams. Cail Mr. Nelson, 783 H00.
ar Urz SHOP RUE Cf Funl lit For refined senior citizens facility. Good salary. Benefits include va- range interview Good itertine, telerv Liberal employee benefits Call Peter Brennan. J24-777 CONRAC CORP. Sherwood Lane (Off Panaic Ave) Fa.rtieid.
J. An Equal Opportunity Employer cost accounting. New io. bergeni 155 inwood Fort Lee, nj CTrNn TYPIST cation, holidays, sick time. Blue JILI1U 1 1 rlO I lfro nnd Smeid.
To arranne for County piant Congenial office, em- ASST T0 PI AST MANAGER Ter- ABC. AGCYJW MAIN ST. HACK RECEPTIONIST For Beauty Salon, EXP'O. TEANECK. 136-433 RECEPTIONIST-! flrl office.
llBht tvpin and book keep ln, aniier GAL FRIDAYS $HQ Upity-Up mea-'Tig bntft lob ad ottkes. Co i ird ra mtr of corii'jrner and prooxii. Grarvd piovee benetit*. opoortun.ty tor National hard goods manufacturing application and interview call The company needs a qualified typist Cuooia, W. 100 Riooewood Ave, Pa-ith light steno, good ai figures.
WilMramus, N. J. 444-4200 advancement. Call 93S-40C, Mr. Coivin poone.
ino eKnooarai. Lau bi- train in orner areas. y-uy. i oOOftuni'v fcr ongnr arrfci-. me-r rnuDicTrn a fious ,0 icn tre fos'est grew-'WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED irg exh.bit design a-0 fabrication LGE EXPANSION PROGRAM comoaiy in the country and learn AND ARE UR SJLY 'N NEE3 frcm tre ground uo.
Of A f.E, CE5 uERDDEOAm Communications Inc, 214 18'h VICE SALESMEN, PREFERABLY A.e. Patrscn. NJ. 178-1200, Ask W'Trt G. M.
An Eauajpporjuniiyerripioyer SECRETARIES CALL CATHY NORMANN 261-1576 OFFICE, NO EVENINGS. CALL ACCT. JR, 6 mos ep. Locsl oppty. $9,000 FEE PAID A B.C.
AGCY 741 MAIN ST HACK Gl 42594. RECEPT. Hack. MO, $85. ABC.
AGCY 541 MAIN ST. HACK need woman. Excellent tvp- lunches. Aooiy Club 80, SO Green Steno-Typists EXECUTIVE VABKETING S'35 DCrCDTlAuftCfTV light steno, office procedure. 1st, Teterboro AiST TO SHiPPlNj KANAuER Iditions in a new modern shop ACCOUNTING HEADQUARTERS RECEPTIONIST.
LITE STPn6 1110 Onoortuni'y to g-cw in to imoor-i in Fri end St for exclutiye beeuty PURCHASING. GIRL FRI. 3V-4'60. tan! posit on. All benefits.
Good rrcc. r.naoiNTFFn HAL. la'on. I SECTT. GO SKILLS 0rrCDTirMklltTu1ir.l Affir.
nnl banaMs. hea Pa d. $130 W.30 Pretty nict hours and a ntce co Co. iu.t moved te arri Sma o.c but co. Is 0 vion ot in', so b0 tima setup.
Fea ra. 5100 File Under Happy From across tna Atlantic cma co. L-ta typing ok. Abt-itv to ortfante and foio Jnrw moat imp. Faa ra.
S'0-UtKVJ 10-1 1.909 Acct. oen'l Asst. controller Office Mgr. Chief Acct. Jr.
Acct. Public Cost stno. typ.r Is pc No avat. 40 ALL FEES PAID OR REIMBURSED WAITRESS co*ckTAIL. Full or part time.
Over 21. For new operation. King Arthur, 455 Essex Hackensack WAITRESS Full or part time. The Forum Restaurant, Rt. 4, Paramus.
WAITRESS 4 A.M. to 3 P.M. Apply in person. Telslar Diner, 445 Wash-Ington Carlstadt Tort o.Ja felflARY PLUS INCENTIVE PAY PLAN EaSI 145 Pdr FOR HIGH EARNINGS. LIBERAL amus.
N. J. i EVPLOYEE BENEFITS INCLUD. ASSOCIATE AN AGE for exoand-1 ing UNIFORMS, HOSPITALIZA-ing wallpaper and art department I TION. INSURANCE AND PENSION High saiai-y p'us incentive.
Unusual1 plan APPLY IN PERSON TO MR. opportunity. Call 845-4424. IDONE, SERVICE MANAGER. 100-U5 Acct'g clerks growing comoany, Dentins, saiari open.
PATERSON MALLON MOTORS $35-100 WAITRESS FARMS RESTAURANT 55 Prospect Woodcliff Lake SECRETARIES. JR. ACCOUNTING MGR nr sa iryjsoen. w-iiu RECEPTIONIST STElCjlOO ACVE AGCV 314 Main Hackensack RECEPTIONIST $1CI0 ACMeAGCVj'4v'1 Heckenwrjt RECEPTIONIST TYPIST $90 AC VE AGCY J'4 Main Hackeniack RECEPTIONIST PBX $100 ACME AGCY 1t Main Hackensack REGISTERED NURSE VARIED Beolnnere welcome. 4 openlngj.
ATTENDANT FOR SERVICE STATION Westchester County Industrial seeks Irvlngton ZENITH AGCV ,10 Main Hackensack 1128 Springfield Ave. ES 5-9200 AUTO USED CAR MANAGER SECRETARY manufacturing exo, some xni pian acctg. EDP. S15.0OO (FEE PAID) AI benefits. Robert Half Personnel 570 Broad, Newark, NJ.
(2011 623-3661 WAITRESSES IT'S NICE TO WORK AT THE CAMBRIDGE INN. FULL TIME AND PART TIME HELP NEEDED. CHOOSE YOUR SCHEDULE: KAM-4-30PM COMFORT CAB INC. 821 KK Road River Edge N.J. One of Bergen County's largest 6W dealers seeking experienced used car manager.
Salary plus commission, afl rnmniru Konolitc inftl lri irM hODitilli- CALL MRS. FRANCIS COLLECT $150 Keep Keeping Tne fuM le' of boci fnr th! ecel co Position iocaed the area. Fee pa. $100 Receptionist Front null toot. Will train on awiicnboard, jnarp.
move on tfm one. Fee re. Take charoe. Small nurilne home. .400 mo.
Vature woman. Good pay, Caii AUTO BODY COMBINATION and paid vacation. Apply In PART TIME 796-4800 or 265-6550 An Equal Ooportjmtjfmplover -Good pay with benefits. Also part ACCOUNTING SUPVR. person for filing and typing.
5 hours peri time. Garden State Auto Body, Bergenfieid. 385-5155. RESTAURANT MANAGER TRAINEE RATNER OLDS day Mon thru Friday. Applv in Per-Djrect invoicing, billing.
Fine copty son, Reoublic Carloading Dist. for Accountant with 2-5 vrs. general STENO-TYPISTS $100-115 120 Passaic St, Hackensack HU -3134l 4i w. NYC. bkgrd.
Degree preferred but not 1 1 vou nave had food exoerienre L3D leCn we can (ra you fo menaoe a imall ZENITHAGCVJ80 Main Hackensack STORE CLERK-9-5 PM. 5 day Sales Help Wanted, Female personnel AUTO BODY SHOP HELPER (2) Brand new shoe ultra modern equipment, excellent working conditions, good pay for tie right man, hospitalization, maior medical, oert'-ion plan, paid vacation, other benefits. wtuTd like JTet -h'TnVl week end, or in Eoceptional opportunity to work for Menaoer of Creative Markeiina Services Department. We re teeking a person with oood itenoaraphlc and typina skills. Previous e'Peri-eoce in Marketme or Advertising Area preferred.
Salary commensurate w'tti experience. Eiceiient benefits and working conditions in world-wide diversified, growtn company. Apply In person or call Employment Office 131-1334 AMERICAN CO Berdan Ave. Wayne. NJ An Eoual Opportunity Employer eoroet your vph.
m. a. BAKERY SALESLADY Exp. pref. rum ana entr.m.asm it ail Rockieon week.
NO experience Apply Mr. Bob's Cleaners, 1080 Mam StlvEdgeJii-'SlO. SUPVR, acctsrec, $173. A B.C. AGCY 74lMAIN ST.
HACK you need. Fee re. Tues. thru sat. 12-7.
pausaaes fK Bakery. 325 Broad Ave. 944-319? SALESDEMONSTRATOR $75Com. APPiy KATNER OLDS FABRIC SHOP SALESLADY Must Ecel. potit'iont ivailable with local $35 Fashion Shows art locial function.
coime'ics firm, no eperienct re know sewing exp d. slip covers drapes. 664-7579 120 Passaic St, Hackensack HU 9-3134 A.M. TO 8:30 P.M. 11:30 A.MRT0 3 P.M.
5 P.M. P.M. OR WEEKENDS CNLY CAMBRIDGE INN GARDEN STATE PLAZA PARAMUS red. Fee reimbursed by co. AUTO Vou w.ii be a earl oi tns mth AGCV 10 Mem Hackentaclt SWITCHBOARD uu.
r. ceeklna an Individual to op BODY SHOP MANAGER AUTOMOTIVE ASST. SERVICE MGR. Basic mechanical knowledge and anility to deal with people essential. Ciean pleasant shop.
A good job with future potential for a conscientious, hard working man. Call for appt. Mr. Terhune, Gary Allen Chevrolet Engiewood. 568-3737.
BAKER Benchhand on cake or bread. Full or part time. PURITY BAKESHOP, 257 Westwood Westwood. 664-1253. BAKER Bench work, no mixing, no oven.
Good iob for energetic man. Contact MR. GROSSMAN BUT-TERF'KE BAKE SHOP TE 6-3514 Full of oa't lllt'nirinf WVr-Q OTCBUe P3U a. II ba v.orn.r.0 lor the BuM St BL-Bakery. Ptinrv RRkeHnoo.
isr wesT Exceptional opoortunity for well He rec'or at a 4 tiar mi i co Fee pd erate PBX 701 Switchboard at our local ta es office. Previous epen-ence Is helpful. Excellent salary and qualified man with minimum 5 years experience to ioin one of tne largest ooerations on the eastern seaboard. Very high salary with commission. FOREIGN TRAVEL Company dealing In educational materials has 3 openings for women 18 and over to travel Caribbean and South America and return.
No experience necessary. Immediate employment. Two week training period in Puerto Rico. $300 a mo. to start.
Transportation and Immediate expenses advanced. See Mr. Devanev at ACCTS to $20,000 ENGRS to $20,000 CHEML to $20,000 SUBMIT RESUME FOR FEE PAID OR NEGOT. 0PPTYS IN BERGEN CO. A.B.C.
eec O-IX Company wneiiis. 3M COMPANY SECRETARY This ts trie ioo vou ve oeen waning for. Contact Mr. 700 Grand Ave. Ridgefield, J.
CENTtR FORD ACVE AGCV Vi Hacunncji 943-4700 An Eaual Opportunity Employer 30th St Kennedy Blvd. No. Bergen 790 Grange Road, Teaneck, 3 P.M.-5 P.M. only. (Applicants under 21 PACKERS LEDERLE LABORATORIES 66-8C66 must have parents at interview.) We ire seeking a Gal with exceptional Secrf'a-ial skills.
Unisuai co porfuniry with maior manufacturer. r.nnra utaptinr salary BAKER or bakers helper Variety Bake Shop, 645 Kinderkamack Rd. i ver Edge, N.J. 262-2148 AUTO CAR PICKUP AND DELIVERY MAN GALS 18 -MANY COMPANY BENEFITS CONGENIAL PLEASANT Lodi office is seeking 2 sharp attractive career minded gals to work as sales reos for nat'l concern, must own car, S395 mo. to start.
DINGS SUKKUUNL SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS OFFICE SECRETARY ROOM MAIDS For new Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge opening In Saddle Brook. N.J. "CALL FOR INTERVIEW ASK FOR MANAGER (914) LY 2-8000 For busv Buick Dealership. Mature man preferred for 5 day week. Good pay to the right man, with many benefits.
MARRIOTT MOTOR HOTEL SADDLE BROOK, N. J. An Eaual Opportunity Employer BANK FEE PAID MANAGEMENT Excell oooties for branch mgmf persnl with bkgd In operations or comm'l credit. Ooen Mon nite. STEENLAND Pers.
30-24 Rt. 4, F'r L'n 79M03O BANK Transit, bookkeeping and Aootv Personnel Dent PHILIPS BROADCAST EQUIPMENT CORP. LADIES Part time, work near home. Average S2.50 per hour. Call 265-2158; 768-1825 385-3782.
39 Kinkerkamack Rd. Westwd 664-7700 Experienced work with Data processing. Large Good Salary AUTO LOT MAN For conditioning REAL ESTATE SALESWOMEN full DeneiiTS. uynamic growm an- CurreMly has need for to worn in it Puagna. Da Pa'tmanf.
So epefiercr s'-t aaiarei. benefits program ard work rtg tOfMjit'Ons. App'y In person FmnpymM 0' I AM to i PM Monday Friday LFDFOLC IABOBAT09IFS PtV. AVEPICAN YAH AMD CO. PMfl Piver, K- York Aft Eouai Opportunity Emptover J9 Route 17.
Paramus. N. BUSTARD, West- 869600 Ext 248 An fcQuat upporTuntiy employer used cars. Must oe aeoenoaoie ana have driver's license. 40 hr.
week, with liberal benefits. Apply in person to MR. COLLIER at NADLER CHEVROLET, 129 So. Broad Ridgewood, U.J. Central Proof Manager to operate department of approximately 1J.
Top salary-fringe benefits. Bergen County. Mr. McCusker. 265-5555.
1 1 i -r a a rt I CO OOrl SALESGIRL To sell young swinging "Zil vr acctng exp; Switchboard-Part Time 4 P. M. fo 10 P. M- Won thru Thurs. Pleasant work, busy Motel.
good pay. benems.762-690CL sportwear. Must be experienced, location conv to G.S. Pkwy, fee pd SECRETARY good salary. 365-4531 BANK TELLERS FIRST NATIONAL STATE BANK OF NEW JERSEY JAMES A0LNUY b-UUlb WAITRESSES Days and evenings 1250 E.
Ridgewood Ave, Ridgewood Tr fEnnrtrlat executlv In a rowing Opportunities are currently availabls SWIiUHBUAKu UrtKAlUK PERSONNEL medium ixed company. ChaHenfjing ADDRESSING MACHINE OPERA SALESLADIES HARTLY WESTWOOD Position for Gal Friday type in. Busy 2 position 701 board, requires TOR (Speedaumati. Manmasiers AUTO MECHANIC LUBE MAN PORTER One of America's leading CHEVROLET dealers has openings for reliable men who seek a future! Top pay plan. Exceptionally pleasant working conditions.
Lube Man and Porter must have driver's license. Opportun i.t PBX exoerience. Familiar available. Please apply in person to the hostess, Ann between 9-12 and 2-3 PM on Tues, Wed and Thurs. Sun and Mon bet 2-5 Howard Johnson's Restaurant, 39J Rte 17, Paramus, N.J.
busy, congenial office. Good start' 124 Leunmg St. so. Hacken-sack. 343-4810.
in Newark and Nutley tor experienced loandiscbunt, commercial, and savings tellers. Qualified applicants will be offered an outstanding starting salary and a truly excellent benefit program. Please apply at th Personnel Department 550 Broad Street Newark, New Jersey ity with automatic internal dialing system preferred. Good oav, benefits. Call Mr.
Gladstone 85-40O. GRANO CITY CONTAINER CORP 5O0I Tonnelle Ave North Bergen ADMIN. ASST. Personable woman, over 51, who wouid like a career in selling better dresses-coats. We offer a good sal ing salary, til benenit.
Apply BRIGHT STAR INDUSTRIES INC. 400 Getty Ave. Clifton. N. 1.
An equal opportunity employer WAITRESSES ary. This is a full time job and an FEE PAID SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Ihas 0oein? days Full time 12 to 9. excellent opportunity PHONE NO ity to grow Wilh the tirm. iee service Manager, MALCOLM. KONNER CHEVROLET ROUTE 17 PARAMUS, N.J.
Supervisor. ALEXANDER'S 4-3111 Northern N.J. location. Our client desires degree preferred chap to perform Admin, duties within Engg. SALESWOMAN Wait on store, take Exoerlenced "swfrma bet 2-6.
444-5700 6i-iuu "SECRETARY" FEE PAID TO $140 phone orders, keep simple records and books. Permanent. Alert, accurate gal Friday that likes to as SWITCHBOARD r.fh.1;!,,: Evenings, eppiv in person daily 9 AUTO MECHANIC Dept. Planning, scheduling, oocu-ments and cost controls. Stop in or send resumes.
BANKING FOR JR. EXEC position with northeast Bergen C. Savings and Loan Association. All employee benefits are provided. Requires 5 years minimum Savings and Loan, or Banking exp.
Send resume Box 2761 Record. Rte 4o, Lit- Good tvpist, exp'd. ow.Zlcnr to 5, HOLIDAY INN new offices Engiewood Cliffs. perry, Clean-neat, own tools, light work, sume responsibility, mmed. open S150 per wk, 261-8412, 6-9 PM.
appt. can v4-wyi WAITRFSFIU-Flill and Dart time. ing. 5 days incl. 6 day optional.
Rutherford Dept. 07070 fcNLfcU, Jl AUT, OftLM I lor 81 ttO-JIM; rows Flower 81 Gift Shop, 25 No, Dean Engiewood. present teacher transferr ing out of I state. to 12 session. BA or BS, iarlV education.
Call 845-7373 IN RETAILUNG. MUST BE PEOPLE ORIENTED AND MANAGEMENT OPEN. CALL 568-7986 Interesting diversified position for gal with good skills who can be this manager's right arm. It vou havi a car, this is a dream ioo "EXCLUSIVE" 10-8 Banla PI. 3H3-7774 Hackensack WAITRESSES wanted.
Evenings, in- SALESWOMEN c'udina iaiuraay. Lau Mine ttraoy ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. TEACHER early childhood half or BANKING OPERATIONS The FIRST NATIONAL STATE BANK OF NEW JERSEY currently has opportunities avaiiable for assistant branch managers. Applicants should possess several years experience in customer contact and banking operations. Salary commensurate FULL OR PART TIME WAITRESSES FULL OR PART Community Ctr, 153 Tenaflv Rd.
Show proofs of children photos taken There is no better position open In this area for a married man with degree. Public relations. Potential AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS TIME. DAY OR EVES. SUBUR SECRETARY Engiewooa xr-w: in their home.
No exp necessary. Will train S135 salarv bonus. Car BAN DINER. unlimited. Superb training program.
DIRECTED. Excellent salary Liberal benefits AdoV oenennel office n.ilv am Tue eve, 44 30 M. TEA-ChTR'S AIDES. J-fr supervision WAITRESSES-Experienced. i necessary.
Call Mr. Amodio 374-5700 i S7.800 to S9.000. room and playground i hiu rtv per week IRWIN PERSONNEL SERVICE with experience, full benefit program. Applv at the Personnel De- We art seeking tn Individual for diversified secretarial position. Will invnlva customer relations and cus 21.
Italian kitchen. Good pay and 30 Howe Passaic 473-4617 '1 WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED. A WfB tips. Call 779-9747 tor appt. SJ.
per hi hour. Call DEMAREST partmentr 550 Broad Street, NEW- INKTRfiTIVF ASSTS ARK, New Jersey. PUBLIC iLMUULWM-omw tomer order work Secretarial duties. Previous exo. req.
Excel sal Routn 4 nd 17. Pvtima.HJ. TELEPHONE HELP-PART TIME. ary ind Co. benefits.
Secretaries Jr. Typists Employ yourself, it's getting later than you frr-k Chrstmas is almost here, and it's to start on your career with a company that offers top $, full benefits and all the room you need for unlimited financial growth. Get yourself a head start on the season, Apply Personnel 4th Floor Goodbody 2 Broadway, N.Y.C. (At Whitehall) Trainee oootv for ambitious voung'oF A FEW EXPERIENCED ME-lBARBER-Full time, plug "slekThldminittTalwe" iCHANICS PREFERABLY WITH Call 391-7446, evening. 6 TO 9 P.V145-59fJ0.
COMPANY G. M. TRAINING. WOMEN (3) PART TIME, EVENINGS Students accepted Women needed to work In Ridgewood office of large National concern. For work in advertising and circulation departments.
Excellent starting salary, permanent position. For personal Interview call MR. ANTHONY PL 2-0818. ZENITH AGCY180 Main Hackensack PERSONNEL CLRKTYP. $115 Abbev 340 Main St.
Hack. TELEPHONE OPERATORS needed. WIRERS NEW HIGHER RATE UP TO S2.46'1 PER HOUR liberal benefits, permanent positions. Excellent working conditions. Convenient location.
To be experienced with commer'l ampiifiert and tuners. Call Mr. Arnold for appointment 343-5700 rM.t.itiuirATiriluC 700 Grand Ridgefield t43-700 Anv nours, iri.iuuiny ER PART TIME. LO 8-4503 Aft 7 PM-LO WE OFFER IDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS IN A NEW MODERN cunn TUAT IC Al WAYS P.IISY. AMI CMUOI WWi lU't'if Call Dt 2-818'.
PERSONNEL INTERVIEWER TEXTILE ARTIST BILL RUNNER WE OFFER A GUARANTEED SAL- 5 PM to 2 AM. No experience neces-aov di nc lumMTlVP PAY Pt AN sarv. Tn S90. Apo in person. Re SECRETARY Work With Us In Beautiful Bldj.
Riverside Or. at 1191h NYC. WILL TRAIN IOPEN AIR CONDITIONING MECHANIC Mln 5 vrs exner. Day work. Permanent position, many benefits.
Hack. area. Call Miss Calianese. 487-5440! 487-6000 PEOPLES TRUST CO. GENEVA AGCY.
Main Hack TEMPORARY cno mr.H FARNINfSS. LIBERAL puunb oi lua-uiH wiai. v. f.iu We are seeking a creative Individual Division of Lear Siegler Inc. to work in our studio designing R0ute 4 an() Forest Ave.
Paramus prints. We will consider a beginner i An gqga Opportunity Employer a avAS, inrf1 Mriil 1 NYC C-vr-t tnterattlna DOsltlonl now ooen for seevs shorthand and or Sir moderS Executive Headquarters I WOMAN Part time iob available work from Nov 25 to Dec 14, take orders for Sarah Coventry fine fashion iewelry. Earn 54 to $6 hr. Call 768-1656 bet 9 AM-1 PM. Eves 7-9.
BILLER TYPISTS 2 needed. Experience necessary. Salary open. Apply in person Republic Carloading Dist. 460 W.
42nd d'Ctipnone exp. I. pari rim openings either morn or aft). Also 1 full time requiring Spenlsh short hand. Pin- friendly tmoohre Good sal EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCLUDING UNIFORMS, HOSPITALIZATION, INSURANCE AND PENSION PLAN.
neg M5-5 ACTIVE OIXON EMP Ooen Tu Nite Cdr Lane.Janeck. t3a-o883 PRINTING TRAINEES our ad tmcter Men, Printing for your career opportunity. Apply 123 Tryon Ave, Teaneck NYC. Experienced-for Installations and ser You'll Give Thanks for Extra aries and fringe benefits. Please tele- earned in spare time selling phone (212) 870-2801, located in Kocxieign, n.i.
wio iu" company benefits and excellent working conditions. For information, con-fact Mrs.HornsteinJ20768-oOO TRACING CLERKOS i Dept. Exp'd. trucking. 8:30 to 5.
Contact ermlnal Manager's office 438-2000 ext. 221. EASTERN FREIGHT- BILLING Supervisor, Co is leader in its field, new to this area, urt-limited oootv. fee neg, start $6200 vice ot eouipmem ror rooms. HIGH RATES, BENEFITS, YEAR ROUND, TERRIFIC OPPORTUNITY.
CALL COMPUTER PREP SECRETARY JR. AVON CALL JOANNE NORMAN 14-5440 Irvlngton 1128 Springfield Ave. ES 5-9200 ARATIONS isy-sju AIR CONDITIONING MECHAN CS SNELLING SNhLLINu PtK.UINMLL 1625 LEMOINE FORT LEE, N.J. WAYS, Lansiaat Will consider bright beginner or woman returning to business with good skills for Interesting and diverse position. New Bergen County offices.
Salarv based on experience. Benefits Include profit sharing. PROGRAMMER tee our ad under male CLARK-O'NEILL, INC. AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS TRAVEL AGENT, $75. AND UP.
A.B.C. ST. HACK Gift Cosmetics in vour neighborhood. Lilberal comms, no exper required, free beauty course. Now! 664-8486 914) EL 8-0737 865-31M 343-8818 BINDERY TRAINEE SAVER HACKENSACK RAMSEY WESTWOOD Has a number of good starting lobs in the Westwood, Ramsey, and Hackensack stores for full time meat Permanent positions for willing and capable mechanics, desiring better than average wage end other benefits with largest mechanical Contrac-tor in N.J.
278-1234, ext. 849 Opportunity to learn printing trade, some experience desirable out not necessary. 489-5050. CALL MR. FRANK, M8TOU TYPIST Chrysler product experience Preferred but wiil consider mechanics with experience in other makes in- AIRLINE TRAINEES Reservationlst To S125 Customer Relations Pamn Service To SlTOjCluaing imporis.
rm mi irnn SECRETARY Snow White. got her prince by taking care of 7. You will only have to take cart of 2. They need a gal to type and answer phones. You can find your prince In this dynamic co.
S433 fee re. Call Karen Anderson 343-3555 S-H-S Int'l Personnel Sys, 20 Banta PI. Hack. ZENITH AGCY 180 Main Hackensack BOOKKEEPER FULL CHARGE. If you are fully experienced, can assume complete responsibility of all phases including billing, credits, etc.
a small growing Carlstadt firm wants you. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Replies held in strictest confidence, Submit details Including salary and phone number to Box 988R, The, Record. wrappers, no experience necessary, we will train, fULlJUtKi ATTENTION JOB APPLICANTS The Record does not knowingly accept help wanted ads from emoloy-ers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act if they offer less than the legal minimum wage or fail to pay at least time and one half for employment covered by the FLSA prior to the 1966 Amendments is $1.60 an hour with overtime pay required after 40 hours a week. Jobs covered AIRPORT Limousine drivers.
PRODUCTION WORKERS to work en packaging lines In new cosmetic plant; SITS per hour io start, pud holidays and vacation benflts. TANGEE COSMETICS 400 Go'ham Parkwav Carlsiadf. New Jersey 935-1700 Call 843-7272 MEAT WRAPPERS ADPI CIIPPP SAVFR Experienced, filing. Diversified duties. 5 days, excellent companv paid benefits.
New. modern, pleasant surround- Mrs' Armstrong 568-0224 Ext. Jjy RESPONSIVE ENVIRONMENT CORP. Educational Materials Technology for Learning 200 Sylvan Ave. Engiewood Cliffs fn EoualOppumtyEPlyer V-eTie-r Ha to work PAINT AND BODY MECHANICS ALUMINUM RAILING SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST BKKPR, FEE PD $150 ANDERSON AVE AND LINDEN ST HACKENSACK 125 RAMSEY SHOPPING CENTER, os o.
resuii or me iy Amendments require $1.15 an hour minimum with overtime pay required after 42 hours Good starting salarv, automatic Increases, fringe benefits, 5 day week Fabricator, layout and read drawings. Permanent job with year round overtime. Plus full Company benefits. 487-2600 Active Dixon Emp Open Tues Nlta a week. This NFWSPAPFP rloec nnt Pleasant working conditions in new FEE PAID 110.
For 1 girl office E. Paterson COMMERCE EMPLOYMENT AGCY 133 Ellison St Pat 279-6262 301 CENTER AVE STWOOD for book publisher' located In Old .1 i wB instruct In building. 133 cedar Lane. Teaneck, 636-6888 BOOKKEEPERS $110-160 r.HRYS hr! KS V.UKV. the operation of audograoh equip a openings WOMAN-MATURE 90 Klngsfield Clifton 472-4771 "ts "nd ACME AGCY BcrcDTinmtf Fatcinatlno CO.
ment and switenrwara. rtours v. i -iw Fvrel ent working 214 Main Hackensack knowlingly accept HELP-WANTED AOS that Indicate a preference based on a9e from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. For specific information, contact the Wage and Hour Office of the U. S.
Department of Labor Room 133 Ellison Paterson, N. J. 278-9500 Ext. 203 or 204. ANALYST PROGRAMMER Develop, maintain standards, coordinate all activities, grow to the full amount of your ability.
Co pays fee, $12,000 CALL VIRGINIA HANLON 944 5440 SNELLING SNELLING PERSONNEL 1625 LEMOINE FORT LEE, N.J. An Equal tm Experienced In all phases of running conditions and 'fringe benefits. We BOYS MEN seeks a gal to meet and greet the "Big Men" from your favorite TV network. "Laugh-in" on 'hit iik.n..,." mavhe your "Pey AUTO MECHANIC SECRETARY Dvnamlc lawyer. International church org; needs able assist.
Good typing and steno. Important. (Leoal exo. unneccessary). Accuracy In detail work essential.
Beautiful new bldg. Please telephone (212) 870-2801. small office, including answering phone, typing, Jight bkkoinq, etc. are an equal opportunity cimmiu.c. Call 768-8060, Mrs.
Dial for ap Shipping Order Picking. Packing. ca 9 to r.rvi.. vi4 tji-ii. pointment.
Gas station. East Paterson area. Must be experienced. 6 day week. $150 per week, apply In person hull time, DeneiiTS.
Kiogeneia area WOMAN Experienced in book pin- 941-1758. ton Place" Will be mora exciting SJ68. Calf Karen Anderson 343-35 5 5 l-ft-S in'tl ersonnel Sys, 20 Banta PI. Hack. "TYPIST-CLERK BUILDING MAINTENANCE ASSIS- ATLANIIC blAIIUli APPRENTICE Man to be trained as steel engraver.
Excellent opportunity for right man. Steady work with overtime. Many company ben S100-120 Kelp Wanted Male 33 FEE NEG SECTYS SECRETARY ocry worK mw i and padding. Employment would be In Hackensack, N.J, Please give Market and Beach E. Paterson experience, etc in ener io dua nu.
efits. Some machine shop experi AUfO MECHANICS HELPER-expe- RECEPTIONIST-Smlle, vou're on Candid Camera. Be prepared I for that day by smiling and "reefing customers. Sounds like fun? It is 3019-R, The Record 0an.rai accounting exoerl. ence nr vocational schoo required For large trucking company.
Knowledge of steno and dictaphone. Own transportation necessary. Call 933-6000, ext. 230. An equal opportunity riercea.
kalaaan iviuiis-, iu Engiewood N.J. area Reply to Box WOMAN Mature, fo clean furniture ence necessary. Pref In freight for POiitly Roao. If possess this attribute. Sales gr warding, send resume ana salary re V440K Kecgrg.
to see at 3M. tasn in on 343.3555 of lovely eg woum iimi employer, quirements to Mr. Barry, Republic store. I day weexiy. rieasoni roundings.
Nr. Garden State Plan. Call 843-3444, bet 12 and 6 PM AUTO PARTS 30-24 Rt. 4, Carloading Dist. 460 w.
44no caning wary enu "r.itTFCNi AND -H-SHlnt'l Personnel Svs. 20 SECRETARY NTl I AN Assistant to supervisor or Maintenance In local public school system. Good starting salary. Liberal pension, hospitalization and other benefits. Public school experience desirable but not essential.
Call Supervisor of Maintenance between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. weekdays at 445-7700. BUILDING SERVICE WORKER Excellent working conditions, good hours, high pay, vacation, all bene- MRS. HENLEY, 278-6800 WOMAN to work.
In groceryleli 81 lingual English-French. Steno plus ART PLANNING PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Experienced. To "spec" tvoe, plan and coordinate production of art or- Herc fnr mechanical and W'S to Counterman. Blue Blue Shield, Maior Medical, overtime, good opportunity wtih growing company. 568-9118.
Store as ciern. 156 S. Main Hack. 342-5155 strong French vocabulary. Good IVP- ng.
National ottice oi Kenaun, m. Engiewood Cliffs, N. J. 461-4000, ACCOUNTANT ENERAL AUTO PARTS Personnel Dept. completion.
Artgraphic schooling or Teaneck Jobber needs inside 5 davs. equivalent prauikai uiimum ikbi ence required. HAVE FUN AND EARN MONEY tXP or will irdin aiiiuuiuu mn i Interested in tun lime employment, edlphone dictation, good salary, bright modern three girl office. Send resume and salary desired to The Record, Box 8296R mus-i ire Waldwlck, N. 444-8000 DEMONSTRATE TV ADVERTISED So.
Hack. 489-I6UU. AUTO PARTS HELPER SECRETARY FOR CREDIT DEPT Must be oood at figures. Some book Must Ee good at figures. Some book $7,000 TO $11,000 Are You TOYS IN STORES IN BERGEN.
TOTOWA, HACKENSACK, BUS BOY TO WORK IN CAFETERIA. START 12 noon. CALL 845-3000, ext 317, ask for MR. SCOTT US BOY Full or part time. The
nr-lorred 15 hr ite One of Bergen County's largest GM dealers seeking parts helper. All company henetifs Including hospitaliza week, fcxcenent oenetns ana wormng conditions. Apply in person only 2-4 conditions. Apply In person only 2-4 WOOD-RIDGE, PARAMUS, tion and paid vacation. Apply Parts PM at Garcia 329 Alfred How to Save Yourself Tiresome Commuting work at our Claims Service Office right In vour own neighborhood and be soared all that excess carfare and aggravation! The position li Interesting: you'll be assisting our local claims men the representatives of the largest auto insurance company In the country.
Working conditions are pleasant, salaries good, ind benefits excellent. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT (201) 836-5755 (between 9 a.m. and 4 P.m. Gcod Typing Skill! Required. Closed Nov.
2' nd Thanksgiving Holidays STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES SIC FmAmr I nm. Toanerk. N. J. Forum Restaurant, Rt.
4, Paramus. KEARNY, Teaneck. see miss Noves A college grad or night student looking for a job with a future? ASSEMBLERS MECHANICAL Experienced Assemblers of precision parts. Must work to close tolerances. This Is an excellent opportunity to be trained in a highly specialized new product line.
uub nccro- Manager RATNER OLDS 120 Passaic St, Hackensack, HU 9-3134 tprRFTABY.FXECUTIVf. JERSEY CITY AND OTHER JERSEY Bright girl to work (or controller. BUS BOYS-MEN SERVICE BOYS-MEN Steno and typing pref. statistical, im tn Hid Cull far aoot. J.
GroOt, If You Are jalejjjelp Wanted, Female 32 ASales Help Wanted, female 32-A Christmas Window Shopping Dreams Can come true EARN EXTRA MONEY BY WORKING FOR 51 ALEXANDER'S jfSAI.ES STOCK CASHIERS A'lo Exrrlrno. Nenessary, We'll Show You How If VV Shifts to suit- your convenience ft 10 A.M.- 2P.M. P.M. it 6 P.M. -10 P.M.
11 A. P.M. 9 A.M. -6 P.M. ft Jv In addition receive immediate DISCOUNTS 5944800.
CALL AT ONCE. 736-0789 SectyGal Friday Interested in a FEE PAID position Part time evenings. Also weekends, days and evenings. Please aooly in EXC STARTING SALARY LIBERAL CO BENEFITS Fee nego. 15 with a major industrial firm erson to Howard Johnson 1 JVJ Rt.
7, Paramus. diversified spot downtown pat. CnmmArre Pmnlnvment Aacv. Excellent oooortunlty for experienced person, with a National automobile manufacturer, Liberalized fringe benefits, include automatic progression 133 Ellison St. Paterson 279-6762 Call, Coma In Or Send Resume To Call or AppIy to Personel Deot.
AIRCRAFT WOMEN FULL OR PART TIME NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. Steady work plus overtime. No Lav SECRETARY New comonnv to N.J. nrn mnJ tu Br. (M M.
JESSUP 487-4800 Automated Personnel International ACME AGCY 214 MinHackensack increases, every mcnm, much inly cost of living allowance, non-contributory pension plan, tuition refund program for students. Thrift stack ownership program. Full coverage medical expense plan. If you are Interested In a position with a guaranteed future, anoiv to: Agency, 31 Mercer 5tH ackensack ACCT SECY English, or English German Hoffman Motors, "ole Imnorfar of RADIO CORP. DIV OF CESSNA AIRCRAFT CO.
Rockaway Valley Rd. Boonton Phone: 334-1800 An Equal Opportunity Employer oils. Package "MATCH BOX" tov cars and other toy products. Good pay plus fully paid company benefits Including employee products dis-rnunt nf vnnr rhlldrpn are In school BMW cars, 50 Louis So. Hack Anequal opportunity employer MF STAGNANT? ensack, N.J, 4BV-8U0I UHKYSLtK MUIUKS IW.
you can work part time from EC A Top skills, self TYP15T EDITORIAL Pvi-flii nnnnrtunitv with growing BUSBOYS BAR BOY Nights, Monday to Friday KITCHEN HELP No Exoerience Necessary OUTSTANDING EMPLOYEE BENEFITS APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. MARRIOTT MOTOR HOTEL SADDLE BROOK. N. J. An Equal opportunity Employer 90 Klnosland Clifton 473-4771 starter, well organized, Interesting Leading natl corp seeks aggressive management oriented chap groomed An equal upportunuy -mpiuyer "apply Tn pOT'call: FRED BRONNER CORP.
young publishing firm In Fort Lee Good salary, nleasanl working Conor. Excell benefits. Call Mrs. Hart position, 33 nr. wk.
iai exp, ref. Box 3263R. Record. SECY PT. Own hrs.
Help writer, 947.4113 AUTOMOBILE PARTS MAN TOYOTA MOTOR OIST. 179 Commerce Rd. Carlstadt, N. mil ol.lSK organize books, flies, etc, State TYPIST-Electric typewriter, part An Equal Opportunity Emotover Fastest growing car distributor needs hrlv rate. Box 7776R Recorg.
SFCRFTARV LEGAI exoerlei ASSEMBLERS to work In growing electronics co In northern New Jersev. Must be neat, ambitious and willing to progress. CALL MR. L. LANG 343-5700 Bogen Communications nf I ear Siegler Inc.
time. 1-5 J1.75 start. Apply Some'i Uniforms, (Mrs. Elkln) 65 Rt 17, Paramus, 143-8440. An Equal capable person exp o.
p-ns oruer lakinci. Inventory control and cus- Real Estat and Probate Cal On your purchases Apoly Personnel Office Doily and Tues. evening, P. M. If BcutA 4 and 17.
Paramus, N. J. WOMEN-Full days and nights, Mon, thru Fri. 10 A.M.-6 P.M. or 5 P.M.
to 1 A.M. Snack tor too exec lob. Publicprivate exp OK. Fee paid. Send resume or call PLACE MART 25 SALEM ST HACKENSACK CALL 487-39 33 DAY OR NITE ACCOUNTANT Unusual opportunity for man with small accounting firm experience to work directly with CPA In Hudson Bergen area.
Salary open. Phone 865-4567. 944-0252. inmer miattoni to loin us In our new Opportunity Employer; TYPIST bar. Bowling tenter, uppiy vK' npM statf RnwL.O.MAt.
Gar SECTY ADVERTISING $100 7ENITH AGCY IWMaln Hackensack Pvnarlenred. IBM electric. Full modern office and warehouse under construction In Lvndhurst, N.J. Contact Mrs. Brunetto.
Tovola Motors den laiaL Paramus843-3505. Looking For A New Hemat You'll Find It Listed Under Classification 141 time. Split shifts available. Pleassnt surroundings. Equal Oppty Employer.
Little Firry. Wrlle Box 3324 Rmif 4 Forest Avei Paramus 231 Johnson Newark. J. Call: Secretary. Closter area, nea 120 ACTIVE DIXON EMP Ooen Tues Nile WOMEN tor nam tacioryworn.
vr-mont Drug 4 Chemical. 520 So, An Eaual Opportunity Empiovtr Dean bngiewooa, is.j. The Record. 131 Cedar Lane, Teanick, IJ6-6868 liAA.