Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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I We ONE SDAY MOO NI No Fort Worth STMTELEGRAM 7C mgyikAlut 27 190 I Procter Gamble Offers Stock Swap FORT WORTH NATIVE President Buys First CSC Shares MARKET INDEX The Averages Market Data NYSE INDICES STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT Inc Ws Trans ()I I Ali Saas C45s0 Ip I Cnel (00 25 141) IV1 4- 61 17 S7 SO AS 17 f10 49 80 45 ReYn Vel i7 SA 44 IA 6 r'- 10q6 62 71 S6 66 48 IS 6 AS 8023 4ault Wm In te 50 60 3 I e92a 40 16 4G 86 01 04 0 42 Pan Am Ar 29490 29'1 I 2 Cs4 ols 61 17 57 So AA Al $1 64 6) AS Au? a Sc06ir 1'8 603 29 4 1 a 1 Yel iow SO 49 A) 73 40 31 OS 461) rI Co So tsA 110 That 44 113 (AO 59'4 -4- 1:14 40 124 4- l'16-0 01A6 -4 2'4 114 300 8 4111 10600 5714 4- '2 proximately 18 per cent The A---- I STAND Rn 4 POOR'S Pfti tPt SN1 a exchange offer is voluntary 45 :) SS 54'0 tI TA 1( Pioi I Sfrx Arn st and will be tax free to both 4u" '''qh 1 si 82 72 71 10193 471 T61 11 el shareholders and Procter Ives rioi 116 16 551 6i2 77121 1101 125 1 CA7rDLm 1Pr dm 113 00 ST 40 r2'9 In4 tft 1 nr114d driti vul tm ta3 ilc" Utnit T-i tow 15 43 53 60 71 62 115 11 Sc 'A C1-90 shareholders and Procter 'Ives rioi 116 6 54 16 124 0 25 Eit Ar 5ht Pr 115 36 53 40 7119 1n4 1 nr114rd I Prt2 Un't STANDARD POOR'S S1 a 4 425 ') Sc TO 'I1 -14 InoA Pioa WI Sfrx661 S66t I yei 6166 li I t5 Si 82 72 71 107 91 Am Tel 181 rtiwAt 1 (1Vd 1'8 AR Si AO 117 1 11 SC 'al (n2c 11 rT 44' 'z l' 4 --wtst btal'v' -----'1'" 1'D 1-- AlL-17'-: -If' 1 i 4: 41 '4 5 ir' k- 4 k-1 I -14 3e7 4 101 A Nk- 74 It i f- 1' I- rr I et i-N i4 0) ''1( 14- 4' f4 oir0 '1 -frk "i ''''l sc 3 4 A 4 It 'iA 42 4 7e 4 WOW 1 4 l' 4 4 4- i "1' 4 11 4 i -52 i itt'e A etole Niw A 4 'c 04 Ott 'w 1- I l'' 4' 4ik ''') 4 1 l' ii i kpw' 54 -1' )E'1 4 11)5 AO 1 4 1014 42 32 1' it 10 Ofr3 79 '4 4 3 Gamble Lhamie 0 44 4 0 63 0 4 0 15 L9-1 Ado 96701) 14's 5 10643 hn15 112 93 SS 10 Sti 1)7 61 There are 6 8 million Clorox 1a tow 94 73 40 64 60 70 46 9) AMkRiCAN LEADERS Y'n wth 21'9 1 shares a a i I a I for ex DOW JONES too Co 1' '1)r) 4' a change If more shares of 1 30 2) li Ai Asd 01 10 ir 0 79 4 1 1Tt1P gen 2)44 141 anscn vs locto Plol ty I StrKks 0 nw) 9 77 67 140 94 34R 9S 'Fr l' stock are offered than 123 L100 23 9 1 can be accepted in exchange 12 noon 0 9943 1'4 21 141 17 30 11 9'S 3 2'4 76 141 07 3'0 I) SALES RECORD 1 21 10 2 To 11 5 DAILY I STOCK toody 4 99 One) for the a a i I a I Clorox '23 0 11 99979: 7035 72771544'9489 111 444 71 0363 2'3 S' '12 42 )2 TT Pr 'mn TT sm 11 d1144 11 19 2'4'4' :33 shares a pro rata allocation 1 TUes h'cl'' 1 15946 low 90 11 27701 14015 14AP14 1'" 2 0 77' 1''''''7):" 11 RII 01 will be made 1 I uei crpot 9'9 49 774 33 141 17 391) 16 AL1 1 1-171114' 14 3 701 0" 911 3s 33 27 140 38 y2 Dorttx ve544i 15 )5' 0 I I- C1-11Inqe 8 14 41 05 -4 0 51 3 13 1-1P9 (111)619 141e 43 lo '10 I 194A oh 035 20 275 99 142 32 42 4 ck'''''' VniJe 11946tctIons on A 1 14 38'3591'1- 1) 4 461C 01 4 c-x IS 04 y) Cattle Calves Aqt i 'oaegse 1 AS 3 im 721 700 196 9(6h 1 so? loo vTAr i'a? 1 :143 Ay) 42 1 on I i)31714) 31 7104 1530)0 1411k 0 iz 7 611A9 k7 2 g1f) 01 iA Mostly Steady '1 NEW VI) ERS1715 S'or-kc 119'67 tt'n) ddl'': 1321 1591 1'44 To 195 9941 76 1A4 Ns 37 4 WHAT STOCKS DID 'T UeS low 977 16! 16 9A7 01 7Y7P Arr 105 6-0 AS' CINCINNATI (AP) The Pmctter Gamble Co ann0unced today terms by which shareholders will be able to make a premium exchange of all or some of their conunon stock for common stock in the Clorox Co The exchange offer is the final step in G's divestiture of Clorox as ordered by a 1967 US Supreme Court decision In the first step taken last May 12 million shares of Clorox stock were sold in a public offering Under Tuesd ay 's offer shareholders will receive 395 shares of Clorox common stock for each share of common stock exchanged Based on the Nov 25 New York Stock Exchange closing prices for the two stocks shareholders who participate in the exchange will receive Clorox shares with a total market value of $10863 in return for a share of stock with a market value of $92 This represents a premium of ap Jones said the first four or five machines will be in operation by next Summer and each center should reach a break-even point within three to five months after installation Ile forecasts that the company will double its earnings excluding non-recurring items in the current fiscal year ending next month He expects sales to reach $60 million to $70 million Last year's earnings were up 45 per cent to $2462000 or 57 cents a share on sales of $53388000 The new network Jones says will be financed without sale of additional stock There a two would be borrowing which would be facilitated by the fact the company currently has no long term debt The other could be in sale of the company's remaining 38 per cent interest in Computax Services Inc an operation it set up and then sold off a major interest to 10 other concerns Well over $30 million has been offered for its remaining interest NEW YORK (Spl) Trading in Computer Sciences Corp Los Angeles began on the New York Stock Ex change Tuesday marking the first listing on that board of a computer software and infofmation sciences firm Fletcher Jones Fort Worth native now president of the company bought the first 100 shares Computer Sciences was the first in its field to be listed on any national exchange having traded on the American since January 1964 The company founded in 1959 was one of the first companies specializing in development of computer the complex instructions which control and facilitate operation of computers and apply them to specific tasks ITS SALES have grown in seven years from $1 million annually to $53 million It is currently on the vert of its biggest investment to date in new computers for which some $50 million will be spent It plans a nationwide network of 20 computer centers to provide services to a number of industries Press Worepholo FIRST Jones center Fort Worth native who is president of Computer Sciences Corp Los Angeles buys first 100 shares of stock in his firm listed for trading Tuesday on the New York Stock Exchange At left is Robert Ilaack dent of the NYSE and at right is Frederick Ramseri specialist for the stock 4 61 isi'i i-!) '4-1 Advers Cattle and calves sold at i 5 c-I os 14 Pr close 9t6 Si 161 68 569 16 Declies 1'1 3a mostly steady prices at FoiL I C-PIAr P16 4 51 3 A 31 1ncnaQ01 x) In i 1904 h4h 1006 SI IM 04 SA4 t4 Total xsues 16220 106 Worth Tuesday despite some isit kw 818 77 12034 419 22 New 9R roans 180 Al New 1968 lows 2i early weakness in slaughter orHF STOC81 i 7 calves Some slaughter cows 1 21 40 1'1' NOB Index) 42 AZ i 0 al 000 LOT TRANSACTIONS 1021161 Sh-t and feeder calves sold as London index) 4t7 60 7 22 609 76 Sa291 662 694 6 2 A much as 50 cents higher The US Department of Agricul- COMMODITY FUTURES ture reported transactions as follows: Oven Hgh Low Close Close Prey LIVE BEEF CATTLE Oven WO Low Close Close SLAUGHTER CATTLE CALVES i Cc 28 l0 28 12 27115 28 0- 78 22 1 909EAT Good 510-850 lb heifers $23 002460 Vett 2730 2731 27 05 27 17 712 i 04 I 28 I 272'4 1 78'i 1191e 1 2116 Utilitvcommercial cows 16 SO-1160 Apr 26 9 26 95 26 80 3690 26 95 m6 1 11tx I 34tx 1 13 4 1 3A 1 IA Canner cows I 2101S SO Lin 26 77 26 2662 26 71 b26 72 to6 I 36' I 1 1 a 1 36' 6 1 37 I 36 4 Cutter cows 15 0016 50 26 81 2691 26 75 26 87 26 9' jui i 37'4 1 1't 1 34)'S 114Y COMMICCiiii 20 002250 Oc 26 83 26 82 26 77 26 82 26 90 seo 1 39'4 1 4C's 1 394 )39-4 119- Cutter buils 19 0039 )0 I Sales Cleo 659 lob 379 Aorll 2U DIVIDENDS DECLARED Pt- Sta aa Pay- I Beneficial Finance 411 CI 17-10 1231 PAte nod Record able Bethlehem Corp IS 12-16 1-6 STOCK 1 Perk ins 05 0 1710 112 20 I Am Consum Ind 21x 12-13 1-15Charnolain Nati 40 0 12-10 12-30 i AnaeliCa Coro 1000C 1216 1-6 End 60 0 12-17 1-31 tLfifreyckdieryico 2Ickl 11111 1221233 0 Thl )-A 2 for i 'stock SDiit i Crane Co 40 0 17-9 1219 Rollins Inc (k) 1226 1-24 iCrown lellerbach 55 12-M 1-2 irxralte ikrielliCV1'cicsPlit IA 4-22 I guetnrsc'i'iti tBnilr 8 lil OMITTED 1 Ectenrdst6rAtiFia 220) 2 13-1! 111 Sharon Stl IRREGULAR 1 Equity Corn (r)05 12-6 12-30 Natl Lead INCRE 12-11 12-23 es 5 pc in stock as ED Anchor Hkg GI 40 17-13 72-27 Geneco Inc 01 111 Cuett Peabody 725 12-10 12-23 Globe-Union 23 12 9 'II 0 Ethyl Corp 19 12-13 1-I i HP me Prnds Z5 0 12-6 1-2 MerCk Co 45 126 I 7 I fiesi 075 17-9 12-20 Drcidental Pete 20 12-10 1-14 Indian Head 1S 0 12-13 1-6 Royal Crown Cold 2025 1213 1-2 1 'idols 375 0 12 18 1-15 INITIAL 'Londontown Mfo 05 0 17-27 1-15 Cuilloan Inc new 07 12-9 12-20 LoneStar Cement 25 0 12 9 12-70 SMD Indust new El)(447A 1-2 1-30 1f1A1Aaasyrznill Vrid ii: 8 14:77 11 Ametek Inc 25 126 1240 Northwest Air! 20 0 12-16 17 31 Merck CO 20 124 12-70 Pactnterrntn Exo 70 0 12-1? 12-31 PAC Intermtn Exp 25 12-12 12-31 iPhilLo DisTel III 201 5 12-13 115 Quaker Ste Oil 175 17-10 12-30i ItI-Aooroximately Southern Ry 20 12-12 12-27 REGULAR Rollins Inc 075 0 17 74 1-24 Allegheny Co JO 12-6 72-111 Santa Fe Indust 40 0 1-24 3-1 Ambac Industries 15 0 12-10 12-31 i ShPII Oil 575 0 17 6 12-1 Am Bank Nolo 75 0 12 9 1-1 1 Smolicity Pattern 175 0 12 9 12-23 lAm Biltrite Pub 0 12-9 7-1 iStheastn PubSvc 27 0 1216 1-1 Chicago Livestock Standard and good calves 22 80-2460 i "no zlei ALM di I-PC7 IX cuAre FEEDER 4-22 0 CATTLE CALVES WESTERN LIVE BEEP CATTLE 1 E1)''''s 1 141a 11516 11414 1156 115-4 DeC 'oar Good choice 525610 112 t'atelert 72902000 oloi: coo---0---- n21S0 n27 50 ma 10111 1191-a 1 18st 119 11814 s4si sioice 40-750 tandard 2 500-77S lb steers 1 11012 a 22 22aa 1 711 2216c1 22 1 bt ouCi 2cH5h I eChr Ai re (emAmo dP 2) -1eS 0 aRitt beSsi yDaAilcd-t 1 dv eHo7 SHELL EGGS 1 Jul 1 2 7 24-ta 12111a 1 24 cx 14 lb heifers 2250-2110 Dec Soo 171 1721a 122 122 1222 39 50 40 10 30 X) 40 00 39 60 'lbs 25 to lower slow sh*tPeri toott 3000) 12 NO-720 lb butchers 1950-2000 a 1 40 2 April is 0 19 li Choice 600-580 lb heifers 232430 Jan 23 10-257S Apr around 200 bead sorted at 2000 end 31 Choice 186-410 lb 38 32 1360 3815 38 35 38 25 OATS opecL01191E HOGS S5 b3619 92: 1369 3:9: -0: 1 01'1 Apr 34 50 36 60 36 45 3642 32 60 tnac 'head at 2075 2-3 190-240 lbs 19 0-19 57 '23-50 bs 1850-190 2-4 250-260 lbs steer calves 29 803375: Sec 11 711w 11 711i 11 Good choice 250-500 lb 1 38 an 1a9 ril 2 Segt 10 70 672Ja 70 '18 4 22 0(61815 3-4 0 260-210 lbs 1700-18 00 34 Ms 1660-172 sows strong SO 6 1 teer ca lve 417 18 :8 a 18858300 DIIRF1 iu5 i98 80:30 ri1018 swo 48 48 68 Sisl 280-300 68 a 661 461a 46a itess 44 -s 66 4 66' 4 66 66 rt43 h16115er 1 fairly ooa itolv 13 se 47- 5135104050-0 2 13bS 15503650 00- 1 Chcoii he it lb eb Feb Sales De 6 9: 1:1 lbs It 25 -1475 SO 1 60 at 4' RYE boars 1200-1300 hife calves 23 600-650 lbs 13 75-1426 I Good c7101ce 775-450 A April 1 1 1 Dec 3' VA Feb -11111 11s1a 141a 11s1a 1 14'it 1 154 1 ts 1 11 1 14 1 11 1 16 a 26 10 bit 30 2610 261S '16 10 1'1 Y1411'111 11 ihgher canner to utility te 3 10CGuthtlieerl000idsscellvdecStinvrslatura Jdhtiellqr ostneetarisi 1 t1)74111Ish buns 74 50:20 oo 1 1 Nil steady heifers unevenly strong to 25 Several 10001600 lb bults te 00700 j62010b A) 26 70 260 i sady to SO high- Croice cow-calf pairs 221 0023600 1 FROZEN WHOLE EGGS hatuflvls sateearharsavatedeli Dec 213 1 19' 4 12o1 1 no 119 echor' icce9m9mS09-' al 8 1(121i001198sdlavug No 12 3 205-270 IHbObGaSrrows 1 00 1 so 11J t8na les Dec1 63-7) larade 21 4 29 25-7900 mixed good an 6 ts 1221 2 SW 2 7 5811 2 581a 2 511'4 2 58 a 275 n0-2825 Good low good 24 007625 Pri 7625-2760: stand- No 1 3 3 00515 lb sow 14 50-1S SO i FROZEN TOM TURKEYS 114r 7 67'1 2 614 2 62' 2 2 Oa 7 6 2 a -me 95- 1a i SOME 285840 lb boar 8 00 901 i Jel''' 0300 n33 00 2 26 7 66 2 4S1 7 2 t7lS 2 is'i 2 1058 lb sAughter heifers wield arade 3 I Sales: Jan Jul 2 661aa 2 47 9 A616 7 easta 9 44 and A 78 00-78 50 mixed high choice and SHEEP IDAHO POTATOES 1 A 'el 2 62' 2 62' 7 62 2 61 2 611 grime 950-1000 lbs 2760-2800 choice 875- Choi(' 8095 lb wooled 'Mar Sets 2 4614 247'a 2 461a 2 4612 2 itt NO HA yield grade 2 to 4 2700-2775 lambs 74110 1 Apr 5 77 577 57a 5 76 As 82 mixed good and choice 26002700 good Good choice 70-lb wooled 'Mery 610 615 605 6 06 boll SOYBEAN OYEEAN OIL 2) 50 D''18' 1 81 7 87 89 7177 88 7 111'' Standard and mod calves 22 80-24e0 JUne 238 Aua 22 Oct 29 CORN i June 238 Aug 27 Oct 29 1 CORN I WESTERN LIVE BEEP CATTLE IR'' 1 it's 115't 11414 11S18 1152 Dec n21S0 n27 SO "1" 1 1814 119S4 I 18st 1 19 ITA1 6 Sales: Dec 61Ail 22 2214 1 211 I 1 Jul 1 21 1204 1 71's 114 cx 24 SHELL EGGS Soo 122 1224 122 122 11 224 Dec 3::: 50 40 20 30 VI 40 00 60 Ian 38 3i 31860 3815 38 3S 38 25 OATS Aur 36 30 36 30 36 45 3o 46 34 50 D4c 7: 71- 71 7112 117 Sep 36 10 36 20 36 10 34715 3a 05 ses7 0 70 a 6ai' a 100 70 Sales: Dec 638 Jan 2 Autii 2 Sent vs AS 6816 6A 6Isl 60 LIVE HOGS 1 Jul 66 66I 66' 666 66 6 DetCiolo1 19 A) b19 97 19 90 b19 97 19 SO 5-0 66 66' 66 66 CIP6(new) 111 IS 18 81 18 5 18 80 n18 50 Butter and Eggs CHICAGO USDA)--Autter: wholesale selling prices on all grades un Quoted Egos rices oaid delivered to Chicago ts lower to 14 higher 80 per cent or het ter orade A whites 4840: medium white extras 41i42 standards 38-3814 ASKED IN Los Angeles the other day about the possibility company will be acquired by some other firm Jones who controls enough stock to thwart such an attempt said he had been approached roughly twice a month "The answer" he said "has always been a peremptory No" 111'1 II" 41)114Y3 Ueril 41 Ptl- emptory No" Cottonseed Oil Futures NEW YORK (AR) Bleachable Cotton seed oil futures closed oulet no sales Closings: Dec z1230 March z1260 May 11210 July z1275 Seo Z-Bid L10 Sings: Dec z1230 March 11260 May 1 1210 July z1275 SeD 210 Bi Z-d 1 I Angehia Coro 04 12-16 12-21 United 50 0 125 12-26124 50-2600 Commercial cows 1400-16 001 feeders balei: March Agri' 2 May 19 8 5010 SO Jtn 7 18 7 92 7 79 7 al 188 I Atch Fe RN 40 124 3-1 WestVa 25 0 119 12 utility 1515-1675 few hidel dressing 17001 'Breeding am143 Lot 102 lb hair stocker gnats 7 50 FROZEN PORK BELLIES I 7 A 7 97 7 RS 7 96 1 94 Beatrice Foods 455 12-le 1-2 Western Un Tel 35 11-13 1-15 canners and cutters 14 00-1650 31 00 3145 300 3145 30 95 MAY' 7 55 8 01 7 797 7 97 i 645 3110 3140 3072 31 40 10 90 31 793 903 793 797 7961 31 45 31 6 4)12 3162 31 Ju Aug 7 57 7 7 79 79 07 214 J1 31 H5 3220 31 60 32 70 31 70 Soo 7 68 7 78 7 78 7 14 7 7) TRANSACTIONS ON THE AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE A LAQ 30 80 31 40 30 110 a1110 830 0 Du 7 69 760 751 8755 7 55 Sales' Feb 4131 March 1098 May 443 i iu)) 250 Aug 51 i SOYBEAN MEAL Open interest Feb 9799 March 4826 I 1-)9C 72 72 72 67 77 36 oi 271 00 3 July 21 Aug 34 6 1 in 12 65 73 00 7255 72 65 71 49 Stk Div Sate 00 High tow Close Nf CI i stk Div sole 00 High Low Close Nt Ch i Sfk Div Sole 00 High low Close N1 Ch 71- 'nominal Mr 73 50 74 11 7370 7370 73 75 14 AS 7505 7460 6440 14 0 ruk Fair 30 46 1914 1914 os I Hydrornell 1 7 0 01 75 601c 74 7i 571 5 5 75 51 146 164 16191 161-9 -1- 14 iMortonSh 32 19 1916 1914 19'1 24 50-2600 Commercial cows 14 00-16 feeders 00 ers I 4 a solo so Sales: March 07 April 2 May 197 i Jan 718 7 92 7 9 1 A71 1 AR D'r'unk Fair 30 46 1914 191'4 19 '41 VI I Hicitron(t! 86 161 164 1617 -1 144 1MortonSh 32 19 1914! 1914 1911 i 4 'N )V5 i 460 154 tg) 14 18 9 172 1714 17'4 -141 1u1 7i 901C74 00 7i 50 75 50 75 51 00 High Low Cross Nt Ch 32 221's 2134 22'4 11 8 213s 23 's 23 's 2212 211-4 22 1s 21s 23' 23 00 High Lot" Close Ht Ch 32 221S 2134 22 14 1241 A Stk Div So Am Tech 20r Stk Div Sole OZ High Low Close Nt CI Ames OStr A AmpcoMt 60 10112 1012 Amrep Coro 814 84 Anch Post 80 10 1014 14 Andersn 2614 2734 5e Andrea 50 1912 194 viAndy Gard 1514 1514 12 AnoollOa 32 3314 3314 Anglo Lautro 2314 24 14 Ansul Co 56 1414 1514 Anthony Pool 1134 1114 14 Apache 20 1111 11e tie APlinstr 200 7114 73 7z APL Corp 1234 1214 APL of C106 614 674 APL DIB50 12 1232 Apollo Indust 18 18 Aa0Pw Pl450 40114 41ve 4114 Availed Dev 31 3114 se Argus Inc lye 1214 ArkLGas 170 27 2774 ze Arrow Elect 12 1214 Arundel 800 21 214 Arwood 40h 1212 1234 Asemera Oil 2114 2314 Vu Assdliaby 60 38'4 40 1 AssdFdSt 20 2114 22'4 14 Assd Laund 1234 1214 AssdOil 2814 3134 314 AssdProd 40 1414 1514 414 Astrey Inc 4914 4974 Vs Astrodata 1214 12114 Atco Chem 1214 1314 Athlone Ind 18 184 tie AticoFin 40a 2574 26 AtCLCo 120e 6232 63 1 Atlas 2056 1112 1211 AtlesCorrt wt 1614 17 se Auto Bldg 1911 1911 3e Auto Data 1914 1912 Automat Pad 2214 2334 AutoStIP 50b 1074 1074 AVC Core 50 21114 2114 Avien Inc 22 223'4 12 Avis Indust 712 8 Avondl 120b 7e4 Ayrsh Coll I 101'2 8'4 10 2634 1912 1514 3314 2314 146 1114 1116 7144 1216 636 12 18 40'4 31 1214 27 12 21 1214 2116 38'4 2114 1214 2814 1434 4914 1214 12'6 18 2576 6212 111'2 166 191s 1934 2214 1014 2112 22 716 73'4 121 2714 12'6 2114 14 1214 7314 14 40 11 2211 14 1214 2114 331 1571 1 14 6971 14 1212 1314 -111 184 26 63 1 1241 17 1971 14 1911 -1 2314 114 10z6 2112 2214 12 8 14 771 Stk Div Sole tm Tech 20r kmes OStr A A 1 Stk Div Salo 1 Am Tech 20r 7 29 29'4 29 111 331 32's 33' 5 3134 3131 3117 4 31 197s 1914 197s 17 7 204 20's 204 14 36 6'4 534 534 24 13'4 Al 4314 134 54 6' 514 6 14 197s 1917 19 4 29 131'7 13 134 110 3474 33'4 3474 114 35 1344 1234 1334 1 65 251 24' 4 24' 1 20' 4 20'4 20' 4 13 18s 1734 17's 33 84 81 8s 7140 704 702 7014 91 173 17'4 1714 14 202 77 7 71's sn 226 4011 391 AO -4 at 23 267 2531 114 6 4197 4911 4939 I a 4 27 267 21 987 1434 131 133s 34 19 23 4 23'4 234 14 39 74 7 714 14 91 13 12'1! 12'R 17 1593 8 71K 7ess 47' a 49 99 127s 12 12 as 618 251 214 2514 314 269 7'4 64 74 154 5871 57 57 at 7 273S 27 213 3 334 3314 3314 59 3517 35 35' 4 11 81 34 3'4 3' 44 1814 174 181s 7s 7 68-4 684 684 14 212 25's 2411 2514 117 68 2434 2v 2434 114 44 291 28111 2812 4 113 1034 91 94 16 1211 12 12 1 427s 4 Pi 42116 -4- 14 16 10234 96 10174 6 2921 29'4 79' 4 33s 32's 33' 3134 3171 3112 4 19's 19714 19's 12 201-4 20 'B 204 6'-4 574 574 1314 Al 4314 134 6' 511 6 1-11 19's 1912 19 '4 1-8 1311 13' 1313 3474 3314 3474 4114 1344 1224 1324 1 25's 24'4 24'4 Sit 20' 4 20'4 20' 4 18's 177-4 17's 84 81 8's 7074 702 70'12 173 17's 17'1 tS 77 7 73 -s sm 401s 3951 40 267 2536 114 49's Oat 49314 27 2672 27 1431 131 133-s 4 23 4 23'4 2374 14 74 7 714 5534 2714 1214 13A6 Aber Pet 07e 48 10'4 Acme Hamil 51 836 Acme Prec 148 1034 Aero Chaffin 79 2734 Aerodex Inc 19 2014 AeroFlow 30 35 1534 Aeroiet 50a 35 3434 Aeronca Inc 94 2441 AerosolT 72t 58 1514 Aerovox Co 48 1134 Aiken Ind 15 1114 Aileen Inc 24 73 AIM Cos 136 1314 Airlift Intl 382 7 AiroAx El 20 22 1214 Air West 74 18011 Alex Maknet 15 4114 Alan Wd 140 7 3134 Alaska Airl 46 13 Alaska Inter 36 277's All Am Eng 15 124 Al leon Airl 54 211I Al leo Airl wt 11 13 wt 15 24 AllenElec Ea 2213 4034 Al lian 38e 71 24 Allied Art 52 13 AlliedCn 44a 116 32 Allison St 309 35 1514 Al lovs ltd 135 5014 Airno Indust 48 1234 Alsco Inc A 182 1414 AllamilCo 20 86 1814 Alter Pc's 50 43 2614 Alcoa b1375 2100 63 Amco Indust 101 124i Ameco Inc 52 17 A AutVnd 70 227 203i AmBiltrit 60 83 203v A Bk Prat 30 169 23314 An Business 3 10'v Am FinA 110 22 2114 Am Fin 01150 2 2214 A Israeli 19b 94 Am Mkt 165e 4 7334 Am Medic 20 80 5814 Am Petr 70e 222 293V Am Pre 05e 20 133v Am Sat Eouio 86 14 kberPet 07e 48 1014 kcme Ham' 51 814 kome Prec 148 1034 kero Chaffin 79 2714 kerodex Inc 19 2014 keroFlow 30 35 1534 keroiet 50e 35 3434 keronca Inc 94 24s kerosolT 728 58 1514 kerovox Co 48 1134 kiken Ind 15 11714 kiteen Inc 24 73 UM Cos 136 1314 kirlift Intl 3e2 7 kirpax El 20 22 1214 lur West 74 1834 kiex Maknet 15 4114 klan Wd 140 7 3134 klaske Airl 13 kiosks Inter 36 27716 kit Am End 15 1214 kliegh Airl 54 2114 klieg Airl wt 11 13 siteoCorp wt 15 24 kllenElec Ea 2213 4034 ltifl 38e 71 24 killed Art 52 13 SilletiCn Ma 116 32 kilisenSt 309 35 1514 Ilcvs Unitd 135 5014 kipho Indust AS 12314 kisco Inc A 182 1414 eitomilco 20 86 181e Siter Fds 50 43 26'4 klcoe 01375 2100 63 kmco Indust 101 120e kmeco Inc 52 17 AutVnd 70 227 2014 kmBlitrit 60 83 2014 I BkStret 30 169 2334 km Business 3 1014 Om FinA 110 22 2174 kmFin 01150 2 2214 Ilk Israeli 1913 94 8 nMln 1 A 3 A 71 Driver Harr 21 15's 15 156 31 Hygrad Food 19 2' 3274 38'1 1 4 Mutts Sup Ducoloy Co 82 610 S's 6 4 I 1M1 V9rn 1 SO 4 2614 75's 2514 '4 7S 60 76 00 75 60 15 60 75 40 Durrest 2Cp 77 14' 14 14' 4 1 star 44 46 204 2801 28'2 la Stock 8 97 1 I I Son 5 474" 777 20 a 77 IS i C179 11 7 711 14 At Dynalectrn 164 1649 15 NC In 1 17 314 128 2 154 44 I I Moyielab 41 1214 114 12 41 yar 0t 70 5 70 SO 7075 a05 470 40 '4 Ig'4 8 11 164P1 Ind 40 70's 1 9'011 201s9 19 '1 I MC Magnet 111 I5's 15s Ira 44 75 CHOICE STEERS 3147 1 4" I Multi Amo 17 2934 783 WORTH LIVESTOCK RECEIPTS 7 'I7 1VP0 I 1181 10'2 415's Eagle Co 3r) 9 322 3214 32' 2 1s moer 011 2a 137 802 711111 78'g -114 0 80 74 39 y'119 39 "a Cattle calves Hugs sheen Luais eh 77 a 27 90 27 70 27 A7 77 95 Scheib 64 27 2514 25 2514 14 mo IbC 70a 2 16 15'4 15'4 i Ai titer Cd 3' Pit 6114 71 1-119069 WO 400 200 00 1 Apr 77 41) 77 42 27 10 27 3S 21 47 East AD 9St 10 224 221 2214 ndlan Hd wt 31 291'4 781'4 2814 -1 1' MW-- Co 90 7 1849 18 1814 -Is Week 101(1 9S6 66 137 37211 Jun 2712 2 17 200 27 17 22 It East Co 140 I 33'2 33'2 33 napIsPL Pt 4 2100 64 63 63 12 Year ago i 378 834 2 225 40 Aud a2710 a27 25 Eastn Ert 21 13's 11116 1334 14 nd El Hard 68 74 614 7 I -4 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W'1 15's Cavitron CD 71 37 3-119 319 1'4 CBK Ind CA 142 149 14s 19 CenMe pf3 511 541'2 54'3 19 CentSec 29ce 9 79 731'4 7849 Centry El 60 5 273'4 22'1 Century Gen 43 14'3 133 14 Centrytrict74 1 26 199 Stk Div Sal 00 High low Close Nt Ch Bald DH 120 12 5314 52 1-4 52 11 I 16'i 3i3 BACM Indust 711 17314 161'4 Baker Ind 44 13 53 's 531 53' 3A Over-the-Counter Securities Quotations from the National Association of Securities Dealers Inc are representative inter-dealer prices as of about 2 pm Tuesday Inter-dealer markets changed during the day Prices do not include retail mark-up mark-down or commission existing franchised organization $3000 capital required backed by guarantee of success or refund of investment No experience necessary We train you BA Ask Bid Ask Bid As Bd Ask Fr comptoto informottors write (vying your phone 'somber (sod eirory of interest to PO Box 329-3 (Dept 45 SW1125t) Springfield 07081 To 36 2134 39 I 401i 34'2 15'4 712 4 2 1154 28 6 28 6 76 34 2 21 I 4 381'4 391'2 33'2 14' 4 614 3'2 11V4 27 534 33 51 23' 24 78'4 11'4 4'4 184 3112 I Mill IA 21 20" 2CP'4 Champ 32 16 4336 4-4 43'4 31i Co Inter Oil 176 177s IA' 3 17'1 118 53 ChAvter011 hi 6 16 1 16 IA rinft naS 60 16 1'1 11 151e Santos 20 Scamin 44 Shcort 48 SoUn Gas 3135 Solen Co SwstAir 934 Space 56 Saco 1016 StaGen 40 Tex Amo 1934 1481sTr 276 IxCn Pin 334 T1MEFt ese Tracor 1w) Ts Gas 87 TrIxAle tr11'2 TrInind 2314 Un8k LI 52 tin Guar 3014 tin Como 86 Vatic San 2i34 Vitro Wn Sales 45 WIOSvc In Ye' Tran 2314 1034 201-2 Lomas 15 16 1624 Lr1513r 1951 726 84 Mary Ka 42 1131 1211MercBk 47 73 75 MerFFt 31 4812 4914 Mi 1113r 714 324 331'4 NtBkL1 84 26 NIChem 554 37 3714 NtANLI 10 18 19 Neiman 39 3014 3024 Neohoft 19 73 75 NWPOSy 2614 15'2 1614 OlvrnLI 3'4 42 5 Pan Oil 9-4 112 117 Pearl Br 2912 81 94 82 121'2 1314 PnAmin 914 8J4 92 PnNtGas 227's 1114 1214 POSvLi 414 219 226 POSOIM 2934 111'4 lists Rec Ea 84 1514 1614 ReoGvo 20114 3414 35142 ReoNB 2914 84 834 RusSto 44 2524 2614 Sage 12 19 1924 Sa ladm 22'4 11'4 15 EIChico 68 70 EIPEI 112 17 Erna 7234 73112 Lner0R 30 31 Fithin 25v2 26 FNBOal 1114 141 ENBFW 1434 1534 Fst Wor 65 67 F1NNB 6 612 FWS1) 681'2 62' FrankiLi 1614 164 GenCru 9872 91 Glob Li 1112 Goinc Al A2 GI'Swst 17 38 Grill Ea 37 3812 Howins 21114 211A 16661-1 31)2 3212 Infotr 754 76 Ka 'yew 932 1014 KYCent 244 26 Keys 2n LancFd 3112 322 Landind 1612 LAneWd ill 2t Leeway AffCom Alcon Am Arnie LAmExo AmFdr ArnGen Am Hrto ArnNirts AnnBusc AratSh ArHArt RkAmer BIIpW Bonanza BrBery Camco CoSwes Collthof Comb In Comind CNBFW ()PA farAir etAuto errav 25 12 2 414 188 3212 3634 352 FinanGn 40b 192 171-4 1634 17 FirstNti Real 377 814 8134 814 34 LAiglon 50e 27 2612 25' 2 26'2 1 I) FstNR 0160k 6 3034 30 30 39 Lake Shore 109 5- 4 514 5111 a Fst RI wt 222 614 6 6 14 LaMaur 32 18 311-4 35 35 134 Ind A 97 1134 11 11 -134 FischerP 98f 64 2114 4114 Langley C0 55 853 81-8 878 pc Ctase 60 82 5514 51 531'4 -118 2011 21'3 Fisher 130a 57 5613 54 561 3 LaPoint 20 33 1414 1314 14 Pc Cst Proo 1 1 95-8 VI 9 54 4 Fishman 40b 5 1934 191 19'8 34 Lau Blow 80 16 213'4 71 71 14 POE 6pf 1 50 18 2458 241 2 24S1 '1 Lee 8 8 Filter Data 189 115 1321'4 1321'4 7-1 PGE of 137 3 2114 21' a 2157 la 7t 8 4 FleetwEn 2 0 61 3858 37 3-4 38 54 Leas() tof 2 20 74 81117 8034 8154 34 PGE Sof 125 4 1934 1914 1934 3 Cao 3 36 '4 1514 1513 14 Leasc bet wt 114 77'4 71334 71334 t34 PC rdpf I 25 7 194 19' a 191-4 14 Fluke Mfd 27 1S734 9 14334 14 14 3 i PG v10125 1 19 19 19 44 Foodrama 30 10 30134 30 301-8 34 1 6 6 6 34 48t)0129 9 1817 1834 1834 Ford Can 5a 2360 28134 279 28053 1-3 Lee Mot A Lee Nati Co 27 21534 701'4 21 13 'PG 4 500f111 2 1798 1754 1734 1-4 Forest it 25 18 1714 27 27 -1 Leere 60b 9 3058 3014 1013 64 I PG 4 1600109 1 1634 1114 1634 -14 Fores tLb 63t 78 2534 2371 2471 74 Lart Pre 4 56 4 22 2194 72 Aid PaC Indus 45 1053 1014 1018 -14 our ea Nu 115 5914 59 5013 In ss LSO 1 731'4 72s 73 34 1 Pac Lt bff50 2170 69 69 69 134 74 ranksNu 60 11 3334 3118 33 4 Lerner Sr '7 Si 27ig 265 26 es 1 Par Lt 0436 150 6634 601'4s 6514 -4-11-4 IFreanillo 10r 32 36 34 34 114 11 -2 14 Lerro0rStr wt $2 1534 15 1553 13 PecNwsTei 1 18 19 1854 19 18 FrientlFr 54t 39 1 1s LeslieF Al)t) 96 2834 271' 28'4 4-11 Pft of 5 T7S 7853 771' 18'8 -I Frier Ind 30 14 2518 25 2S '11 1LPVinTWan 40 224 5934 5R 4 58'4 at PacSNAir yzt 41 18 i71! 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Our special painting process is quick economical ond Iiminates paint in the air Call today for information AX 12314 YOUR OFFICE FURNITURE CAN BE PAINTED WHILE YOUR STAFF IS WORKING! 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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.