THE TRANSCRIPT. BAYARD, NEBRASKA. BRATTON SCHOOL OPENED. FOP, Util Nebraska Druggists Praise Excellent Kidney Medicine Consolidated Institution in South-Eastern Nebraska In Operation. PHELPS COUNTY BOOSTERS HOLD LIVELY MEETING.
After selling Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root for fifteen years and knowing that it has been the means of producing satisfied customers, I am pleased to' recommend it and believe that it is equal to the best preparation on the market for kidney ailments. I have never heard a single party 6ay that it did not accomplish good results. Very truly yours, C. J.
FLEMING, Druggist. Sept. 21, 810. Norfolk; Neb. We have been selling Dr.
Kilmers Swamp Root ever since it wa placed on the market. There is no proprietary that we sell that gives better general satisfaction than Dr. Kilinera Swamp-Root. The sale is steady and the results satisfactory 1 do not know of a case where the party complained that it did not do all that you advertise. Very truly yours, C.
C. McLEESE, Druggist. Sept. 21, 1916. Davenport, Neb.
DEFER ACTION OH FEDERAL! Kearney Hog Appear to Have Established Record Mother to Litter of Twenty-one Pigs Many Women in this Condition Regain Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, Falls City. The Bratton union consolidated school, which Is situated north and east of Humboldt, has opened. Two Richardson county and two Nemaha county districts and built a $10,000 plant The building is a modern brick structure with four rooms and a large basem*nt. Two of the class rooms above can be converted into one targe assembly room and have an elevated platform.
At present Principal E. L. Taylor, JIrs. E. L.
Taylor and Miss Willie Dat is are the teachers and are handling eleven grades with a total enrollment of seventy pupils. Next year another teacher will be added and the twelfth grade will be Installed. The children beyond the two mile limit are transported to school In three vehicles. A large barn has been built for any that drive. A six-room teachers' cottage is about completed.
It will be modern with the exception of heating. The principal will have six acres of ground for agricultural experiments and for his own use. He receives $80 and his wife $G0 in addition to free house rent, water and light. The school is to be a social center. Farmers unions are meeting here regularly.
J. O. Schroyer, James Holman and Theodore Mathew are members of the board. American gloves are in denmtld In Culm. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cent to Dr.
Kilmer A Binghamton, N. for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper.
Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar aize bottlos for aale at all drug stores. Montana 640-Acre Homesteads New law just passed. New towns, business opportunities. Map showing proposed railroads. Bend 25 cents for maps and information.
Address U. S. Commissioner, Outlook, Monti, fllTrilT Wt4onK.Colemaii,Wa4h rn I Fl I lngton.D C. Books free, Lligb-I I IV IV reference. Best reealu.
Allens Foot-Ease for the Troops. Many war tone hospitals have ordered Allen's Foot-Base, the antiseptic powder, for ut among: the troops. Shaken into the shoes and sprinkled In the foot-bath, Allens Foot-Ease giveareMt and comfort, and makes walking a delight. Sold everywhere 25c. Try it today.
AUt France In 1910 exported to the Unit oil States goods valued at $110,304,951 COMING EVENTS. Omaha Annual Merchants Market Week, March 12-17. Odd Fellows District Meeting, North Platte. March 18. Royal Neighbors of Nebraska State Meeting, Fremont, March 20-2U Annual Meeting State Chapter P.
E. Fremont, March 21-22-23. D. A. R.
Annual State Convention, Fremont, March 21, 22 and 23. Annual State Bowling Tournament, Fremont, April 9-14. North Nebraska High School Declamatory Contest, Wayne, March 29. Missouri Valley Chiropractor's Association Meeting, Omaha, April 21-22. Convincing Proof of This Fact Ridgway, Penn.
I suffered from female trouble with backache and pain in my side for over seven months so I could not do any of my work. I was treated by three different doctors and was getting discouraged when my sister-in-law told me how Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound had helped her. I decided to try it, and it restored my health, so I now do all of my housework which is not light as I have a little boy three years old. Mrs.
O. M. ItniNEs, Ridgway, Penn. Mrs. Lindsey Now Keeps House For Seven.
I want to tell you how much I have been benefited by Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. About eight years ago I got in such a low state of health I was unable to keep house for three in the family. I had dull, tired, dizzy feelings, cold feet and hands nearly all the time and could scarcely sleep at all. The doctor said I had a severe case of ulceration and without an operation I would always be an invalid, but I told him I wanted to wait awhile.
Our druggist advised my husband to get Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and it has entirely cured me. Now I keep house for seven and work in the garden some, too. I am so thankful I got this medicine. I feel as though it saved my life and have recommended it to others and they have been benefited.
Mrs. W.E. Lindsey, It. It. 3, Tennille, Ga.
If you want special advice write to Lydia E. PInkbam Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. Community Club to Build.
For some time a move has been afoot to provide a modern building for social gathering and amusem*nt. A number of business men have formed a corporation whose purpose it is to erect a building that shall house club rooms, bowling alleys, a ball adapted to gtf give shows or hold other public gatherings. The building will be equipped along the most modem ideus along these lines. Holdrege. Every township in Phelps county was represented with from three to five men at the good roads meeting held a few days ago at the court house.
Uniform road construction was. agreed upon, and the coming year no culverts less than twenty feet long and filled twelve inches above the top will be put in. Uniform grades and drainage were also agreed upon. Full action was deferred upon the federal aid road movement This was the second annual good roads day for Phelps county. Uehling Lad Win Prize.
elillng Vendol N. Nelson of this place lias been notified that he won the hohors for the best corn grown in the Junior contest- conducted by the extension department of the State University. He will receive a medal and a free trip to Lincoln during the State Club congress this summer. Shipping Fever Influenza. Eplzootlo, Distemper and all noee and throat diseases cured, and all others, no matter how "exposed.
kept from having any of these diseases with SIOHNS DISTEMPER COMPOUND. Three to alx doses often cur, a cnee. One 60-cert bottle guaranteed to do so. Best thing for brood mares; acts on the blood. 60C'a bottle, 16 dozen bottles.
Druggists and harness shops or manufacturers sell It. Agents wanted. ffPOHN MEDICAL Chemists, Goshen, V. S. A- Sow Has Litter of Twenty-One.
Kearney. Superintendent Clark of the State Industrial school feels that the institution is entitled to recognition beyond that of raising, better boys. Since the arrival there recently of a litter of twenty-one pigs, the family of one of the pedigreed Duroc-Jersey brood sows of the school herd, the superinteuduit feels that a record has been made and he makes bold to enter It for competition with any other raisers of hogs In the state. The school has over 200 hogs and last week marketed two carloads. No Additional Appropriation.
Chariron. Mayor Fisher has received a telegram from Congressman Kinkald that there will be no additional appropriation made for the new federal building here He says bids will be asked for on a building that can be constructed Inside the original appropriation of $110,000. Brazil has the largest known deposit of 70 per cent Iron ore, practically free from phosphorus, In the world. Many a man who owes his success to his wife doesnt owe her much at that. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING BEWARE OF sudden colds.
Take- cascarainine Hebron Company Incorporates. Hebron. The Hebron Sales Pavilion company has been Incorporated with a capital stock of $115,000. The purpose of the new company Is the selling and exhibiting of live slock and providing a suitable place for public amusem*nts, recreation and sporting events. Blast Ice to Save Bridges.
Omaha. instead of waiting for warm weather to move the ice from Nebraska streams, officials of railroads operating out in the state have commenced making openings aroufitT most of the bridges. Dynamite is being sent out from Omaha, consigned to the station crews in the vicinity of the bridges, and already the men are breaking up the ice. Out through the state, It Is asserted that in most of the streams the Ice the thickest ever known. Measurements show that the Ice In some instances Is thirty-sit Inches thick.
The old family remedy-in tablet form-aafe, eure, ea7 to take. No optetee no unpleasant after effect. Cures colds in 24 hours Grip in 3 days. Money back if It falls. Get the genuine box with Red Top end Mr.
Hill's picture on it 25 cents. At An; Drug Star, Treaty Site Dedication. Crawford. The boulder where ihe treaty between the Indian tribes ceded the Black Hills territory to the white man will be marked and dedicated by the local chapter of the D. A.
It. on flag day. June 14. The boulder lies about four miles from town. The Army of Constipation Glrlsl Try This! Makes Hair Thick, Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful No More Itching 8calp.
Within ten minutes after an application of Danderlne you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will please you moBt will be after a few weeks use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A little Danderlne Immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with Dunderlne and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one smull strand at a time. The effect Is amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an Incomparable luster, softness, and luxuriance. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowltons Danderlne from any store, and prove that your hair Is ns pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment thats all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of It if you will Just try a little Danderlne.
Adv. Is Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTERS LITTLE LIYER PILLS are responsible they not only give relief CARTERS Contract Let for School. Lindsay. The contract for the construction of the addition to the Catholic school was let recently to the Parker Construction Company of Columbus at a figure of $16,000.
Work started the day that the contract was let. Two Kitted in Auto Accident. David City. Mrs. C.
O. Hyde and 12-year-old daughter were killed just west of this city when an automobile In which they were riding plunged down a fifteen-foot embankment All five occupants of the car were pinned under it and many cars passed without hearing their cries for help. It was after more than a half hour that they were discovered. Mrs. Hyde at daughter were probably Instantly killed.
Ball Baarlngf Long Waaalng Typewritten letters, bills, records, are a sure sign of business-like methods that mean success instead of failure. Carbon copies kept and filed away prevent misunderstandings and even It does not require an expert to operate an L. C. Smith Bros, typewriter. It is simple and durable.
Mail the coupon and let us tell you more about our proposition. they permanently cure Co stlpstise. Mil- lions use, them for Bilwiioeu, iaditloa. Sick Headache, Sallow Skis. SMALL FILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE.
Genuine must bear Signature Auto Dealers Join National Body. Omaha. The Nebraska Automobile Trade association, to be affiliated with the National Automobile Trade association, was organized here, when 750 of the dealers and accessory men of the state met at. a beef steak 1anamu Canal zone has 223 licensed automobiles. Buyer Must Transport Spuds.
Alliance. Adolph Brost, a farmer living near here, sold 4,000 bushels of potatoes recently for $2 a bushel! The tubers were sold In the Brost cellar with the understanding that the buyer bring them to town at his own ex pense. Speculators are offering to contract the Box Butte crop for 1917 at 75 cents a bushel, but few. If any, contracts are being made on this W. N.
OMAHA, NO. 9-1917. Methodists at Cozad to Build. Cozad. The First Methodist church of this place will erect a new modern church here to cost In the neighborhood of $15,000.
Porkers Bring High Price. Fairbury. Forty-seven Poland-China sows sold for an average of $86. per head at the John L. Nahnan Sons sale here.
Tho top sow sold for $170. THB ONWARD MARCH of Bronchitis, and deep seated Coughs la arrested by Doctor Fierce Golden Medical Discovery. In those scrofulous conditions of the blood which Invite Consumption In severe, lingering Coughs, and Weak Lungs, which threaten you with this fatal disease, and when other help has failed this medicine is a proved remedy. As a blood-cleanser, strength-restorer, and tonlo It Is sure to benefit In all lingering Bronchial and Throat affections, and In every disease that can be reached through the blood. It never fails to benefit or cure.
In tablet or liquid form. The machinery of the body needs to be well oiled, kept In good condition lust as the automobile, steam engine or bicycle. Why should tho human neglect hts own machinery more than that of his horse or his engine? Yet most people do neglect themselves. Clean the system at least once a week with Dr. Fierces Pleasant Pellets.
What Is Uric cAcid Everyone has urio acid in the system, but naturally in small quantities. Excessive amount ia caused by eating too much meat and foods that ferment in stomach. The kidneys, being the filters of the blood, are supposed to separate and throw the poisons out of the system. Weak, tired and overworked kidneys fail to do this, hence the uric acid accumulates and the urate salts are carried by the blood to the solid tissue structure, causing backache, lumbago, rheumatism, dropsy, drowsiness, and tired feeliDg. To overcome the trouble is only a matter of toning up the kidneys, and this is best done by a treatment with Anuric, three times a day.
Anuric is a recent discovery of Dr. Fierce of Buffalo, N. and can be obtained at any drug store. Experience taught Doctor Pierce that Anuno is a more powerful agent than lithia in dissolving urio acid, and it is then carried ont of the system. Slayer of Family May Live.
Lincoln. Rudolph Krause, farmur, who shot and killed his wife and two children at their home two miles out of Tobias and then turned the gun upon himself and indicted three dan gerous wounds, lias a chance to live, physicians said, after Krause had been brought to Lincoln and taken to the Everett sanitarium. The coroners Jury at Tobias returned a verdict that the three who are dead were shot by the husband and father. Want Federal Aid. Fairbury.
Tho Fairbury Commercial club has started an aggressive campaign to urge the Nebraska legislature to adopt a bill accepting the provisions of the Shackelford federal road law. L. C. Smith Bros. Typewriter World-Herald Building Omaha, Nebraska Please send me your free book about typewriters.
Name P.O State High School Contract. Red Cloud. The board of education awarded the contract for the erection of a new high school building to J. W. Schlesiger, of Vutan.
The contract Includes plumbing and heating. The firm bid $36,392. Bank Opens April 1. Omaha According to the opinion of the newly-appointed directors of the Omaha Farm Loan bank, the In stitutlon will be ready to make loans by April 1. Applications have already been made for loans aggregat ing more than $400,000.
The directors for the new bank are: D. P. Hogan Massena, president; J. M. Carey Cheyenne.
vice president; E. D. Morcum, Sioux Falls, S. D.t treasurer; M. Corey, Hastings, registrar and attorney; Frank O.
Odell, Omaha secretary W. C. Baker, Mitchell, S. If you have a stele cow or one that not thriving and producing as ehe should, why not break away from the worry and uncertainty right now get a package of Kow-Kure, the cow medicine, from your druggist or eed dealer and prove for yourself that It has no equal in the treatment moat cow ailments. On thousands of farms Kow-Kure guards the herd against the ravages of Abortion, Barreness, Retained After-, birth.
Milk Fever, Scouring, Bunches, etc. You dont need to use Kow-Kure on faith; a trial will show decided, visible improvement Put it to a test Invest today in a 60o or $1.00 package. Send for our free treatise, "The Home Cow Doctor." DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO. Dmdoavllle, Vt. Fifty Years An Cad Fellow.
Table Rock. Just recently there was celebrated at Table Rock, the fiftieth anniversary of the membership of M. Marble as an Odd Fellow. He was initiated Into the order at Broadhead, In February, 1867. DR.
NKI RALGIA, KIDNEY AND HEART TIIOl HUE, Mr Guarantee for Special Trentmeut You Dont Pay If I PalL If you remain In my aanltarium under my car and treatment. These treatments not only benefit, but eradicate poisonous accumulations from the system. offlee sad Sanitarium 24th and T-nruam Sts. Fheae Duaff. 72M, Omaha, Neb..