John Pasztor 🇺🇦 on LinkedIn: #yougottalovesydney #funfacts (2024)

John Pasztor 🇺🇦

My mission? Befriend the world! With complimentary Holidays, I'll spread cheer, connect with folks from far and near. Because we don't meet by chance. So let's make friends, make the world feel right!

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Welcome to June.FUN FACTThere is no other month on the calendar that begins on the same day of the week as June. Unreal.Also, the day of the week the sixth-month еndѕ оn is thе ѕаmе day оf thе week аѕ March еvеrу уеаr. Wow!Check it out.#yougottalovesydney #funfacts #

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  • John Pasztor 🇺🇦

    My mission? Befriend the world! With complimentary Holidays, I'll spread cheer, connect with folks from far and near. Because we don't meet by chance. So let's make friends, make the world feel right!

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    Goal Setting: The Key to a Compelling FutureSetting goals is like tossing a boomerang into the vast expanse of our lives. It’s not just about aiming for a target; it’s about creating a magnetic pull that draws us toward our desired future. Let’s explore why goal setting is the secret sauce for a compelling life:1. Direction and Focus: Imagine wandering through the Australian outback without a compass. You’d be lost, mate! Goals provide that compass—pointing us toward our North Star. They give us direction, ensuring we don’t end up in the middle of nowhere. Whether it’s conquering the Sydney Harbour Bridge climb or launching a business Down Under, goals keep us on track.2. Motivation and Momentum:Goals are like Vegemite on toast—energizing and addictive. When we set clear objectives, our motivation kicks in. We become like kangaroos on a mission—hopping toward success.Each small achievement fuels our momentum. It’s like riding a wave at Bondi Beach—the more we catch, the faster we surf toward our dreams.3. Measuring Progress:Aussies love a good snag (that’s a sausage, mate). Similarly, goals allow us to measure our progress. We can track milestones like ticks on a didgeridoo. Celebrating these wins—whether it’s reaching a fitness goal or nailing a marketing campaign—keeps us fired up.4. Creating a Compelling Narrative:Our lives are like epic tales. Goals add chapters—each one more riveting than the last. Picture yourself as a bush poet, spinning yarns around a campfire. “Once upon a time, I set a goal to surf the Great Barrier Reef. And lo, the waves whispered my name…”5. Overcoming Challenges:Life throws curveballs—like a cricket ball with a wicked spin. Goals give us resilience. When we stumble, we channel our inner Steve Irwin. “Crikey! Missed that goal? No worries, mate. Let’s wrestle that croc of adversity!”So, fellow Aussie dreamer, set your goals high. They’re the secret recipe for a ripper future! 🇦🇺🌟#yougottalovesydney #goalsetting #Aussie

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  • John Pasztor 🇺🇦

    My mission? Befriend the world! With complimentary Holidays, I'll spread cheer, connect with folks from far and near. Because we don't meet by chance. So let's make friends, make the world feel right!

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    Start making more money in your business by including marketing incentives in your promotional offers to secure new clients, retain existing clients, and make anniversary offers.Imagine a 400% increase in lead generation. Wow!McDonalds does it every day with Happy Meal offers. You can too by giving away complimentary holidays to your database. Existing or new.#yougottalovesydney #McDonalds #marketingincentives

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  • John Pasztor 🇺🇦

    My mission? Befriend the world! With complimentary Holidays, I'll spread cheer, connect with folks from far and near. Because we don't meet by chance. So let's make friends, make the world feel right!

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    Top 10 Strategic Predictions for 2024 and beyondDo you agree with this graphic from Gartner Research?I think that AI legacy applications will arrive much sooner.This is the future folks. Embrace it or be left behind.#yougottalovesydney #AI #GartnerResearch

    • John Pasztor 🇺🇦 on LinkedIn: #yougottalovesydney #funfacts (8)


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  • John Pasztor 🇺🇦

    My mission? Befriend the world! With complimentary Holidays, I'll spread cheer, connect with folks from far and near. Because we don't meet by chance. So let's make friends, make the world feel right!

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    I am giving away $100.If I offered you a real US $100-dollar bill with no strings attached for a $20 dollar bill, would you do that deal?Yes or no?If yes, I bet you would and oyu would ask me how many more times we could do that deal!Why? Because you instantly see the value and benefit to you.What value and benefits are you offering your prospects that make them FEEL you're worth their time? I work on marketing incentives and it often has greater leverage than a discount.Keep in mind it has to be something THEY deem valuable, not what you want to impose on them that you feel is valuable.Most salespeople are so hell-bent on imposing what they think is valuable onto prospects that they never actually listen to answers prospects give and when they don't hear what they want, will keep asking agenda filled questions in different ways and words trying to get the prospect to give the answer they want.What do you think is valuable from me?Here's the thing, when you find that secret sauce that excites your prospect and they feel you are worth their time, you will never ask a question such as you have ever again.Come and join me in the world of marketing incentives. Oh! If you want your $100 marketing incentive just for reading and liking this post, leave your comment below.#yougottalovesydney #marketingincentives #$100

    • John Pasztor 🇺🇦 on LinkedIn: #yougottalovesydney #funfacts (11)


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  • John Pasztor 🇺🇦

    My mission? Befriend the world! With complimentary Holidays, I'll spread cheer, connect with folks from far and near. Because we don't meet by chance. So let's make friends, make the world feel right!

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    Prompt engineering did not exist 12 months ago. Use this suggestion to enhance your business."Act as a Pricing Strategist guiding [your business] through the process of value-based pricing. Analyse [Service/Product] value propositions to set competitive yet profitable rates."Amazing that you now have an assistant at your fingertips. If you want more suggestions, scan the QR code to get your own AI prompts (over 2000 to choose from) with my compliments.#yougottalovesydney #AI #promptengineering

    • John Pasztor 🇺🇦 on LinkedIn: #yougottalovesydney #funfacts (14)


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  • John Pasztor 🇺🇦

    My mission? Befriend the world! With complimentary Holidays, I'll spread cheer, connect with folks from far and near. Because we don't meet by chance. So let's make friends, make the world feel right!

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    Ultraprocessed Foods: A Fair Dinkum Look at Their Impact on Health.Let’s have a chat about those bloomin’ ultraprocessed foods, eh? Scientists are only just gettin’ their heads around why these tucker choices are a real ripper for poor health.What Are Ultraprocessed Foods, Anyway?Ultraprocessed foods (UPFs) are like a dodgy used car — they’ve got some shiny bits, but ya gotta kick the tyres and check under the bonnet. Here’s the lowdown:* Unprocessed or Minimally Processed Foods: These are the fair dinkum basics. Fresh or frozen fruit and veggies, beans, lentils, meat, chooks, fish, eggs, milk, plain yoghurt, rice, pasta, and a cuppa brew. No fuss, no muss.* Processed Culinary Ingredients: Your cookin’ oils, butter, sugar, honey, vinegar, and a pinch of salt. The stuff ya use to whip up a decent feed.* Processed Foods: These are a mash-up of Category 1 and 2, with a bit of canning, bottlin’, fermentin’, and bakin’ thrown in. You’ve got freshly baked bread, most cheeses, and tinned veg, beans, and fish. Sometimes they chuck in preservatives to keep 'em fresh as a daisy.* Ultraprocessed Foods: Now we’re talkin’. These bad boys are made usin’ industrial tricks and ingredients you wouldn’t find down at the local servo. High-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and soy isolate are the usual suspects. Plus, they jazz 'em up with flavourings, colourings, and emulsifiers to make 'em look spiffy. Think fizzy drinks, chippies, lollies, fancy yoghurts, nuggies, snags, cold cuts, boxed mac ‘n’ cheese, baby formula, and most packaged breads, plant milks, fake meats, and brekkie cereals.The Downside of UPFsNow, why are these UPFs a bit sus? Well, they’ve been linked to a whole swag of health woes:* Heart Disease: UPFs might as well be heartbreakers. They’re in cahoots with heart disease, messin’ with your ticker.* Type 2 Diabetes: These foods are like a dodgy powerpoint — they short-circuit your blood sugar levels.* Obesity: UPFs are the culprits behind muffin tops and love handles.* Gut Troubles: Ever felt like your guts were doin’ the Macarena? Blame it on the UPFs.* Early Departure: Yep, they’re even linked to carkin’ it earlier.How to Spot an UPFSo, how do ya suss out an ultraprocessed food? Well, read the label, cobber! If ya spot stuff ya wouldn’t chuck in a billy, it’s probably an UPF. Brenda Davy, a nutrition guru from Virginia Tech, says so too. And the Nova system, which sounds like a top bloke but ain’t into nutrition labels, has some dietitians havin’ a barney. They reckon it’s like a snag sanger: sometimes it’s got the good stuff inside, but ya gotta watch out for the sneaky bits, ya know? Bloody oath! 🇦🇺🤘So, next time ya reach for a choccy bar or a fizzy drink, remember: it’s like playin’ Russian roulette with your health. Fair suck of the sav! 🤙#yougottalovesydney #upf #health


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  • John Pasztor 🇺🇦

    My mission? Befriend the world! With complimentary Holidays, I'll spread cheer, connect with folks from far and near. Because we don't meet by chance. So let's make friends, make the world feel right!

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    “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future." Steve JobsWhat do you make of that statement. There is plenty of memorable quotes from Steve Jobs. 🌶 🍌 Do you agree with Steve? Or disagree?If you disagree, then what is your favourite quote that inspires you? Let's kick this off. Mine is "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll be among the stars". ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ #yougottalovesydney #quotes #stars


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  • John Pasztor 🇺🇦

    My mission? Befriend the world! With complimentary Holidays, I'll spread cheer, connect with folks from far and near. Because we don't meet by chance. So let's make friends, make the world feel right!

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    AI Prompt Engineering is a new profession you can tackle.Or you can use the prompts for your business. How are you using AI in your business?Here is a brand strategist example:Act as an expert brand strategist and develop a comprehensive identity for [company] selling [offering] to [target customers] in the [industry]. Deliver the following specific brand strategy outputs: A one paragraph unique value proposition and positioning statement A one paragraph description of the target audience and buyer personas A one paragraph consistent brand voice and tone guideline A one paragraph mission statement, core values and brand personality A one paragraph competitive positioning analysis with differentiators A one paragraph customer experience description Name ideas and descriptive guidance for potential logos, typography and color palettes Example taglines, website copy and ad headlines across concepts Quantitative validation survey questions and analysis of results A one page optimized messaging hierarchy and content guide A one page visual identity and branding guidelines document Ensure outputs are tailored specifically to the [company], [offerings], [industry] and [target customers] provided.Try it. Let me know whether this prompt stimulated you and your business.Get your own 2000+ AI prompts with my compliments#yougottalovesydney #AI #promptengineering

    • John Pasztor 🇺🇦 on LinkedIn: #yougottalovesydney #funfacts (21)


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  • John Pasztor 🇺🇦

    My mission? Befriend the world! With complimentary Holidays, I'll spread cheer, connect with folks from far and near. Because we don't meet by chance. So let's make friends, make the world feel right!

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    F.E.A.R. Forget Everything And Run.G'day mates! Let's gasbag about a ripper of a day, inspired by ol' mate Franklin D. Roosevelt. Back in '33, during the rough as guts Great Depression, he yarned to the mob and said, "The only thing we've gotta be scared of is being scared itself!" Or the official quote "The only thing to fear is fear itself."Fair dinkum, it struck a chord with the Yanks and gave 'em a fair go of hope.Fast forward, and we've got this beaut day that tells us to chuck a fearless one. It's a bit of a mystery how it started, but crikey, it's all about having a go and backing yourself. It's not just some date plucked out of the air; it's a deadset tribute to Frankie's spiel.This day's about as good as a Bunnings snag – it's hope, plain and simple. It's a shout-out to have a crack at the tough stuff with a bit of guts. It's turned into a fair dinkum shindig for bouncing back and growing a pair.So, remember, when you're up against it, having a blue with the heebie-jeebies, just think of Roosevelt's old yarn. It's still as true as a snag on the barbie – be bold, be brave, and you'll be right as rain. No worries!Today is National Fear Day in the USA.#yougottalovesydney #fear #letgo


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John Pasztor 🇺🇦 on LinkedIn: #yougottalovesydney #funfacts (26)


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John Pasztor 🇺🇦 on LinkedIn: #yougottalovesydney #funfacts (2024)


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.