Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 9, 1963, p. 3 (2024)

rhe queen and her court births eighteen year old janet devlin was crowned may queen on friday night at the annual semiformal dance held in the auditorium of the stouffville dist high school her attendants are jean winterstein is left and barbara button 11 grade 12 students all are staff pholo confronted by a whole new world it is little wonder that a small girl about to enroll in kindergarten class is a wee bit shy on her first day in school registrations at both siimmitview and orch ard park were completed on thursday in readiness lor the new term in september principals lome boadway and keith sutherland were assisted by three nurses of the york county health unit miss enid nott mrs ruby wort man and miss gena slinson staff photo mrs hord dies in 85th year mrs loral mabel hord pass ed away at the home of her daughter mrs freeman bar ker rr 2 gormley on sunday may 5 1963 after a lengthy ill ness she was the wife of the late isaac james hord and was in her 85th year surviving are daughters rose mrs freeman barken hilda mrs roy glov er i and ross all of gormley and mabel of toronto also four grandchildren betty glover david judith and james horde service was held at the pipher funeral home richmond hill on wednesday at 2 pm inter ment was in thornhill cemete ry clergymen will attend course more than a hundred rural ministers and their wives and families are expected to attend the fourteenth annual summer school for rural clergy at the ontario agricultural college guelph scheduled for the last week in july the only school of its kind in canada its pur pose is to provide an opportun ity for ministers of all denomi nations to discuss the problems of the rural church in a rapidly changing agricultural commu nity and to provide them with a background of agricultural knowledge two main courses are being offered this year the course in rural sociology is under the leadership of dr helen abell sociologist at the oac who has worldwide experience in this field dr b c matthews head of the oac soil science department will conduct a course in basic agriculture jsurd mr and mrs don burd rr 2 stouffville are pleased to announce the birth of their son casey wtl- liam 9 lbs 5 oz on thursday april 25 1963 at the scar- boiough general hospital petrie dr and mrs d j p petrie of stouffville are pleased to announce the birth of a son joseph david on monday may 6th 19ks at the scarborough general hos pital kedshaw murray and con nie are pleased to announce the birth of a son andrew william april 19th 1963 at yoik county hospital b p womens club new nine members of the stouff ville business and professional womens club attended the an nual legional meeting of re gion 4 held in georgetown mon day evening april 29th about s5 members of clubs from new market brampton markham unionville stouttville and georgetown attended mrs lyn hughes of unionville regional adviser and district 4 chaired the meeting guest speaker of the evening was mrs margaret ashdown president b pw clubs of ontario on the topic reach out and grow mrs ashdown is a director and office manager of canadian coleman company limited on three occasions she has acted as a leader on unesco travel missions to japan ja maica and africa one of the most recent undertakings of club members throughout cana da has been financing the edu cation of 7 refugee girls at a training school in ramallah jordan mrs myrtle hallman expres sed the appreciation of the members to mrs ashdown mrs evelyn jackson summarized the clubs activities for the past year miss trecia kyle hon sec- treas of national b p took charge of the election of regio nal adviser 396361 mrs lyn hughes was elected to this of fice for a second term members of the local club and the markhamunionville club put on skits showing the dos and the donts of attracting new members and holding their interest miss bonnie mckittrick vice- president of b p clubs of ontario for district b also spoke to those present those attending from the lo cal club were evelyn jackson pat kring opal lehman myr tle hallman evelyn patrick al ice cossey ruth dedlow win packer and reta laushway jhxsity miy 9 1963 the stouffyille tmnm pt j local and personal happenings engagement 1vsohirka syme3 mr and mrs charles symes goodwood wish to announce the engagement of their daugh ter helen marie to kenneth catl lysohiika son of mr and mrs j lysohirka winnipeg man marriage will take place saturday june 1 1963 at 345 in fifth line united church mr and mrs will risebrough ot dicksons hill moved to their new home on harold st last thursday storage files filing cabinets and decorator chairs for your office are all available at the tribune office supplies wayne oldham son of mr and mrs jim oldham fairview ave has accepted a position with the toronto metro police force slatting work on tues- dav mr and mrs jerry middleton and girls spent the weekend with mr and mrs howard snowball and boys on their farm near cordova mines ont smiths greenhouses south of goodwood are now under new ownership their tele phone number is 6s029ss mrs bruce irwin and anna marie of toronto spent wed nesday with her parents mr and mrs uilmot stover mi and mrs don devine and children spent the weekend with her parents mr and mrs titos jennings lloyd ave stouffville planning board will convene for the boards may meeting this thursday evening at 730 pm mr and mrs charles car penter and family rupert ave are presently in winnipeg but will be returning by the end of this month mr and mrs percy prestage and mrs ern boyd of toronto were visitors on sunday witii mr and mrs murray wagg tindale dr mrs h sisterton toronto spent the weekend with mr and mrs george martin main st w stouffville council lias appro ved june 3 and 4 for the fund- laising drive for the mental health association the local tennis club will meet this thursday tonight at 7 pm at the courts in the park watch this spacenext week for a special announcement of special interest to the ladies crest hardware 6102771 have your contributions ready for the lions club white elephant sale for pickup this saturday may 11th or next may isth sale is on friday evening may 24th after a successful season at the markham lanes the st patricks bowling league fin ishes the year with a party at moose manor trophies were presented to the winners after the banquet and then mr bert laceby showed candid movies of the bowlers in action this was followed by dancing from the charleston to the twist and games yorksimcoe council ot home and school association held their annual dinner meet ing at the summit view gar dens restaurant richmond hill on thursday may 2nd 1963 among the speakers was mr w kingsley a school teacher from stouffville cheating was mr kingsleys subject and lie gave an interesting dis course on how the differences in childrens personalities and up bringing can affect their ideas of right and wrong mr and mrs henry steckley myrtle and ruth of scarboro were visitors on friday with mr and mrs lloyd moyer and family a new home is being built at the corner of baker ave and manitoba st for mr and mrs ross harper cone 6 of whitchurch the stouffville boy scouts will hold a paper and bottle drive in town on saturday may 11 residents ate asked lo have them ready for pickup town council has set a rate of s200 to cover the cost of any burials of indigent persons this figure is exclusive of the cost of a cemetery plot the floodlight power will be turned on in the park this week there will be no charge to stouffville clubs but outside l u s teams wiii pay at the rate of s200 per hour mr ed fosdick has agreed to turn the lights on and off at each game and for this service the fee will be s300 per night mr and mrs harley ovc baugh of simcoe and mrs stan ley topham of toronto wera visitors on sunday with mrs lucy topham mill st mr and mrs walter cleaver of hanover are spending a few days with their cousin mrs percy brown albert st and other relatives firemen were called to th premises of wilsons garage westend stouffville on wednes day afternoon of last week but the blaze was not serious p c hugh vankoughnet underwent an operation at new market hospital last week for a knee injury which he suffer ed some time ago this will necessitate him being off duly for several weeks stouttville child health clinic will be held friday may 10th from 130 to 3 pm in the york county health building main street free immunization mrs a v nolan and mrs win wallace were in detroit over he weekend attending the i oks convention they left on friday am and returned mon day night stouffville lions club mem bers and their ladies were guests of general motors last week for a tour through the big auto plant at oshawa a bus and one car were required to transport the group to tiie motor city the trip being ar ranged by past president lion neil patrick former ont cty warden passes funeral services were held at the w c town funeral chapel whitby on monday for john mathew jack rae of halibur- ton who died at the ajax and pickering general hospital on friday may 3 1963 after a prolonged illness he was a member ot uxbridge township council nine years being dep utyreeve in 1944 and reeve the following two years for several years he was proprietor of a service station at goodwood a former county roads superintendent and works foreman at whitby for seven years he operated a hardware store at haliburton with a son grant before his illness he was born at stouffville an only child of the late mr and mrs diehard dick rae who lived on the farm on hwy 47 now operated by the sleepy hollow golf course he was a member of richardson lodge af and am at stouffville an honorary member of the hali burton rotary club a former member of the whitby kiwanis club a charter member of whitby curling club and was identified with the united church besides his wife the former verna wellman he leaves a son grant of haliburton three daughters mrs ronald asling of ajax mrs morley richard son of whitby and daneen of haliburton and three grand children interment was in the family plot at stouffville nominal ion meeting the may meeting of he stouffville business and profes sional womens club was held at the home of evelyn patrick on monday evening may 6th the slate of officers for the coming year was presented by merle mathewson 196364 executive past pres reta laushway pres evelyn jackson 1st vicepres myrtle hallman 2nd vicepres merle mathewson rec sec pat kring corr sect evelyn patrick treasurer frances obovle mr and mrs harry siover and family were visitors on sunday with fl bruce and mrs stover bill and mary at belleville bruce is now back at trenton air base after being with the united nations forces in new guinea the stouffville legion has re served the memorial park for the evening of friday june 7th when they will stage a donkey baseball game on the grounds a complete lineup of players will be published when finaliz ed the bicycle belonging to john nolan and stolen last week from his home on duch*ess st was recovered later in the week behind i he markham public school stouffville and mark ham police coordinated their efforts in recovering the bikes stolen in uxbridge goodwood and stouffville a recent tragic accident in toronto look the life of a for mer employee at the canadian imperial bank of commerce in unionville robl watt was kill ed when his car was in colli sion with a transport truck al though he resided in the union ville area while employed at the local bank branch his home was in essex all mothers bay gifts purchased at ii o v s t o n s will be gift wrapped phone 640 2222 twentytwo twentytwo a highly successful fun fair was held at summit view school on saturday afternoon from 2 pm to 5 pm games films balloons and hot dogs were enjoyed by the children while their parents attended the home baking table and the tearoom winners of lucky prizes included mr david mounce mr h c adams mrs r barry mrs p steckley 121 mrs r garrett and miss ann duxbury much of the success of the fun fair was due to the generosity of the following for their most kind donations hendricks hardware crest hardware krings funiture markham florist r j lucas arthurs ltd the village shop uses beauty salon patrick motors stouffville floral co aikens drug store giles chev rolet oldmobile ltd houstons drug store teds mens wear weldons mens wear hunts sunoco stn hodgins grocery iga a special vote of thanks is extended to neville appli ances who supplied the sound truck for publicity on friday evening a general meeting of st pat ricks catholic womens league was held in the parish hall markham monday evening may 6th the president mrs r bell presided and after a short business meeting called upon mrs h jordan to intro duce two members of the grail miss dorothy rosenberger and miss leona chartrand miss ro senberger gave a very interest ing and enlightening talk ex plaining the purpose of the grail a group of women whoso aim is to help renew the life of the church and to help the church adapt lo modern times she also spoke on how lo pre pare children for the liturgy of the mass the meeting was clo sed by mrs bell and refresh ments were served by mrs a laceby and mrs g berriman town council will instruct the public utilities commission lo install a number of additional street lights in town it was a- greed at last weeks council meeting new lights presently slated lo go up are on burkhol- der st near the park bridge in he park near the war memor ial on commercial st at the rear of crest hardware and a possible extension on main st west mr and mrs bern tunucy and family montreal st and mr and mrs harley greer south st were visitors on sun day with mr and mrs mikt brown at argyle miss lynda nolan entertain ed friends at her home last wednesday evening at a kitch en shower in honour of miss lynne murphy whose marriaga to mr joe crowhurst will take place this summer mr and mrs leonard mc intosh of mount forest wer wceknd visitors with mr and mrs doug drewery russell st mrs mcintosh and mrs drewery are sisters stationery gifts for mother remember mom with a pleasing box of stationery this weekend we have a number of attractive styles to choose from in both note and letter size boxes complete with envelopes 85c to 3 also recipe boxes and address books on friday 95 boys and girls were registered in the summitvlew and orchard park public schools for kin- l dcrgarten classes to begin in september pictured here 4 year old julie lee daugh ter of mr and mrs harry lee hawthorne ave stouff ville is accompanied by her grandmother mrs frances hummel as they enter the siimmitview school for regis tration tribune office supplies ph 6402100 stouffville dr doug brodie glad park ave had to do some fast talk ing during the early hours of the morning when clad only in his pajamas and a bathrobe he was confronted by stouffvilles new police chief orland keat ing it seems that the doctor had gone downstairs in prepar ation to leave for the scarboro hospital where a pending ma ternity case was waiting be fore he could leave however he received a call from the hospi tal authorities that the birth was not imminent for at least one or two hours rather than go back to bed he decided to do a little work around his base ment garage mrs brodie in the meantime believing that her husband had already left for scarboro heard noises and called the police fearing that a prowler was in her iiome chief keating was on the scene with in minutes and directed his lighted flashlight squarely in the doctors eyes demanding an explanation after some convin cing the chief left with both men possibly agreeing that in their professions it was all in a nights work stouffville industrial commit tee recently had erected a mulli colour sign board advertising the fact that the town has good industrial sites available the sign which was located on the north side of the highway just west of west lawn cres came to grief during the big wind storm last week and will have to be rebuilt town council was asked on thursday night lo consider having the sign illu minated douglas and gary youngest sons of mr and mrs charles taylor obrien ave were bap tized on sunday afternoon at christ church anglican rela tives and friends were enter tained at their home after tht service when constable dennis da- vies of the stouffville police dept spotted an overturned wa gon a child and blood on ihe road while patrolling obri en ave last week he brought his cruiser to a screeching halt hoping for ihe best but fearing the worst when he rushed over to the scene of the tragedy he discovered that ihe child was only a doll and the blood was only kelchup that had been li berally poured over ihe vic tim a short distance away a little girl was hiding behind a tree watching ihe whole affair and laughing at the result of her prank mr and mrs wallace holmes and family of whitby mr and mrs fred keith of toronto and mr and mrs gordon greig of willowdttje were recent vis itors with mr and mrs earl keith main st the ladies of the evening guild christ church anglican wish lo notify everyone that the card party advertized for thursday may 9th tonight at ihe church hall has been cancelled also lhank all thosa who were interested friends are sorry to learn miss gladys sutlerby albert st and sister of mrs nell stewardson is presently in sunnybrook hospital with a heart condition she is alowly improving the harold wood real estate have completed the fol lowing sales the james orr home on fairview ave has been sold to mr and mrs gor don kennedy baker ave mr and mrs harold hook albert st have bought the james cul- ham house on baker ave and mr and mrs tehogt of toron to have bought the alger maye house on stouffer s cadets first competition stouffville air cadet squad ron no 91 drill squad travel led to the eglinlon ave rcaf headquarters on sunday to per form in the groups first drill competition stouffville was the only rural squadron entered and while they did not receive any prizes their performance and particularly their inspection won considerable praise win ner of ihe competition was 172 squadron avenue road the re viewing officer was sl vincent hawkins cd rcaf station downsview and ihe parade wing commander was wok madill there were six compet ing teams cooking school many of the local ladies en joyed a cooking school last wednesday afternoon and eve ning sponsored by the stouff ville b p club delicious dishes were prepared by mrs etta sawyer a descendant of a family of chefs from austria- hungary mrs sawyer specializ es in international cooking and has judged the baking contest and conducted ihe kilchen theatre at the canadian natio nal exhibition we would like to extend our thanks to all ihose who helped us raise money for our bursary fund by attending our cooking school to herb kring for the use of his appliances and to the merchants who donated door prizes the pioneer and historical exhibit held at vandorf hall on saturday and sunday was of great interest to the many who attended the committee are to be commended for the great amount of work and interesting items put on display the dish es were of special interest lo the ladies one exhibit had been brought from germany in 1831 by mr and mrs claus mertcns who settled on their farm just west of stouffville at that time clocks of all ages and varieties guns old maps pewter dishes shawls quilts and spreads in dian relics school pictures etc were on display the stage re presented the interior of a log cabin complete with fireplace at inte vals the metro conser vation area film pioneer vil lage at jane and steeles ave was shown bruce crowder graduates on saturday the graduation of students from central bap tist semiriary look place in trinity united church bloor st toronto when mr bruce crow der of port perry was one ot the graduates it was attended by his parents mr and mrs gordon crowder mr and mrs earl crowder and marilyn mr and mrs roy davis of toronto mr and mrs lome crowder and keith and miss susan jones of brantford following the ceremony a buffet lunch was held at the home of mr and mrs ernest eade at gorm ley rev and mrs mulligan of guelph formerly of port perry along with other friends ot port perry and three aunts ot newmarket mrs mills mrs wilton and mrs wrightman were also in attendance the people of stouffville ar cordially invited to attend the anniversary services of stouff ville baptist church on sunday may 12 1963 it is a joy for us to celebrate the fulfilment of another year of ministering the word of god which is the po wer of god unto salvation tha guest preacher for these special services will be ihe rev w ar nold mcneill ba mth pas tor of humberlea baptist church mr mcneill is a gra duate of london bible college the bible institute of los an geles and dallas theological seminary as well we arc plea sed to have mrs h kinsman from toronto to sing at the eve ning services



Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 9, 1963, p. 3 (2024)


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