Costco Fuel Price (2024)

1. Costco Petrol Prices | Updated today!

  • Our Costco petrol price feed was updated today. Find the cheapest petrol or diesel price or compare against other petrol stations.

  • Our Asda petrol price feed was updated today. Find the cheapest petrol or diesel price or compare against other petrol stations. We can tell you the cheapest day of the week and Asda price history.

2. How Much Is Costco Fuel Today UK? - Petrol Prices

  • Find Costco fuel prices with the free PetrolPrices app. Find petrol and diesel prices across the UK with our free fuel price checker.

3. Costco Epping - Fuel Prices Map - Petrol Spy

  • Today's fuel prices at Costco Epping: Diesel 158.7; Unleaded 91 160.7; Premium U98 180.7. Address 60 Deveny Rd Epping VIC 3076; Phone Number +61 3 8359 3300.

  • ‹ ½¸˜\¬V«ã#Lµ—<Ø7ŒegÕˇ!ÜvR: Ùì€ø\`E9›0ÎHÎ ˆüÚR²CÙí)”D(¢‡gÊ`Þ¹vñÝñ{}g…}rH¯64ÚO~”;S3x7a\lpdîì]‡jÒ÷¼©þ$Ñ%0Ô}÷÷Þ¯ÿüøþo{òòÃúzàß¼]õ–ÿz5zõò™ìüz³•ï¢?ÝÞ¾é³=yâìøjÕ½B+€¬.[úgëjš0êó€Ø³5™¼ÿÖó<Ïö¼››öûo½N¯£¿]ÛëzpÝ}úÔöºOŸéëgCýõü‰ùÒ7{^ß|ôWwÜ~ÿm€v½á¾¾îë¯'0¼Ûévõ׸c¾`‘n·Ó5_ƒöûoo^hdnnnž5ˤ“<>±%fҎoëI]ÿr°S9R8¶Cº# dÊ{%0“1„©c\ˆýtƒÅš²‰7(#vhhßqºd£w6|I#¢ß PÃþp8NANWßMB„ÕDöPGx?YFÜÿ8¹¤ZÆðRò(Qdš®ŠÅ§;¨Ð\.¹R|3:×ÛpªxH’•šxS¡Ç—¯!PRä钋€ˆI'¾C’G4@Òæ-p@9ÄwþyÈ;R'ª *ÁMºv ŸÐx€GxT=Œï¦éÄþ >Ӓ¢Œã»iÆ·%¿ƒ»À˜Â’ßMí ÿtæQãÝ£¶vª¤‡r?¢›˜…™ÒDô㻌Ô'D'Q|‡¬[-yè3iµCm‰¢>ncAqTÃÚN3ÆØ{ÃÓl«ù}éE°Å?¬ÙÝöEÄ×ÜÖèä¶êDÚ68¼Åòðɦ, wÏPát÷͂”ï?W!P°Fq"¬H/¸ôÚ^Û»šÞ÷ðЭãG‹ƒþ;Yr3ÔS‰ë:=«îhD‚œ‚«ÕjZ¸'g,Ȧ$8Ýn|WÑÙ®3‚§¢wüèG‰$–$"¾2ˆù‰\L²ÂI¤¦Ú5ä4'QDcIåtRElcÌ÷Nà¸PÇ/´X©qYq®À³1¼¥kíì%‡œ9çÌNÊÄëÏSB zñ]‰°}­ôC­)a´,”´º×ëõ{ý:T”15…ۇÀ†{qª !ønB™$ yàŠõ_vƒvöÏé ¯R£¥w}<5ÊfˆnðšhÏh¹t³võà_—kGn×ÖUjC{£ø.Û3\Ÿ]MÈA¾¡|¿qÎçpQ<þ<&%?TV-¡¡ÑêT¸5>™ý9|6„%'uJu ¤‰ÜlÎJ\¬¡žèxÞã+ƒfÏ+ð´$·Ž–Y0Ū4.f0º>aŠˆòcAb‚AOÓ«i=fc}jÀ­•dÜèyfëp, ‚€®¯(‰‚ccd{a*L¼®0­ãUbëz1ýÏk^õsö#.IÅÚ>f¦±«Yl@GTª†ØDS$óݛñu9BU땢L[åUD`MîSÙډÑ2®Ôù¯<Þ.¯“ýÈz%š:V!Eô~X=M“…*²©A”1f÷ÃÔ#Î@5Ä8:8‘ÈaŸÎ$€ƒu¢TAV×¼ˆ‰<‚0h[{0–˜1"lԈy²ö zA8žá­ñÛY¬J—‰O3яÇã£cæiÜݬùÐÁ6,…¸5Z×ÂfвŽº“ÚãþãbñÔ×fa+¨˜þSY¡E]HM@nðWäÛQxõ{Á€e¥uÏAÐx´@ðø9ß±gœð¦è5Xš|ŽN®’ÆÕeñÓ¨úW¿o‡¥À¿rŽ9:Ré¨FÚ_¼dj™Ý"P2ëÔ©“ç°3öÑ®2©Œè´º!ÈC$L‰½ øŽrY;ñÝg©JøÔÕ#³@ÅøÚiÕ¬Ôï?>Þ7V†sg“CFíPTs+ ˤnfc:´˜òûTí'θ@ ’eDê!ý™ÒÑYÔØ:Ým˜‡1Y$Vëáj0Ò)=­ßM‹¦!ĤçmCÔßîP¯aÁmX?oweª™CcÁ3R—y9u2![ùð©R¶D˜ás›,¬W%æëžÆ|úVºÅf}êÝà;;³²g)Ó°ŠV¯íîø9Dz¨ŠIÏéowù‘Lã:Nw»3:Ñ53©ÎÚ¦«®5s]ÍÒúÃrÂtƒ)³SKbI*³VÎ}¦ ħÚ9VÒPd...

4. Find The Nearest Costco Gas Stations & Cheapest Prices - GasBuddy

  • Costco was recognised by GasBuddy as the cheapest fuel station nationwide for the 5th year in a row. Membership costs $60 per year.

  • Find Cheap Gas Prices at Costco

Find The Nearest Costco Gas Stations & Cheapest Prices - GasBuddy

5. Costco North Lakes - Fuel Watch Prices Map - Petrol Spy

  • Today's petrol prices at Costco North Lakes: U98 180.7, Unleaded E10 158.7, P Diesel 160.7, AdBlue 188.0.

  • ‹ ½Ç{³qȧ»nš¾%ÒuÊצ‡cD¦ ˜{¡~r²Ü¾[cïfÃYû¦ ŸÈÌc;Âç{²¾¡Òl}x|,’ƒé±XbÞµ¼!U8‹Ÿ=‚àø†‘Xv×Ì?´Œ’u/èÃîZ€l¦O<Ʊ¤,žÅ,&%8Ë'â6´£dòÛ%R(PDïKyol “Ûã_՝ {ä.»ÚÒè0ûAìqäÏõpàÝ,f|‹#}gOè&”³ãÌ÷f).€¡öûôýñæÃßÿþôÕÇÍxè]½ú뽞¼~õ\ô~½Ú‰?џ®¯?„ôù¿ž>µö,ÜK dyÑQ?;—ó4¦ó‰Éq¼!³ß:Žã˜ŽsuÕýð­Óë÷Ô×Ð5Þ°×î³g¦ã>{®®ŸÔ׋§úKÝì;ý5Q_î´ûá[€ºÎèJ]êë)w{®«¾¦=ý‹¸nÏÕ_Ãî‡o¯^*d®®®^«¤,å1Ž…™pÖU‚pÿrgfr$qb†tF@Ȍ÷’ãX$˜“X“Rìç[Ì74ž9óˆÆÄ5í{–K¶jqkËÖ4"Šñ-5ŒF£Ñä4ˆØ~Rß'qCdï|*’fëˆy7ó„ ªd¯‹RIæÙª8•l¾§¾õåšIɶ³‘5ޅsÉ@’ræ̹_A¾@E‘çkÆ}Âg½ä QåHë&Ç>MÅl˜Ü"øç çHã$•]P Ì nÓµ1|Z@ã!žàIô(¹gCøÌ+Š2Mnç9ßÖìîc2kv;7·ìәG­wÊB˜™’ޝûÝ&ŒKKEÔá ¹ÍI}B`@t֛$·È¸V’‡®q,ŒnH¢‘ÔÃ]Ì)Ž*bØØiÎó yšoµ¸/<΢v Yê… »Û}± 3:…­:‘¶-NÀï°¸ûdÒØ'·3GSát÷í‚Tì¿P!P°Zq",Iß¿pºN×¹œß÷ðèӝåEó;õw¶f2<æ¨gÖu~*VîdBü‚‚AÌK÷dM9ÙVÇu“ۚκÖFœŠÞ=ò£¥‚pSˆxR#æ¥\0>óI€ÓHΕk(hN¢ˆ&‚Šù>¤’˜"Á˜ï=ÇI©Ž_h±gÆ%`L‚g‹ñŽn”ÿ1טßÌ9gv2&žðø؄¤yžjØOn+„(¥)%È£d¡¢Õý~Ð4¡¢œ©ÜDš&,ØO2 ±Ïö3"‘ƒ .߬ñ…;vóVt™-µëãi¬Q5Ct‹7DyFæۍ­ÿºÞXb·1.3ڟ$·ùžáúØþdè*BKô5å­s>‡‹dÉç1©)ù]mÕ ­^[ӓٟÃgKâô¡^¡€Ô‘›©Ã¹» ¨g zŽó$ÇJ£ÙwJ<ÍÉm¢¥Ì°ªŒ+„Œ®GbIxõ1' Á §ÙÕ¼3‚±>5àÖ*2®õ<·u8IæÁÎ@×J"ÿØÙÞG˜Ç5¦õœZlÝ@O!¦þ9í«~ŽÃ^Äi²XÙÇÜ4ºŠÅtD…l‰MErïá¶Øˆ¯«Ñª[¯•U"k2âÈTN¬Œ–q# .~ñvuüGîÐkÑÔ±)¢÷Êè9hŠ,T’m¢Hp|?L5âTMŒ£…S¬øÓكp°I”:Èúš"9‹ ÌÚ6Œ5ŽcÂMì7ˆy²•øôj‚p<Ã[í·óX!“.Ÿæ¢3N§GKÏS¸!ºÝÜC‡»°â6hݛAËzèNfOÊÅ3_›‡­ bêOdM!Õ¹Æg8zR“oKâuDäׂËx¬Ï=³«<(šaOÒ]ۑ¶7¼þ½NT]]«ç^–am8„¨å.g”«Ó•uÏAPxt-Ÿ³äÛÇÏY›¡×biúð9Z…JÎb&/ʟ¦OÐ׿üºVÿÚ9æh ©¢a~ñ’™ fºe ¤×iR'ÏagñYgRÑy}C‡HcÉ&PÐgûø®µß}–ªÄ‡OS=rTŽoœVõJƒÁ“ã}c•a8wÖ89d4E ·Ò²Lèæ6¦I‹9K°GåafMKÔ YFø]3¤?³B6:Z [Ë݅E“GÂ`µÎ®#›ÒWúݶhBÌúÎ.DƒÝõ[܅ÍÓùn_¥š>4¶<'uõWP'²ÀƒO...

6. Costco Casuarina - Fuel Watch Prices Map | FuelRadar

Costco Casuarina - Fuel Watch Prices Map | FuelRadar

7. Costco Gas Prices in the DC / DMV area in one page -

  • This page shows latest Costco gas prices in Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC. $ Green indicates decreased prices.

  • Costco Gas Prices in the DC / DMV area in one page. The prices are updated several times a day.

Costco Gas Prices in the DC / DMV area in one page -

8. Costco Northlakes - Fuel Watch Prices Map | FuelRadar

  • Today's petrol prices at Costco Northlakes, QLD: E10 158.7 , PDSL 160.7 , P98 180.7.

  • Today's petrol prices at Costco Northlakes, QLD: E10 158.7 , PDSL 160.7 , P98 180.7

Costco Northlakes - Fuel Watch Prices Map | FuelRadar

9. costco birmingham automat - Petrol Prices

  • Check out today's fuel prices at Costco Petrol Station on Heartlands Parkway. Experience top-quality service and unbeatable prices at Costco today"

costco birmingham automat - Petrol Prices

10. COSTCO 41015 SEVILLA - Real time petrol prices - Fuel-Flash

  • Current petrol prices, opening times and adress of COSTCO in 41015 SEVILLA, CALLE GANIMEDES, 9.

  • Current petrol prices, opening times and adress of COSTCO in 41015 SEVILLA, CALLE GANIMEDES, 9

11. FuelWatch

  • Provides the motoring public of Western Australia with up to date information on fuel prices. Allows wholesalers and retailers with online access to the ...

  • To get the best experience using the FuelWatch website we recommend upgrading to a supported compatible browser, such as the latest Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.

12. Costco - 12905 Buffalo Run Blvd - Calgary, AB -

  • I have converted to Costco fuel over the past several months. I like their pricing but today I am really questioning the accuracy of the gasoline pump I ...

  • Costco in Calgary, AB. Carries Regular, Premium. Has Membership Pricing, Propane, Pay At Pump, Restrooms, Loyalty Discount, Membership Required. Check current gas prices and read customer reviews. Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars.

Costco - 12905 Buffalo Run Blvd - Calgary, AB -

13. Here's why gas is so cheap at Costco and Walmart - CNN

  • 20 nov 2021 · Although wholesalers are able to make a profit on gas, they're not making much: Costco, for example, reported that gasoline has a lower profit ...

  • Gas prices are skyrocketing, and Americans want to save at the pump. That plays right into the hands of Costco, BJ’s Wholesale Club and Sam’s Club.

Here's why gas is so cheap at Costco and Walmart - CNN

14. Live New Zealand Fuel Prices - Gaspy

  • Database last updated 18 Sep 2024 @ 06:26PM NZ Average Fuel Prices · Unleaded 91 · Diesel · Unleaded 95 · Unleaded 98.

  • Loading Data..

15. Gas Prices - St. Louis - KSDK

  • Gas Prices ; 2.79, Costco 101 Costco Way St Peters Aug 30,1:53 PM, 101 Costco Way, St Peters, Aug 30, 1:53 PM ; 2.80, BP 1980 S MO-94. St Charles Aug 30,7:54 AM ...

  • Lowest gas prices from KSDK in St. Louis, Missouri

16. Here's How Costco Keeps Their Gas So Cheap - Reader's Digest

  • 14 mrt 2022 · Why is gas so cheap at Costco? The answer is simple: they just have very loyal customers. To purchase their gas, you have to be a member, and ...

  • Costco's gas price is some of the cheapest around—but why? Well, the reason behind their cheap gas is actually quite simple.

Here's How Costco Keeps Their Gas So Cheap - Reader's Digest

17. Costco petrol prices: Everything you need to know about fuel prices ...

  • 21 mrt 2022 · Petrol costs 159.7p and diesel costs 171.9p at Costco, which are much lower than the average fuel prices.

  • Petrol costs 159.7p and diesel costs 171.9p at Costco, which are much lower than the average fuel prices

Costco petrol prices: Everything you need to know about fuel prices ...

18. Here's How Much Costco Gas Could Save the Average Driver in a Year

  • 17 jul 2024 · Across the seven cities, Costco's prices ranged from $0.15 to $0.46 per gallon less than the city's average gas price. That worked out to be ...

  • Costco has a reputation for rock-bottom gas prices. The real data is slightly less enthusiastic. See our results for the actual numbers.

Here's How Much Costco Gas Could Save the Average Driver in a Year

19. Costco Marsden Park Fuel Watch & Warehouse Chat - Facebook

  • This group is for Costco members, run by members. It's purpose is to update the current fuel price at Costco Fuel Station Marsden Park.

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

20. Costco drops petrol below $1 a litre in Canberra

  • Costco has dropped the price of unleaded petrol for its members at Majura Park to 97.7 cents a...

Costco drops petrol below $1 a litre in Canberra

21. Costco cuts the price of petrol to 147.7p | RAC Drive

  • 24 nov 2022 · Costco has reacted to the falling wholesale market by cutting its petrol by 8p a litre to 147.7p – 12p less than the average price of a litre bought at a ...

  • Diesel at Costco is on sale at its 19 forecourts for an average of 171.6p – nearly 14.5p less than the UK average and 12p cheaper than at a supermarket.

Costco cuts the price of petrol to 147.7p | RAC Drive
Costco Fuel Price (2024)


What's the price of gas at Costco in Raleigh? ›

Fuel Tracker
2.670Costco 2838 Wake Forest Rd Raleigh - Inside Beltline Sep 18,7:14 PM
2.810Shell 1637 S Saunders St Raleigh - Inside Beltline Sep 18,11:54 PM
2.870Speedway 3912 Western Blvd Raleigh - Inside Beltline Sep 18,2:52 PM
2.890Circle K 3289 Avent Ferry Rd Raleigh - Inside Beltline Sep 18,11:21 PM
6 more rows

How much cheaper is Costco fuel? ›

Drivers filling up at Costco will generally save more than £6.50 a tank compared to a supermarket. RAC fuel spokesman Simon Williams said: “Drivers who aren't fortunate enough to be members of Costco will no doubt be horrified to see just how cheaply fuel can be sold.

How to find Costco gas prices? ›

Costco Gasoline

Launch the app and tap the Warehouse icon at the bottom of the screen. Tap the pin of the warehouse you want to view gas prices at. You will be taken to the Warehouse details page. View the warehouse's hours and current gas prices.

How much is gas at Costco in Winston, Salem, North Carolina? ›

Costco in Winston-Salem (1085 Hanes Mall Blvd)

Where does Costco gas come from? ›

Q: Where does Costco get its fuel? A: Costco buys fuel from major refineries and distributors in each area. All Kirkland Signature™ Fuel is guaranteed, just like the merchandise we sell inside the warehouse.

Does Costco gas really save money? ›

Most reports seem to indicate that Costco gas tends to be about $0.20 less on average than traditional gas stations in the same area, although there are reports that estimate the savings at nearly double this amount. To be conservative with the analysis, we'll use $0.20 per gallon in savings.

Why is Costco fuel better? ›

In addition to deposit control additives, our diesel fuel also includes additives that improve cold engine startability and provide wear protection. These additives help improve combustion for easy start-up and smooth operation, and help protect critical fuel system components from harmful wear.

Can anyone buy fuel from Costco? ›

Can anyone buy fuel at a Costco Fuel Station? The Fuel Station is open to Costco members only.

Can I go to Costco without my card? ›

Costco requires you to show your membership card to even get inside, so if you don't have one, you'll have to speak to the employee at the front door to gain entrance.

How to see Costco prices? ›

You must be logged in to and have a valid Costco Membership number saved in your online account to view pricing and/or purchase Member Only Items. When viewing product details, you will be prompted to login to your account to display pricing and enable the Add to Cart button.

How much is Costco gas in Myrtle Beach SC? ›

Gas Tracker
2.530Costco 1021 Oak Forest Ln Myrtle Beach Sep 16,12:31 AMMyrtle Beach
2.550Murphy Express 577 International Dr Myrtle Beach Sep 16,5:47 AMMyrtle Beach
2.550Walmart 3601 Walton Dr Myrtle Beach Sep 16,12:31 AMMyrtle Beach
2.550Walmart 3915 N Kings Hwy Myrtle Beach Sep 15,9:19 AMMyrtle Beach
6 more rows

How much is gas in Greensboro, NC? ›

Current Avg.$2.920$3.395
Yesterday Avg.$2.931$3.401
Week Ago Avg.$2.969$3.441
Month Ago Avg.$3.174$3.619
1 more row

What is the gas price at Costco in Salem Oregon? ›

3.380Costco 4865 27th Ave SE Salem Sep 14,2:13 PMSalem
3.380Space Age 1080 Lancaster Dr SE Salem Sep 14,2:10 PMSalem
3.380Space Age 1570 Whitaker Dr SE Salem Sep 14,2:08 PMSalem
3.38076 4671 Logistics st SE Salem Sep 13,2:28 PMSalem
6 more rows

What are Costco Durham senior hours? ›

Starting the week of July 13, special shopping hours for Costco members who are 60 or older will be from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays.

How much is gas in North Carolina right now? ›

North Carolina average gas prices
Current Avg.$2.914$3.741
Yesterday Avg.$2.917$3.740
Week Ago Avg.$3.001$3.831
Month Ago Avg.$3.203$4.021
1 more row

How much is gas in Florida? ›

Gas Prices in Florida
2.87 CashGolden King 11369 N US-301 Thonotosassa Sep 19,7:28 PM11369 N US-301
2.87Daybreak Market & Fuel 10320 US-301 Riverview Sep 19,3:27 PM10320 US-301
2.88 CashSam's Club 2575 Gulf-to-Bay Blvd Clearwater Sep 19,4:24 PM2575 Gulf-to-Bay Blvd
7 more rows

Is Costco coming to Garner, NC? ›

The largest Costco store in North Carolina has opened in Garner. We've got details. The largest Costco store in North Carolina made its debut today in Garner, and fans were ready for it, lining up hours before the store opened.


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Last Updated:

Views: 5408

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.